It's Time To Get the Lead Out!
Introducing Lead-Free NJ

June 29, 2021
Smiling school children sitting at a lunch table.
Lead-Free NJ logo
Hello Friend! Thank you for subscribing to Lead-Free NJ’s monthly newsletter. Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the collaborative’s work and what’s going on throughout the state related to issues you’re passionate about, including protecting children from lead poisoning and equitable lead policy change. Most importantly, the newsletter will provide you with opportunities to work with us to #GetTheLeadOut. We know that so many emails come into your inbox, but we hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to stay connected! 
Ready to take the next step and join as a member?
It’s FREE and easy to sign up.
Register Today for Our July 19 Membership Meeting!
With communities determined to remove lead from the environment and potential opportunities in place to fund their efforts, this is an important moment for lead-free advocates. Join us to network and discuss lead policy with others, learn more about Lead-Free NJ’s recent work to get the lead out, and find out how we can work together to make change. The event will feature:
  • A spotlight on Lead-Free NJ policy work
  • A panel discussion with experts about community organizing around lead issues
  • Updates from Lead-Free NJ committees 
*NOTE: A limited number of $30 Visa gift cards are available to those who need compensation for attendance. For more information, email [email protected].
What is Lead-Free NJ?
About 4,000 children in NJ are lead-poisoned every year. Many of these children reside in low-income communities and/or communities of color and are most at risk because investments have not been made to remove lead from its most common sources paint, water, and soil. Lead-Free NJ is a collaborative made up of neighbors, friends, families, faith leaders, professionals, and elected officials working together to #GetTheLeadOut. 
What have we been up to?
We held our first Lead 101 training 
A great group of community members and advocates attended the first session in a three-part series of educational events. Together, we learned more about the sources of lead exposure, health implications, and resources for testing before engaging in an exciting dialogue about potential policy solutions for remediation. Click here to access the slide deck. We encourage you to present this resource to members of your organization or your community to help them understand why we ALL need to fight to get the lead out.
We launched our website 
We hope you’ll take a minute to:
  • Learn more about the collaborative
  • Sign up to become a member (it’s FREE and easy!)
  • Share your story about your experience with lead exposure as we work to help people better understand the devastating effects of lead exposure and the need for change
  • Check out our new community organizing toolkit, which provides practical advice and guidance not only for lead-free organizers, but for anyone looking to create lasting policy change in their community, as well
We held our first membership meeting
In case you couldn’t attend and don’t have time to watch the playback, here are some quick updates:

  • Attendees learned more about Lead-Free NJ and weighed in on the collaborative's new logo and tagline.
  • Olivia Glenn, deputy commissioner of environmental justice & equity at New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, spoke passionately about the need for advocacy around lead issues and the department’s role in making New Jersey lead-safe.
  • Lead-Free NJ Community Hubs based in Trenton, Newark, and Paterson each shared their vision for improving their communities by coordinating local efforts, strategizing on solutions, educating residents, and advocating for lead policy change. 
  • Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. highlighted the CLEAN Future Act as one federal policy solution in progress.
  • Members and lead policy experts Cate Klinger and Gary Brune explained policy solutions that are in progress and noted the need for more work to be done in NJ.
  • More than 70 participants shared their thoughts on policy solutions. 
Are you following us on social media yet? Get up-to-date information from Lead-Free NJ even faster on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Take a minute to hit that follow button!
Events, Opportunities, and Highlights
A group of members wrote to state officials, on behalf of their organizations, in support of several state bills (S1147/A1372, S3398/A5343, S320, and S830/A2134) and the designation of federal funds for lead remediation. Many of these bills passed last week (see below), but are awaiting signature from the governor. These initiatives would go a long way in ensuring that our children are safe from the threat of lead exposure.
Thank you to all of our members for their hard work!
Member organization Isles Inc. hosted its virtual forum, where three sessions focused on answering one important question: What can be done to protect children and speed the removal of lead-based paint from homes and schools? All sessions are available here.

Member organization The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey hosted its virtual Legislative Day, at which more than 100 advocates urged state legislators to implement post-pandemic housing protections, end discriminatory rental practices, and support lead remediation legislation.
Member organization Green & Healthy Homes Initiative is looking for a Lead & Healthy Homes Technical Assistance Specialist to support its DOH-funded work with local health departments, convening of the Housing Policy Committee for Lead-Free NJ, and more.
Share your news with us!
Do you have a lead-free event, opportunity, or highlight you’d like to share? Email Jael Davis with the details and get it featured in the next newsletter!
Interested in learning more about how Lead-Free NJ Community Hubs are working to get the lead out? Lead-Free NJ Community Hubs are local grassroots organizations that participate in the statewide collaborative, but they also convene to coordinate local efforts, strategize on solutions, educate residents, and more. Our Community Hubs are formulating their work plans, and our Paterson Hub just hired two new community organizers!
Lead Legislation Updates
  • S1147/A1372 requires a lead paint inspection and an updated Lead Safe Certificate at rental turnover. It also establishes an educational program on lead hazards. passed both houses and headed to the governor for signature
  • S3398/A5343 requires public water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines within 10 years. passed both houses and headed to the governor for signature
  • S829/A2135 adds a question about the home seller’s awareness about the presence of lead plumbing and lead service lines onto the property condition disclosure statement, which is a first step to ensuring home buyers are informed. passed both houses and headed to the governor for signature
  • S830/A2134 requires public water systems to offer free lead/water testing during an action level exceedance or partial lead service line replacement. passed in the Assembly and is scheduled in the Senate for 6/30
  • S320 requires property condition disclosure statements to include questions concerning lead plumbing and lead service lines and requires the replacement of lead service lines upon sale of residential property.
  • S702 requires landlords to disclose the existence of lead service lines and lead water supply plumbing to tenants.
  • S77 requires the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to adopt a statewide plan to reduce lead exposure from contaminated soils and drinking water.
  • S1282/A1233 requires municipalities to conduct lead paint inspections in single- and two-family dwellings and requires municipalities to report results to the State.
  • A216 requires public schools to educate staff and parents about lead hazards and allows school staff to know students’ history of elevated blood lead levels.
Staff Contact Information
Jael Davis
Program Manager
New Jersey Future
Anthony Diaz
Community Outreach Coordinator
New Jersey Future