It's Self-Care Sunday!

It's easy to get lost in the "hustle-n-bustle" of the week.  There are the "should's, need-to's, and have-to's" that need your attention.  But for today, Sunday, take a moment to do something nice for yourself to relax, rejuvenate, and re-energize.

Your Self-Care Tip:  
Set your self-care intention. What will you do this week as part of your self-care activity? Will it be taking a short walk at the end/beginning of the day, doing some simple stretches when you wake up in the morning, packing a homemade lunch, cooking a healthy meal, carving out some "quiet time" to think and reflect, etc. Whatever it is, set an intention to do this every day of the week.

Now, go do it!

To your good mental health and well-being,
Dr. Linda
Linda T. Inatsuka, Ph.D.
8066 North 56th Street
Tampa, Florida 33617
(813) 985-6121