We're on the lookout for positive, energetic and community-minded individuals to join our amazing team of volunteer paid on-call firefighters. If you live in the Parksville Fire Protection area and want to learn more about our dedicated and skilled team, we'd love to hear from you!
Our team is made up of volunteer paid on-call and career firefighters committed to public safety and community service. In 2024, we responded to almost 800 calls, including structure fires, rescues, motor vehicle incidents, medical assistance, and public service requests. Our firefighters are highly skilled professionals who value integrity, honesty, selflessness, commitment, courage, and are hardworking and family oriented.
We serve the Parksville Fire Protection Area which covers the City of Parksville and contract areas within the Regional District of Nanaimo - San Pareil, Morningstar, Columbia Beach, French Creek, and the Fourneau Road, Wildgreen, and Martindale Road areas.
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Joining our team comes with fantastic benefits:
- Professional firefighter certification and ongoing training.
- Opportunity to serve your community, team environment.
- Personal growth, sense of achievement, and a chance to be awesome.
- Great benefits - paid on-call, WorkSafe, additional accidental death and disability insurance (on and off duty), and more.
We are your neighbours, co-workers, family, and friends and need your help with our recruiting efforts; please encourage those you know who may be interested to contact Parksville Fire. We’d love to chat about what we do at Parksville Fire Rescue. Give us a call at 250 248-3242 to speak with an officer and arrange a tour. Application deadline is Friday, February 28.
You can find more recruitment details and general info on our website. We asked members to share what being a volunteer firefighter means to them. Check out more videos here and on our social media feeds.
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Qualicum Beach and Parksville
Welcome New Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
We recently issued a joint news release with the Town of Qualicum Beach welcoming new physicians and nurse practitioners to our communities, improving desperately needed access to health care for our citizens.
The mayors of both communities extended their appreciation to Central Island Division of Family Practice for the key role they play in recruiting, hosting and integrating these health care professionals into our communities. These are competitive times with doctor shortages experienced throughout Canada, so the successful attraction of new practitioners is impressive. The City and Town look forward to ongoing engagement with the Division and continued success in recruitment and retention of health care professionals. While not a core function of local government to provide health care, Council hears concerns from residents about this key community asset and are committed to ongoing advocacy to senior levels of government to maintain access to health care professionals close to home.
If you are not already registered, refer to for the Health Connect Registry to get a family doctor or nurse practitioner in your community. The joint release may be viewed at this link.
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Understanding Your Property Assessment Notice
Parksville property owners will have received their 2025 assessment notices from the BC Assessment Authority with 2025 property assessments which reflect market values on July 1, 2024. The average increase in property values for your class of property is shown on your assessment notice.
We encourage property owners to visit BC Assessment Authority to search your property, compare assessments and review recent sales of nearby properties to see if your assessment is reasonable. The deadline to appeal your 2025 assessment through BC Assessment is January 31, 2025. Should you have questions about your assessment, contact BC Assessment at 1 866 825-8322 (Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5 pm.)
Parksville’s 2025-2029 Financial Plan
On January 20, Council gave final approval to the City’s 2025-2029 financial plan bylaw. The financial plan sets the priority services, programs and initiatives for the next five years and how the City will pay for them. Refer to Let’s Talk Parksville for financial plan details including presentations.
Property tax rates and utility rates for the City of Parksville will be set in the spring. The forecasted rate increases for 2025 are 7% for property taxes, 6% for water fees and 6% for sewer fees, which will result in an increase of about $175 over 2024 for an average residential property.
Watermain Flushing
The City’s annual watermain flushing program will start on February 18 and run through April, about twelve weeks. Flushing is an important part of our ongoing maintenance program to ensure the integrity of the water supply system for residents and businesses. Flushing will generally take place between the hours of 7.30 am and 3.30 pm, Monday to Friday. A map will be available on our website on January 30 to help determine when watermain flushing will take place in your area.
During these times, customers can expect some discolouration of water and intermittent drops in water pressure. This is a temporary condition and is not a health concern. Please follow these guidelines during the water main flushing program:
- Keep a fresh supply of drinking water in your refrigerator.
- Check for discolouration of water before doing laundry.
- If your water is discoloured, run an outside tap (after 3.30 pm) until the water clears.
Seasonal Schedule for City Park Washrooms
We wish to advise the public that washroom facilities in our major parks are subject to seasonal closures. The decision to close washroom facilities earlier was made to ensure the health and safety of our staff who we rely on to manage our facilities. An earlier closure helps to reduce vandalism, mischief and criminal activities in our parks. These modified hours are made on an annual seasonal basis and summer washroom hours will resume on April 15.
Parksville Community Park - beach washroom/changeroom near the playground is open from 7.30 am to 7.30 pm. The new washroom facility is open 7.30 am to 5 pm and the KinHut washroom is open 7.30 am to 5 pm, weekends only to accommodate activities on the sports fields.
Foster Park washroom facilities are open from 7.30 am to 5 pm.
