Mount Blue Sky
The Clear Creek County Commission has announced that they will begin the discussion and decision-making process for renaming Mount Evans on March 1, 2022. See meeting details below. The Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and The Wilderness Society have submitted a proposal to rename Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky. Please join us in supporting this proposal!

Why Rename Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky?

Mount Evans is a stunningly beautiful Colorado landmark that deserves a name that honors its natural and cultural history. The mountain is currently named in honor of John Evans, the former territorial governor of Colorado who authorized the indiscriminate murder of American Indians and was responsible for one of the worst massacres in American history, the Sand Creek Massacre. The Sand Creek Massacre resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Cheyenne and Arapaho people. Evans was roundly condemned, forced to resign in disgrace, and is not deserving of recognition. The Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and The Wilderness Society propose to rename Mount Evans as Mount Blue Sky. This name would be significant to both the Arapaho, as they were known as the Blue Sky People, and the Cheyenne, who have an annual ceremony of renewal of life called Blue Sky.

Why the Mestaa’ėhehe Coalition Supports Mount Blue Sky

There are two tribal name proposals on the table: Mount Blue Sky and Mount Cheyenne-Arapaho. After extensive outreach, discussion, and meetings, the coalition has decided to support the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes' Mount Blue Sky proposal. We did not make this decision lightly.

There are several reasons why we support the name Mount Blue Sky: 1. The majority of Mestaa’ėhehe Coalition members support the Mount Blue Sky proposal. 2. The Mount Blue Sky proposal has expressed intertribal support. 3. So far, 25 Colorado-based organizations have signed a letter stating their support for the Mount Blue Sky proposal.

The most important part of this effort is removing Evans' name from this mountain. Mount Blue Sky has a vast network of support and is our best chance for renaming Mount Evans. Please join us in supporting Mount Blue Sky!
Attend the Clear Creek County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 | 10:00 AM MDT | Zoom Meeting

The Clear Creek County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, March 1 at 10:00 AM to begin the decision-making process for renaming Mount Evans. During this first meeting, each of the five proponents will have 10 minutes to present their proposal and five minutes to answer questions from the Clear Creek County Commissioners. There will be no public comment taken during this meeting.

We encourage supporters to attend this commission meeting to learn more about the Mount Blue Sky proposal submitted by the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and The Wilderness Society.
(Click this button to join the Zoom meeting on March 1, 2022!)
Upcoming Clear Creek County Commission Meetings
on Renaming Mount Evans

Public Comment Meeting
March 8, 6:00 PM

Final Discussion and Vote
March 15, 1:00 PM

Contact Decision-Makers and
Show Support for Mount Blue Sky!
While the process begins with the Clear Creek County Commission, the Mount Blue Sky proposal must also go through state and federal processes as well. Decision-makers need to know that the Colorado community supports the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes and The Wilderness Society's proposal to rename Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky.

We encourage you to reach out to the decision-makers listed below via email or phone. Whether in your email or during your phone call, please remember to mention your city, county, and state of residency, along with tribal affiliations if applicable. If you know of others in Colorado who would like to express support for Mount Blue Sky, please share this information with them.

Contact the Following Decision-Makers

Clear Creek County Commission 
Beth Luther

Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board 
Johnie Abad
303-866-3311, ext 8670

Colorado Governor Jared Polis
(303) 866-2471

U.S. Board of Geographic Names (Federal) 
Jenny Runyon
Donation to the Mestaa'ėhehe Coalition
The Mestaa’ėhehe Coalition is partnering with Ancestral Healing Circle to collect Mount Blue Sky campaign donations. Please consider donating to the Mestaa'ėhehe Coalition to help us rename Mount Evans. Funds raised help us pay for our operational and outreach needs. We appreciate your support!