September 25, 2024

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Event Results:

The event results reported last week at Barnsley Gardens were in error. The correct results had Ben Hedrick as HOA on the Hilltop course. On the Lake course, David Bitler and Mike McHenry tied for HOA.

The 50th Anniversary/Georgia Cup Fest at Big Red Oak had a total of 68 shooters in attendance. Jeffrey Jordan took HOA honors on the Saturday event. Matt Miller was HOA on the Sunday event and the Pheasant course.

Upcoming events:

The Frazier 500 is on the calendar beginning Friday, September 27. A total of 750 targets are available to shoot. Two main events, a preliminary, Super Sporting, and FITASC are on the schedule.

One of the highlights is Melanie Parker's Famous Food truck will be on site.

Respectfully submitted.

Harvey T. Schwartz,


Georgia Sporting Clays Association

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