EMSculpt - targeted arm, leg, butt, and abdominal fat cell elimination and muscle gain! Save $1000 to $1500 with pre-paid packages.

In downtown Larkspur, join body sculpting master, Nicole Territo, LE, in our Marin Body Sculpting Suite.

And, great news! It's easier than ever to get an EMSculpt appointment at our San Francisco location because we are joined by two new EMSculpt practitioners...
Miilee Massoud, LPT

Miilee joined us in 2020, and has recently completed master level courses in body sculpting with CoolSculpting and EMSculpt. She’s passionate about working with her clients to find the right option to achieve their body transformation goals. 

Kaynaz Bahraini, MA

Kaynaz has been a certified clinical medical assistant since 2015, and has three years of body work experience. She loves treating with EMSculpt as well as CoolSculpting and seeing her clients gain confidence as they become leaner and stronger.
Book online, or call or text:
Restrictions may apply. May not be combined with any other offer.
182 Gough Street
Hayes Valley

265 Magnolia Avenue 201
Downtown Larkspur

Medically supervised by board-certified plastic surgeon
Founded by Linda Behla, R.N., Director of Esthetic Nursing
Copyright Hayes Valley Medical & Esthetics 2021