Friday, October 25 , 2024 | | | |
Mission statement: Seek others in our community, Serve their needs, Grow in the love of Christ, and Connect with each other | |
Pastors Points
Did you know that we were born to be generous? Do you believe it?
One of the greatest gifts that God gives to us is a God's desire for us to be more and more like our giving God. A God who not only created and gave us all we have and need, but sent the Son so that all might be saved! What an amazing privilege and blessing to have those genes in our DNA and to be able to respond.
If you doubt this, think about the last time you gave someone a gift. Maybe it was monetary or maybe it was simply a smile, a good tip, or a complement, but think about what it felt like afterward. Most likely, it helped pull you out of yourself and remind you that the world is a bigger place and it really isn't about you or me. In a world that continues to become more and more insular and divided, we need to live out our generosity, so that all will feel more and more connected and God can take that to reveal God's Kingdom.
Pastor Chelsea and I are excited for the weeks ahead, as we move into our stewardship series, The Generosity Challenge, because we know that when we strive to live into a posture of giving and loving outwardly, God changes us and can use us to change the world.
So come on Sunday to kick off the series, but also to experience the amazing Ministry Mash that is set up with a Pirate themed Scavenger Hunt which is intended to showcase the many ways in which God is at work in and through FUMC, so you can be a part of them.
We look forward to seeing you then and are excited for what God will do through the coming weeks!
Pastor Tim
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This weekend is the Ministry Mash - Oct. 27th (don't worry—all 3 services are still a go!).
Come to the Gathering space between 9 & 9:15 (after the first service, and before 9:45!) to grab your special adventure map, visit the tables, complete a "challenge" and get a prize & candy! (we vote for anything peanut butter & chocolate-oriented!) Non-scary costumes for Halloween and/or pirate gear are encouraged! Our ministries can't wait to talk with you and share what it means to SEEK SERVE GROW & CONNECT!
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GROW in the love of Christ | |
We need you! Help shape FUMC into 2025
Whether you are an extrovert or introvert, seasoned Christ-follower or spiritual youth, all of us are given gifts for service in and through the church, and God has created space for all to serve. Some are called to be members of committees/teams, and some are invited to lead such groups. If you feel called or are just interested in exploring where God might be leading you to serve here at FUMC, please complete this Interest Packet and email the completed form back to: pastortim@fumcva.org
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Join us!
Are you a mother of a preschooler or other young children? Are looking for a group of moms to meet with during the week to discuss faith parenting and to share your experiences? If so, please join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month as we build friendships and grow our faith. Babies and toddlers (not currently in school) are welcome to join! Click on the graphic to email Jane Claire, and get more details on joining and when they are starting!
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Generosity Challenge: Over the next 4 weeks our pastors will be posting daily video reflections related to the Generosity Challenge. Please check out our social media and/or YouTube Channel to be a part of our churchwide reflection on Generosity. The book for this series can be purchased here https://tinyurl.com/4cmx7cjv
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TAKE NOTE of these "I'd love to help" spots for the Bazaar! |
Is baking your gift? Bazaar Crafters is looking for a few good bakers to provide yummy baked goods for the bake sale table! Cookies, cakes, bars, pies, jam & jellies—if it’s delicious, we’d love to offer it for sale.
There will be a plant table at the bazaar this year. If gardening is your gift, please consider transplanting as you thin your garden this fall. Please provide the name of your plant as well as any particular knowledge about it—how much sun it likes, etc.
We're also looking for a few good cooks to feed the workers. Could you make a pot of soup, or a salad, and some sandwiches? This will help keep the bazaar workers healthy and energized so that they can make those sales on November 8 & 9. If cooking is your gift, please consider contributing to the bazaar in this way.
For any of these opportunities contact Sherry Hession (hessioncl@gmail.com) or Mona Lamb (mamalamb49@gmail.com) to sign up.
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PNO! Get signed up today .. just 50 spots!
Join us for a special Parents' Night Out, hosted by FUMC Children's Ministry! We invite PreK-5th graders to enjoy a fun-filled evening of games, activities, and a movie night with friends in a safe and welcoming environment. Meanwhile, parents are free to enjoy a night on the town—whether it’s with community groups, as couples, or solo. All proceeds from this event will go toward supporting the ongoing expenses of the FUMC Children’s Ministry program.
Click on the graphic!
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Save the Date(s) - Hang the Greens!
Help us Prepare for Christmas! Advent is the season where we anticipate the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. The church prepares for Advent by decorating the church through the "Hanging of the Greens." This year we are going to "Hang the Greens" through a worship/education experience, where the pastors will teach us about the symbols of Advent, we will pray Advent prayers, and sing Advent Carols, then each family take a part in decorating the inside of the church.
There are 3 times that you can help make this happen. a) Thursday, November 14 at 6 pm , we will take inventory of our Advent decorations. The Church will supply pizza for those how come to inventory and organize things. b) After worship on Sunday, November 24 (the Sunday before Thanksgiving), we invite folks to stay after and decorate the outside spaces, as well as put up the Christmas Trees. Then c) at 4 pm we will hold the worship experience followed by decorating inside spaces and the trees.
We hope you'll be a part of making this Advent and Christmas extra special by marking your calendars now and planning on being here!
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SEEK others in our community -this is tonight! | |
Ready to Watch Fall Leaves Disappear and Dreams Grow?!
The youth are happy and ready to do basic yard work like mulching, weeding, mowing, trimming, raking, bush trimming, debris cleanup, etc. If you're looking to have trees taken down or other intensive projects, it's best to seek a pro... there's something about a kid holding a chainsaw that makes people nervous. If you're not sure, reach out and I'll help you figure out what we can and can't do for you. Shoot an email to David Carryer, and we'll get you set up! email to youth@fumcva.org
We look forward to helping you!
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Our neighbors need your help this winter!
Winter is coming. We need to gear up for helping at Micah's cold weather shelter season. This year we will need coverage for two shelters (men's and women's) on the third, fourth and fifth Saturday night of the season. The shelter opens on November 15 and lasts until March 15, opening only when the temperatures are 32 degrees or below.
Orientations will be held on November 6 from 6 to 8 pm or November 10 from 2:30-4:30 pm. Both sites will have orientations for questions and information. Interested in the men's shelter...report to 750 Kings Highway. The shelter is a small building in front of RACSB's adult activity center.
Interested in the women's shelter....report to Fredericksburg Baptist Church. Enter the building at the red door on Amelia Street.
Information about both shelters will be shared at both sites.
sign up for men's shelter: FUMC : Men's Winter Shelter (signupgenius.com)
sign up for women's shelter: FUMC : Women's Winter Shelter (signupgenius.com)
Additional questions can be directed to Diane Cotter 540-845-9636 dianecotter@comcast.net
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United Women in Faith-Social Action/Green Team
Easy things to do to be better Caretakers of God’s Creation!!.
Get in touch with your roots! Plant a tree! It’s good for the soil, good for the birds, good for the very air you breathe, and helps reduce climate change. Trees also are beautiful, especially in fall!
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With deepest sympathy
We express our deep and sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Arden Parsons, 93, on her passing on October 20, 2024. There will be a future private interment at the Quantico National Cemetery. Additional information can be found here
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Office Hours
Please note: We have adjusted our building open hours (unless you have a prearranged evening meeting/group/event), based on staffing and volunteer capabilities. Our current Office Hours are now Monday through Thursday, 9 AM-3:30 PM, and Friday, 9:30 AM-12:30PM.
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308 Hanover Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
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