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Aug 11, 2010
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Cupcake Creation Contest

Question mark cupcakeGet your creative thinking caps on. Starting today Southport Grocery is on the hunt for a special cupcake, and maybe you've got it locked away in your noodle. We're collecting cupcake ideas for a month-long feature of the selected cupcake. Your cupcake creation will be hand picked by our bakers, developed into a recipe, and put into our bakery case for the entire month of September. The proprietor of the cupcake idea will receive a full dozen of their winning cupcake, our love and attention, as well as a place in our heart.

How do you enter? Reply to this e-mail, on twitter, or on our facebook page. You've got two weeks to get your entries in, so get those brains revved up! It's cupcake time!
Upcoming tastings

Get a the sweet taste of free samples weekends at our place.

Grown Up Kids Stuff - Aug 14th

taste what real homemade chocolate sauce is like - in lipsmacking delicious regular and an ever more 'Grown Up' Grand Marnier

Alterra Coffee - Aug 28th & 29th
great coffee from around the world brought to Milwaukee and roasted to perfection by people who know their beans

Recent Blog Posts

Busy busy, we're trying to keep up with our blog, here are some of our recent posts.

Milk & Honey Granola - Dig into real granola

"not sugary, crunchy but not clumped, it is the perfect medium in the realm of granola." (read more)

Get your (private) party on at Southport Grocery
"we.. have the unique ability of opening our doors for private parties after normal store hours" (read more)

Southport Grocery & Cafe
3552 N. Southport
Chicago, Illinois 60657