NTC UWF News January 31, 2023

Challenge Systemic Injustice


from Austin

REGISTER Local Officer Training

Climate & Racial issues

Okla.Indian Missionary Experience

Hi! from Austin! 27 of us came from N TX to the UWF 2023 TX Legislative Event. Fifteen more from our conference are participating virtually and more at a watch party. From TX Impact we've learned about critical and complex public policy issues affecting our communities. On Tuesday morning we're braving the weather to go to the Capitol to visit our elected officials and advocate for women, children, youth and God's creation.

For such a time as this . . .

we believe faith in action can change the world.

#TxUWFaith2023 #SuchATimeAsThis


Ask one of these women to come and give your group an update!

Wendy Campbell, 2023 NTC UWF President.

UWF Officer Training - Sat. Feb 11th

Training For All Officers!

Saturday, February 11th

This training was designed to make it quick & easy for you to learn. You are welcome to attend any session that is applicable to your role or interests you.

Each session will provide the basics with tips and handouts.

Sessions will be on Zoom. Expect each session to last about 30 minutes.

Click to register, download flyer, and get full information.

Break Bread, Be Challenged, Take Action

Rev Janet Wolfe @ Assembly '22

A Challenge to Act With a Heart for Justice

Saturday, Feb. 18th, 11 am - 1:30 pm

Come for lunch and find ways to Stand Up and Speak out! The UWF of St. Paul UMC and FUMC Dallas are presenting Rev. Janet Wolf (as seem at Assembly '22) on the big screen calling us to challenge systemic injustice. With a special appearance by Rev. Peter Johnson,Civil Rights Activist, and a Panel for a Social-Racial Justice Conversation.

$10 Register here.




Saturday, April 22, 2023

Racial justice and environmental justice issues overlap and are intertwined. Our 2023 guest speaker will be Ilka Vega, Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice for the United Women in Faith. After her presentation, we will have small group table talk to discuss how these issues intersect in our communities and what action steps we can take as individuals and collectively.

10- noon at Northaven UMC in Dallas.


The United Women in Faith Charter for Racial Justice includes these two statements, “That we believe our strength lies in our racial and cultural diversity and that we must work toward a world in which each person’s value is respected and nurtured;” and “That our struggle for justice must be based on new attitudes, new understandings, and new relationships….”


What better way to put these statements of belief into action than to immerse yourself in the Native American culture and communities of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. Since 2018 I have participated in three in person and one virtual immersion experience. I have built and continue to nurture relationships, learned, and continue to learn the truth about our collective histories, how past and current environmental and racial policies impact not only the OIMC community but indigenous communities as well as all of us throughout the United States. Didactic presentations, worship, visiting sacred, historical and community sites, conversations with community members. This is immersion.

Read full information here. 


UWF General Secretary/CEO: United Women in Faith seeks a dynamic and dedicated leader to shepherd the national organization through its next phase of growth and faithful service. Based in NY City. More information.

SEND US YOUR EVENTS! This is a vibrant organization with a lot of interesting programs. Send us your event info and we'll add your upcoming programs to our calendar. Share about your mission activities too! Send info to news@uwfnorthtexas.org

SOCIAL MEDIA: Share your social media skills to tell others about the many ways North Texas women are involved in United Women in Faith on Facebook &/or Instagram. Contact news@uwfnorthtexas.org



We believe love in action can change the world.

There are so many ways to make an impact! United Women in Faith connect spiritual women to act boldly for justice and transform communities.

Visit our website: UWFNorthTexas.org

Send your events, ideas & questions to: info@uwfnorthtexas.org