Connection Fair this Sunday, Jan. 26
Find your place to “Share love” at Woodmont! The Connections Fair is a way for you to meet many of our group leaders face-to-face and learn more about a particular Small Group, Sunday School class, Bible Study or Dinner For 8 Group!
Not finding the group you are looking for? This will also be a time to talk with us about what you are interested in or maybe becoming a group leader yourself!
Contact Tammy Morgan at with any questions or if you have an “open” group or class that you would like to have represented!
This Sunday, Jan. 26, in the Gathering Hall in between services from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM.
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Father-Daughter Dance Feb. 2
Our favorite annual tradition is back! The Father-Daughter Dance is next Sunday, Feb. 2, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This is for fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc., and daughters of all ages. To make sure that we have everything we need, click the button below to RSVP.
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It's Superhero Sunday!
Superhero Sunday is this Sunday, Jan. 26! All Woodmont kids are invited to come dressed as your favorite superhero, princess, sports superstar, or whoever you imagine a superhero to be, and enjoy a pancake breakfast before Sunday School with the line opening at 8:30 AM.
We will welcome Karen Allemang from Unbound in Kansas City as our superhero of the day to share about our partnership with Guatemala.
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Karen has been Woodmont's constant connection since 2008, when we first started partnering with Unbound. She has facilitated our travel, our sponsorships and our unique homebuilding projects over the years.
With two upcoming Woodmont trips to Guatemala, Karen wants to personally thank Woodmont for their love and support. She will be traveling with us in March and there are a few spots available if you would like to join!
Please welcome Karen as she joins each of the Sunday services, the elementary kids for a special presentation, and a meet and greet between services in the space outside the Bridge/Chapel.
This Saturday, Jan. 25, all travelers and families on the upcoming trips are invited to gather and meet Karen at Campbell West from 5 PM to 8 PM. Cheers to all of Unbound's superheros!
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Maintaining Healthy Relationships
by Clay Stauffer
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I invite you to join me this week in praying for our nation and for the new administration that is now in place.
This Sunday, January 26, we will talk about boundaries and how we can safeguard our relationships in life. The quality of our relationships is directly tied to the quality of our lives. Because we are social creatures, we long for intimacy and connection with each other. The absence of this in a marriage or relationship can lead to major challenges. Relationships take work and effort. They cannot be put on cruise control. In the same way that physicians are able to identify physical symptoms that point to declining health, the same can also be true in our relationships with each other.
Drs. John and Julie Gottman are the co-founders of the Gottman Institute at the University of Washington in Seattle. Over the years, they have done extensive research at their “love lab” on marriage and relationship dynamics. Marriage and family therapists all over the world have turned to the Gottmans for guidance and insight. In their clinical research, they have been able to identify four behavioral patterns that, when unaddressed, can lead to major problems in relationships: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. These have been referred to as the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” and can become problematic on many levels.
“Criticism” of a spouse or partner is very different from offering a critique or complaint. Criticism is usually directed towards a person’s character and is not well received. When criticism becomes pervasive, it causes the other person to feel assaulted, rejected, and hurt. Criticism often paves the way for the other three horsemen.
The second horseman is “contempt.” The Gottmans conclude that contempt is “fueled by long-simmering negative thoughts about the partner.” This often happens in a passive-aggressive manner and is usually done to get rise out of the other person. Contempt is the result of a deep resentment or a grudge that builds over time. The Gottmans have discovered that contemptuous relationships can actually weaken the immune system and our ability to fight off infection.
The third horseman is “defensiveness” which is often the natural result of the first two. When we feel attacked or accused, our natural reaction is to be defensive towards our partner. This may be understandable but defensiveness has a negative effect on our relationships. This is often the way that we turn the tables and blame our partner for something that is most likely our own fault.
The fourth and final horseman is “stonewalling.” Stonewalling is what happens when one person shuts down and simply blocks out the other. It is a clear indication that one of the partners has “checked out.” Stonewalling is usually a last resort and is utilized when the negativity of the first three horsemen becomes overbearing.
These four behavioral patterns should serve as warning signs in any relationship or marriage and they should not be ignored. If they become patterns, it may indicate that something is wrong. The Gottmans do offer clear antidotes to each of these.
Criticism should be replaced by a gentle start-up where feelings are expressed in a positive manner. Contempt should be replaced by a culture of appreciation where gratitude and affirmation are expressed. Defensiveness should be replaced by taking responsibility and apologizing for any wrongdoing. It may just be the result of a lack of communication. When stonewalling occurs, that often signals that the partner needs some time alone to do something soothing and enjoyable.
Different people require varying amounts of personal time. Relationships can be very complicated and they take effort and intentionality. However, learning to identify and avoid these patterns of behavior will lead to stronger marriages, closer friendships, healthier family life, and ultimately a better society.
