1. What is your current occupation?

I’m the Head of WordPress at GoDaddy and involved in everything from product development and strategy to partnerships and acquisitions.

For context, WordPress is a content management system (CMS) used to create websites. Around ⅓ of all websites run on WordPress. GoDaddy is a public technology company—the world’s largest domain registrar and website host.

2. What do you love most about your job and why?

Starting a business is one of the purest, most challenging pursuits there is. Helping people build businesses as great as their ambitions is what GoDaddy does. In my role, I get to do this through WordPress, which I love and have been working with for over a decade. So, my job combines two of my favorite things--it’s pretty great.

3. What has changed in your industry in the past five years?

Hosting has been around for decades, but traditional hosting is evolving into site builders (Squarespace, Shopify, Wix, etc.) at the low end and cloud service offerings (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.) at the high end. CMSs like WordPress and traditional hosts are evolving to adapt to these trends. There are growing pains, but it’s better for consumers in the long run--things should get easier and cheaper.

4. How has CapeSpace improved your work life?

We have an office in Kendall Square in Cambridge but commuting off Cape everyday isn’t an effective use of time. CapeSpace gives me a place to work near home, focus and makes me substantially more productive than working from home. I really love it here.

I also started the  WordPress Cape Cod meetup  at CapeSpace with Jean, another awesome CapeSpace member. The professional community here at CapeSpace is fantastic and the team makes life easy, so I can focus on my work.