It's Red Ribbon Week!

Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program. It started after the death of Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who in 1985 was brutally murdered by drug traffickers he was investigating in Mexico. After his death, people started wearing red ribbons to honor Kiki’s sacrifice. Today, millions of people celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing red ribbons, participating in community anti-drug events, and pledging to live drug-free lives. 

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, The Hub wants to remind you about the dangers of underage drinking and binge drinking. While some may not consider alcohol a drug, it is. Alcohol is classed as a depressant, which means it slows down vital functions, impairs coordination and reaction time, and distorts perception. It also impairs judgement and the ability to think rationally. Take this 6 question quiz to see how much you know about alcohol. 

We know young people in our communities are drinking before age 21, but we can all work together to prevent it, which is what Red Ribbon Week is all about. Parents, caregivers, educators and communities as a whole all play a role in prevention. Below are a variety of resources to help. 

Find data, resources and other information to help guide discussions about alcohol. 

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The Dangers of Binge Drinking

Alcohol Consumption in the United States In 2019, almost 66% of Americans enjoyed at least one drink over the course of the year and almost 50% of Americans considered themselves to be regular drinkers. But what happens when a person’s alcohol consumption becomes excessive?

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Take Back Day is This Saturday! 

Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 29th, 10 AM - 2 PM. Locally and around the country, unwanted or unused prescription and over-the-counter medications will be collected. Pet meds accepted, but no liquids, creams or needles. Click the graphic to see local collection sites.

If you cannot attend a Take Back Day event, you can learn how to safely dispose of medications at home or contact The Hub to get a free medication disposal bag. You can also dispose at medication drop box. Here are locations in Southwestern CT. Remember, always store your medication in a secure place so nobody else has access to it.

Local Events

November 1st, 9 - 10:30 AM

November 2nd, 6 - 7:30 PM

Upcoming: November 2nd

Register now.


The CADCA Guide includes the following information:

  • How to raise drug misuse and underage drinking issues with the candidates
  • Sample questions to get the candidates on record
  • How to organize a campaign event
  • A follow-up form to document the candidates’ positions
  • Points of Contact for State Boards of Elections
  • A summary of relevant federal tax and election laws for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
  • Information on House and (where applicable) Senate races for each U.S. state and territory.

Download the guide.


In the News


CT expanding pediatrician training on mental health; setting up more school-based, ER resources

The Access Mental Health Connecticut program is expanding under an $80 million allocation in the federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Lawmakers and mental health experts gathered at Wheeler Family Health & Wellness Center in New Britain Monday, to discuss how the funds should be utilized to fill gaps in pediatric mental health care.

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What To Do If You're Impacted By The Adderall Shortage

The Food and Drug Administration announced a nationwide shortage of Adderall last week - and this is not the first time that supply has struggled to keep up with demand. Adderall shortages have occurred on a regular basis for the past three or four months, according to Dr. Royce Lee, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago in Illinois.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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