See you Sunday,
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Worship Night is Tuesday, Jan. 28
Our monthly Worship Night is next Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 6:00 PM in the chapel. This is a 30-minute, full-band, casual service meant to give you a midweek uplift and reset. Come for some encouragement, music, and fellowship! Questions? Contact
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"The Enneagram, Love, & Relationships" is Feb. 5
Woodmont is hosting a special Valentine’s event featuring Hunter Mobley as we ask the question, "How can the Enneagram enhance our love maps?" on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 6:15 PM in Carpenter Chapel with dinner beforehand at 5:30 PM.
If you're planning to attend, click the button below to RSVP!
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"Dinner For 8" groups forming now
It’s incredible how much the Bible talks about food! It’s almost as if God wants us to share a meal together!
Coming in February, sign up now for “Dinners for 8” at Woodmont! Meet over dinner with some amazing people from our church once a month in February, March, April, & May. Here’s how it works! Give us your name and contact info and we’ll group you with eight “Woodmonters.” You’ll meet eight new people you may have never met before, with whom you can share your story and get to know better - the kind of people who could very well become your friends for life! You can meet at someone’s home, a favorite restaurant, or a fun location like a park and bring a potluck. It's your choice!
Fill out this registration form and we will help you find your "Dinner For 8" group. On Tuesday, Jan. 28, we’ll let you know the group you’re in with some suggestions for your first meeting! For more information or questions, email Jay Hutchens
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Speaking Truth
by Abby Akers
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There's this phenomenon rooted within cognitive science called the 'illusory truth effect'. It essentially means that when you hear or read a claim repeatedly, you are more likely to believe in it. Words tend to have more power than people realize. They are a medium of true understanding, or being understood.
Words said over and over again go from a simple claim to a deeply rooted belief.
Today more than ever, kids are having to fight lies and cling to truth. Whether at school or on the screen, the enemy is prowling around young people... he is after young identities.
It gives me goosebumps to picture a middle schooler nowadays not only hearing a word of truth spoken over their life but grabbing ahold of it and fighting off the lies of identity that adolescence naturally brings. It seems like there are more societal standards today than when I was in middle school just 10 years ago. With the wave of TikTok and rising social media portals, it is so incredibly necessary for students to hear from all the adults around them the real, solid, firm truth that in Jesus' name they are enough just as they are. They are loved.
The more I hang out with these students, the more I want to speak truths over their lives. Over and over again until these words become anchors of belief they have in themselves.
Join me in praying scripture-inspired truth over Generation Z, Generation Alpha, and the newest, Generation Beta.
Middle School Ministry:
Both Sunday morning services and youth groups have kicked back up for the semester! We have many wonderful women volunteers in our youth programming and are in need of men who are willing to come to either Sunday morning services or Youth Group. Please reach out if you, or someone you know, is interested!
Upcoming Events:
- Jan. 31 to Feb. 2 – Ski Trip
- Feb. 21 to Feb. 22 – All night lock-in at Climb Nashville
- March 23 – 6th/7th Sky Zone after Youth Group
- April 13 – Guys & Girls Night instead of Youth Group
- May 4 – Special 8th Grade Dinner
A physical calendar with all events and Sunday programming is available in the youth lounge!
Reach out with any questions/RSVP your student for any events! Abby Akers, Middle School Youth Director,
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"Boundaries & Guarding Our Relationships" this Sunday, Jan. 26
Clay Stauffer • Matthew 5:27-30 & Ephesians 4:29-32 • "The Life-Changing Way of Jesus” series
Our schedule this Sunday is:
- 8:30 AM – Full breakfast in the gym
- 9:30 AM – Informal service in the sanctuary
- 9:40 AM – The Bridge service in the chapel
- 10:00 AM – Middle school service in the youth lounge
- 11:00 AM – Traditional service in the sanctuary
- 4:00 PM – Youth group in the chapel
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Submit your leadership nominations for 2025
This year, we will nominate one treasurer, three board members, eight elders, and thirty-five deacons. Nominations will be accepted through Jan. 31 and self-nominations are always welcome. We ask everyone at Woodmont to be thinking of leaders who are present, driven, invested, and care deeply about the mission of Woodmont.
Visit to submit your nominations or email yours to
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WCPS Songwriter Night Jan. 23
Our preschool's Songwriter Night at the Bluebird Cafe is this Thursday and there's still a few spots left! Click the button below to grab your seat.
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Launch Pad Parents meeting this Sunday, Jan. 26
Have your children recently left home or gone off to college? Are you in the "empty-nest" season of life?
This group is for you!
- Meet other parents from Woodmont like yourself.
- Experience some great food and fellowship.
- Hear occasional speakers on navigating this new time of life.
- Enjoy meaningful conversation!
Information gathering has been rescheduled to this Sunday, Jan. 26, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Campbell West (the former parsonage house behind the church).
