The United Women in Faith Charter for Racial Justice includes these two statements, “That we believe our strength lies in our racial and cultural diversity and that we must work toward a world in which each person’s value is respected and nurtured;” and “That our struggle for justice must be based on new attitudes, new understandings, and new relationships….”
What better way to put these statements of belief into action than to immerse yourself in the Native American culture and communities of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. Since 2018 I have participated in three in person and one virtual immersion experience. I have built and continue to nurture relationships, learned, and continue to learn the truth about our collective histories, how past and current environmental and racial policies impact not only the OIMC community but indigenous communities as well as all of us throughout the United States. Didactic presentations, worship, visiting sacred, historical and community sites, conversations with community members. This is immersion.
Read full information here.