Springwood Park washrooms are open from 7.30 am to 9 pm, Monday to Friday to accommodate activities on the sports fields. Washrooms are open weekends from 7.30 am to 5 pm.
2025 Licence Renewals
Business licences and dog licences expired December 31 and are due for renewal. News release can be viewed here.
Business licences must be paid by January 31. Payment options are listed here:
ONLINE - Credit card (Visa or Mastercard) payments from the City’s website.
- MAIL to P O Box 1390, Parksville V9P 2H3
- DROPBOX at City Hall (100 Jensen Avenue East)
- IN-PERSON at City Hall (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm) with accepted payment by Visa, Mastercard, debit or cheque.
Business licence fees which remain unpaid after January 31 will be subject to fines. A late fee of $50 will be applied on February 1, and every thirty days to outstanding business licences. Questions to or 250 954-4650.
Dog Licences must be purchased in-person to obtain the dog licence tag. If you currently own a dog, please purchase in-person from City Hall (open Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm) or the BCSPCA (open Tuesday to Saturday, noon to 4 pm). All dogs over the age of six months must wear a municipal dog tag, which must be renewed yearly. There’s a discounted fee before January 31 of $5. After January 31 the cost is spayed/neutered $25, not spayed/neutered $35.
Residential family water rates - large families with five or more immediate family members consisting of parents and dependent children less than 18 years may qualify for modified water rates. Application deadline is February 28 and info and application forms available from City Hall and the website.
Spring grant-in-aid applications - subject to the provisions of the City’s grant-in-aid applications policy, the City may provide financial assistance to community groups and organizations for events which benefit our citizens and visitors. Community non-profit organizations in the arts, cultural, recreational, or social services fields are eligible. Deadline 4 pm, February 28. Information on the program, policy, application, and instructions may be obtained at City Hall or from the website.
Storm and sanitary inspections - C3 Mainline Inspections will again be performing manhole and pipe inspections across the City over the next six weeks. The work involves a vac truck and pickup trucking together in an area to conduct storm and sanitary inspections. You may see workers in and around manholes, some with traffic control and some in rights-of-way. The flushing of sanitary mains may cause gurgling toilets and there is no reason for concern. Questions should be directed to
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Temporary closure of Parksville beaches to dogs - to limit disturbance of migrating Black Brant geese, our beaches are subject to seasonal “no dog” restrictions. This applies to both on-leash and off-leash within the Parksville-Qualicum Beach Wildlife Manager Area. Rathtrevor Beach is closed February 15 to April 30 and Parksville Bay Beach from March 1 to April 30.
Our snow and ice control program - it’s been a mild winter to date and should the weather turn, we are ready to go. We monitor road and weather conditions throughout the winter months and when snow and icy conditions are forecast, crews and equipment are prepared and when it snows, crews are dispatched to clear roads on a priority basis. Information about our snow and ice control program is available on Let’s Talk Parksville.
2025 special events applications are being accepted from organizations and individuals wishing to hold special events at City-owned venues or on City streets. Annual events will be given priority provided the request is received by November 30, after which time applications are addressed as first-time events on a first-come, first-served basis, based on availability. Applications must be received at least thirty days prior to the event. Policy and forms on the website. Questions should be directed to
Advisory Design Panel - the City is looking for individuals to apply for consideration of appointment to the Advisory Design Panel. The purpose of the panel is to advise Council on design matters associated with the architectural form and character of specific development permit applications. Members are expected to have design experience and qualifications. Apply to the City of Parksville, PO Box 1390, Parksville V9P 2H3, or by email to Include relevant background information. Deadline January 31. More info
RDN’s new mandatory waste source separation bylaw is now in effect. The bylaw requires commercial, multi-family and institutional properties throughout the RDN to have separate, partitioned waste containers for garbage, recycling and organics. To help property owners and managers implement the new waste diversion program, the RDN is focusing on education rather than enforcement during the first six months. For more information visit Drop-in info sessions in Parksville-Qualicum Beach will be held from 3-5 pm on:
February 5 Parksville Community Centre, 223 Mills Street
February 13 Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street
Win your dog’s licence renewal in the Parksville Pooch photo contest! We’d love to see photos of your dogs and hope you will share on social media. Photos will be entered into a draw to win one of two free 2025 Parksville dog licences and some doggie treats. Don’t wait to renew, we will refund if you win! Contest is open to Parksville residents until January 31:
Visit our Facebook page and upload the photo in the comments section on any contest-related post.
Upload photo on Instagram using hashtag #parksvillepooch and tag @parksvillecity.
Recycle BC pop-up depot in Parksville will continue through 2025, accepting free of charge, flexible plastic packaging, white and coloured foam packaging, glass packaging and paper packaging and cardboard. Materials may be dropped off from 10 am to 3 pm at 1080 Industrial Way, Parksville. For dates and more info visit, Recycle BC website.
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Monday, February 3 at 1 pm
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