The hosts will provide the food and drinks! Just come and find out more!
Contact Crystal Rody-Braun at
or Elizabeth Williams at to RSVP or for more info!
HERO winter food drive Jan. 26 and Feb. 2
Let's make the winter a little warmer for Metro students by filling the HERO pantry!
The HERO Program supports MNPS students who lack an adequate, regular, nighttime residence, providing basic necessities to ensure school readiness. The HERO Pantry provides food to students and families on a short-term, emergency basis. Primary food pantry clients are students living without kitchen access, and the list and Amazon shopping link below reflect these microwave-friendly choices.
Do you like to shop? You can purchase items from this list and bring them to Denise Sesler in the Gathering Hall between the 9:30 and 11:00 services on Jan. 26 and Feb. 2. Do you like to shop online? You can visit to purchase items and have them shipped directly to the HERO Pantry! Our goal is to have all purchased items delivered to HERO on or before February 7th. LET'S DO THIS WOODMONT!
Questions? Contact Denise Sesler at or 615-480-9085.
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Symposium on protecting teens in an online world Jan. 27
Teens and young adults face unprecedented mental health challenges, making community solidarity around online health and safety essential.
The Tennessee Symposium for Online Health and Safety will provide students, parents, and educators with the latest research, strategies to build community consensus, and tools to create online guardrails that help adolescents thrive.
On Monday, Jan. 27, at 4:30 PM at Allen Arena at Lipscomb University, you're invited to hear from a group of experts as they engage in this important conversation. Students in 5th grade and older are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Go to to secure tickets.
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Our January guest speaker for GEMS will be Ken Hutchison. He will be performing his one-man play, “It Is Well – The Horatio Spafford Story”.
Ken considers Woodmont Christian Church his “home away from home” because this will be his fifth performance at our church!
Ken and his wife, Babette, are native Nashvillians and have three son - Robert, Lee and Jack. Ken has been a letter carrier at the Belle Meade Post Office for 38 years.
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Racial Bridges invites you to attend The Mountaintop Feb. 22
Woodmont's Racial Bridges Ministry invites you to a performance of The Mountaintop at TPAC Andrew Johnson Theater. The play is “a gripping re-imagination of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night on earth could have been.”
The play runs from Feb. 14 to Feb. 22 and our group will attend the matinee performance on Sat., Feb. 22. The ministry will also host a presentation and discussion about the play and playwright on Monday, Feb. 10, open to all.
Contact Karen Woolridge or Bob Faricy if interested.
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Enneagram workshop with Suzanne Stabile & Hunter Mobley begins Feb. 28 | |
Join Suzanne & Joe Stabile and Hunter Mobley for a unique and immersive workshop that blends the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram with contemporary contemplative practices. Explore what tools you already have on board for healing physically and spiritually. This experiential journey will guide you to a deeper understanding of your personality type, its strengths, and its potential challenges.
Hosted by The Center for Hope & Healing, the workshop will take place on the evening of February 28 and all day on March 1 at Woodmont. Check out all the details and register by following this link:
We welcome you to enter into a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Invite friends and family to join us for a fun, educational time of learning. All levels of Enneagram awareness will gain new insights in this immersive workshop!
“Few people can teach you the Enneagram with the genuine insight, humor, and potential for real growth and change better than Suzanne Stabile!”
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"Peace, Presence, & Grace: a Retreat for Reflection and Renewal" begins Feb. 28
Give yourself the gift of a time away to reconnect with God, the source of peace, presence, and grace in our lives. Join Beth Pattillo and Sandy Smith at beautiful St. Mary’s Retreat Center in Sewanee, TN for a weekend of reflection and renewal. With Wendell Berry’s poem “The Peace of Wild Things” as our springboard, we will explore the themes of peace, presence, and grace in our lives through scripture, conversation, and spiritual practices.
Our time together begins with dinner on Friday, Feb. 28 and concludes with morning worship on Sunday, March 2. Registration fee includes housing, meals, and facilitation for the weekend. Our 2024 retreat filled up quickly, so register now. Cost for a double room is $500 and a single is $600. Scholarships are available through the Center for Hope and Healing at Woodmont Christian Church. Simply inquire with Beth or Sandy.
Click here to register today!
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Already Promised Heaven
by Farrell Mason
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“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
— Martin Luther King
This past week I did something that I have never done before. I went to the 100th birthday party for a very special woman named Mrs. Pat Nichols. Let me tell you — she is radiant! No stranger to the hard and heart-breaking here, but somehow she hasn’t allowed the losses to dim her light. When asked about her secret for longevity, she just smiled and spoke of simple joys and tremendous love.
If I am not careful, I can forget what truly matters. The sands are moving much too quickly through my hourglass and yours. Love God and love everything that God loves seems to sum up the mission beautifully. After the birthday celebration, I penned this prayer. Here’s to cultivating radiance!
