It's back! Free member class benefit!
The Vail Board of Realtors® is offering the benefit of FREE classes to our Realtor® members again for 2022.

When you register for classes you will be charged $0.00. If you don't attend you will be charged $25 per class. Please cancel your registration (or inform the VBR) within 24-hours of the class starting time.

If you previously registered for a 2022 class, you have been refunded and will ONLY be billed if you are a no-show.

Courses taken with providers outside of the VBR do not count for the free class.

We value you as a member and look forward to a healthy, prosperous year ahead!
VBR classes at this time are a split between classroom and Live Online.
  • Classroom is limited to 20 individuals MAX. Masks are required unless eating or drinking while seated (per Eagle County regulations).
  • Live Online is via Zoom. Attendees MUST be on camera in the webinar to receive credit (per the Dept. of Regulatory Agencies - DORA).
  • Classes may move to strictly online if regulations change.