July 12- July 19, 2018
Living Christ in This World
The Banner: It's summertime at St. Michael School of Clayton's Maker Summer Camp with Cooking! Clay! Coding! Outdoor Sports and Summer Fun Activities! S pots are available. Camp runs through August 3rd and is for ages 4 years to entering 6th grade
Saturday, July 21 at 9:30 AM in the Taylor Room
Please join us in praying for the students and chaperones who will be traveling to Erie, PA, this week to do light construction and housing rehab.
It’s common for churches to see what’s been thoughtfully (or painfully) coined “the summer giving slump,” when giving declines for most churches between the months of May and August. Many churches like CSMSG see a 20% or more decrease in giving during these months due to members being on vacation, going to BBQs, traveling with family, etc. You can help CSMSG avoid the slump in two ways:
   * Pay your pledge in full now, instead of at the end of the year;
   * Send in those pledge payments you will miss while you are away this summer. You may give online at anytime from anywhere. Go to www.csmsg.org , click on Stewardship, then click on Give Now. In spite of the slump, God is at work at CSMSG this summer! We are gearing up for what is sure to be a spectacular fall. Thank you for your support!
Did you Know: Every month, the Community of Hope visits hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and parishioners' homes? During the month of April, the dedicated group:
   -Put in 154.5 hours
   -Made 101 visits
   -Served 433 people
We thank you for your continued and important service!

OUR GUEST PREACHER Sunday morning is the Reverend Canon Jeremy Davies. Fr. Davies was the Canon Precentor at Salisbury Cathedral from 1985 until his retirement in 2012. He is a graduate of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and Westcott House . We are blessed that Fr. Davies is visiting St. Louis and able to preach Sunday morning.

Monday, July 16
How We Got This Bible: Sixty-six books (or more?) written over the course of hundreds of years, copied by hand, and translated into hundreds of languages—how did we get the Bible we have today? All ladies of the parish are invited to come investigate the history of this sacred book and explore an overview of the whole biblical story from creation to new creation, Mondays from 9-9:45 AM in the Armstrong Room.

Tuesday, July 17
CHURCH SERVICE LEAGUE CRAFT MAKING: Church Service League will have several craft work days this summer to prepare items for the Christmas Bazaar. The July dates are Tuesday, July 17, 24, and 31, from 10 AM to 2 PM in the Sverdrup Room. Bring your lunch if you wish. Come anytime and stay however long you can. We will have tasks that anyone can do. No special craft skills required!

Wednesday, July 18
WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS We welcome Jeremy Davies into our midst, who is visiting for the summer. Join us on Wednesdays as Fr. Jeremy shares his thoughts on our Anglican faith.
5:30 PM   Evening Prayer (St. Mary’s Chapel)
6:00 PM   Supper (Great Hall)
6:45 PM   Class
8:00 PM   Compline (St. Mary’s Chapel)

Saturday, July 21
SANDWICH MAKING will take place Saturday, July 21. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to join the St. Michael’s Hunger Ministry on the third Saturday of each month from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Taylor Room to make sandwiches for the Bridge and FOCUS St. Louis clients.

Saturday, August 4
COMMUNITY OF HOPE QUARTERLY MEETING: All who are interested in the Community of Hope, please come to the Quarterly Meeting on August 4 from 8:30 AM to 1 PM at CSMSG. Contact Nancy Ferriss by August 1 at naferriss@gmail.com .

Tuesday, December 4
SAVE THE DATE!! The Church Service League ladies would like to remind you and your friends to put Tuesday, December 4, on your calendars for this year’s CSL Holiday Bazaar and Luncheon.

July 12 - July 22
Our very own parishioner Ruth Ezell will be in the cast of "The Importance of Being Earnest". The comedy by Oscar Wilde opens this week at the Grandel Theatre in Grand Center. Insight Theater /The Importance of Being Earnest ; metrotix info for "The Importance of Being Earnest"
You can donate online to your favorite ministry by texting on your cell phone . This feature is provided by ACS, the church's data software. Download instructions.
Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly
e-newsletter to keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event informatio n. 
A hearing loop for hearing aid and cochlear implant users has been installed in the main sanctuary. Loop listeners are available for those without a compatible hearing device. more  
Is there someone you haven't seen recently at Church? If you or someone you know is ill or hospitalized, please let us know how we can help. Please call us at 314.721.1502 or contact Debbie at communications@csmsg.org or Laurie at Laurie@csmsg.org .


Order Sunday Flowers online here