P.S. Imperfect lives can be incredibly beautiful and holy! Ask Pat!
- Already Promised Heaven -
Loving God,
If I could just stop the whirl,
and remember today,
what will truly matter tomorrow.
How quickly I can get lost in the weeds of my daily life.
Help me to shift my holy attention.
Questions I must keep asking myself:
Am I giving the best of myself to the people around me, to the larger world?
From where does my joy come?
Am I looking to the world, or to You?
What makes me grateful to be alive?
How often do I bend at the knee
with reverence for the precious gift that You have given me?
Do You know me, God, because I have asked to be known?
Where do I turn when the bottom falls out, and everything feels so fragile?
The time is now to get it right:
To close the distance between my hearts and yours,
To shed the superfluous, and find the mustard seed.
How I spend my days will be the measure of me.
My life is meant for higher things—
to prove that goodness, love, hope,
and heaven on earth
are real, possible.
The Darkness does not have a chance
against the Light You placed in me.
So today, may I pick up the road that Jesus started,
and Martin Luther King and so many other brave spirits followed.
I have nothing to lose.
You have already promised me heaven.
I will place my hand in yours and step forward.
A most grateful Amen.
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Woodmont's oldest-living member, Pat Nichols, at her 100th birthday celebration | |
Watch Woodmont members sing "Happy Birthday" to Pat on Saturday, Jan. 18 | |
Church calendar
Sunday, Jan. 26
Superhero Sunday & Connection Fair
9:00 AM Grace Notes Rehearsal, Kids' Commons
9:30 AM 21st Century Class, Boardroom
9:30 AM Disciples Class, Room 105
10:00 AM Middle School Youth Service, Youth Lounge
10:45 AM The Life Class, Bay Room
10:45 AM Reflections Class, Room 200
10:45 AM Connection Class, Room 232
10:00 AM Points of View Class, Room 105
3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall
4:00 PM Youth Group, Youth Lounge
5:00 PM Launch Pad Parents, Campbel West
Monday, Jan. 27
3:00 PM "Geezers" Group, Boardroom
5:30 PM Racial Bridges, Boardroom
6:30 PM Leadership Woodmont, Campbell West
Tuesday, Jan. 28
11:00 AM G.E.M.S., Room 200
6:00 PM Worship Night, Carpenter Chapel
6:30 PM Alateen (ages 12-19), South Hall
6:30 PM Parents Al-Anon Group, Room 105
8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall
Wednesday, Jan. 29
6:00 AM Roy Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Room 105
7:00 AM Clay Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Boardroom
8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study, Room 105
6:00 PM GriefShare, Campbell West
6:00 PM DivorceCare, The Bary Room
6:15 PM Disciples Women's Bible Study, Room 200
6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Thursday, Jan. 30
10:00 AM Sit & Stitch, Gathering Hall
10:30 AM Journey to the Heart Women's Bible Study, Boardroom
1:00 PM Mahjong Group, Gathering Hall
5:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal, Choir Room
6:30 PM Andra Moran Virtual Vespers, Zoom
6:30 PM Nar-Anon, Room 105
8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall
Friday, Jan. 31
Room In The Inn
3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall
Saturday, Feb. 1
Room In The Inn
10:00 AM Al-Anon, Drowota Hall
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Prayers for our church family |
- Alyssa & Scott Ramsey on the birth of their daughter, Margaret Ann Ramsey (Maggie), on Jan. 16
- Caroline & Brett Bergy on the birth of their son, Wake Christopher Bergy, on Jan. 10
- Margaret Thompson & Robert McNeilly and their families on the death of their father, Rob McNeilly
- Barbara Stewart & family on the death of Mike Stewart on Jan. 17. Service is Sunday, Jan. 26, at 3:30 PM in the sanctuary with visitation beginning at 1:30 PM in the Gathering Hall.
- The family of Mary Shreeve, who died on Jan. 9. Service is Friday, Jan. 31, at 2:00 PM in the sanctuary with visitation beginning at 1:00 PM in the Gathering Hall.
- The family of Elaine Markland who died on Jan. 11. Service is Saturday, March 15, at 2:00 PM in the sanctuary with visitation beginning at 1:00 PM in the Gathering Hall.
- Peggy Bruce
- Tom Reidy
- Connie Schmutz
- Rosemary Weldon
- Mike Murphy
- Rick Clark
- Heather Dwyer
- Gloria Jackson
- John Carpenter
- Mary Cummins
- R.W. Groom
- Emily Bond Leaman
- Cass Meeks
- Lee Moss
- Kris Stewart
- Walter White
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Dec. 29: $102,256
Jan. 5: $314,732
Jan. 12: $23,370
Jan. 19: $65,822
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Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love, and serving others. | | | | |