Growth Spurts

ABOVE (l to r): CAFCA Executive Director Becky Miller Updike; Colorado State Senator Tony Exum; Amy Yutzy, CCHA at the CCHA Grants Award Celebration in Colorado Springs, December 20. 2023.


Margaret Meade once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” I feel so blessed to be part of one of those groups of thoughtful, dedicated and committed professionals who work so tirelessly to bring about change that will impact the lives of so many children and families.

We should all be proud of the work we do. We change lives. That’s a pretty powerful thing. But no matter how much we accomplish, there is always more work to be done. And I suspect there always will be. So, we must work harder and do better to make an even bigger impact on the lives of the kids and families we serve. One way to do that is to be a part of the change we work so hard to bring about.

The start of a new year marks the beginning of a series of changes here at CAFCA, all of which will lead to even greater outcomes for our organization as well as for our member agencies. Change is represented in the form of this brand-new newsletter, Show & Tell. It’s represented by our new Director of Development & Member Services, who joined our staff in December. It’s represented by incredible funding opportunities, which will result in the creation of new programs, including one that will allow Colorado facility schools greater access to much-needed supplies and services.

After 41 years, we’re evolving to an even greater level of success that will allow us and our member agencies to work harder and do better, so that we can improve the lives of even more kids and families across Colorado. 


ABOVE (l to r): CAFCA Executive Director Becky Miller Updike and Hope Forti of Project 1.27, as leaders of the grant collaborative, accept a check from Amy Yutzy of CCHA.

CAFCA Receives CCHA Grant to Launch Family Support Navigation Pilot

Our growth is happening in a number of ways, including new funding sources that will support program expansion at CAFCA. Colorado Community Health Alliance (CCHA) recently awarded more than $1.3 million to 16 innovative community organizations across Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, El Paso, Gilpin, Jefferson, Park, and Teller counties through the 2024 CCHA Community Incentive Program. The unique program supports community entities that improve health, reduce costs and increase access to services for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members. 

CAFCA was fortunate enough to be one of those organizations, receiving a total of $150,000 that will be divided among a new collaboration of 12 community organizations including CAFCA. All of the agencies participating in the collaboration currently provide a variety of services, treatment, advocacy efforts, and supports for foster families. 

CAFCA, which serves as the fiscal sponsor for the Family Support Navigation Pilot grant, will work with Project 1.27 to lead this new initiative to remove barriers preventing kids from getting quality, integrated psychiatric, medical, and tangible support. We are honored to have been selected as one of CCHA's grantees.

CAFCA Awarded CDE Grant for Facility Schools Shared Services

As part of SB23-219 legislation, the Office of Facility Schools, a division of the Colorado Dept. of Education (CDE), was required to issue the Shared Operational Services Grant – which will be responsible for determining need, coordinating and organizing, and finding ways that services and/or costs can be shared among and between facility schools. And the CDE selected CAFCA as the recipient of the $200,000 grant, which will be distributed over a two-year period. There is potential for a multitude of goods and services to “share” so that economies of scale can be optimized across our schools.

The new CAFCA program will be managed by Director of Development & Member Services, Dave Sevick, who is excited to get the program up and running.

Sevick said, "For far too long, our facility schools have been underfunded and, in my opinion, underappreciated. They do amazing work on shoestring budgets. I am so excited to be part of an effort that will help ease some of the pressure and stress that has been a part of their daily existence by providing them with better access to supplies and equipment that every school should have, regardless of whether or not they fall into the category of "facility schools."

The first phase of the process, which is already underway, includes a thorough and comprehensive analysis and compilation of the needs and wishes of facility schools. The program will support all Colorado facility schools and not just those that are CAFCA members. The Shared Services Program should be fully operational by the summer of 2024. To find out more information, you can email Dave here.

Date and Venue Set for 2024

Annual Conference


The CAFCA Annual Conference will have a new look in 2024 as it returns to its former home in the Front Range foothills. Mt. Vernon Canyon Club will host this year's event on Thursday, August 29, just before the start of the Labor Day holiday weekend.

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Requests for COVID-19 Tests on the Rise; Here's How to Find Them


CAFCA member agencies had a helping hand during and after the pandemic in the form of free COVID testing kits, courtesy of the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), whose generosity enabled CAFCA to distribute more than 15,000 COVID tests to organizations statewide. 

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Our New Newsletter


Another of the many changes at CAFCA over the past few months is the creation of "Show and Tell," our brand-new newsletter designed to keep you informed of everything happening at CAFCA and with our member agencies. We are starting out on a quarterly format, but we may adopt a monthly format if content warrants it.

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New CAFCA Staff


CAFCA is pleased to welcome non-profit marketing and communications specialist, Dave Sevick to our staff. Sevick, who is well-known for 30-plus years of work with several successful Colorado-based non-profits, will serve as Director of Development & Member Services with a primary focus on overseeing CAFCA's new shared services division, which will enhance and expand support for CAFCA's member agencies and, more specifically, facility schools that are affiliated with those agencies.

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