Just in Time! for Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on the horizon! Visit B-HERO's Website for the guide to help support student-led and/or teacher-led conferences that celebrate the good and work to problem-solve the barriers!

Looking for Additional Caregiver Resources?

B-HERO's Communicating with Caregivers Toolkit is a great resource to consider ways caregivers can become great assets of educators! Start the year off strong with a plan to communicate in healthy ways.

ParentsLead (above) and ParentGuidance (below) are great online spaces where parents can learn more about how to communicate with their children effectively, understand youth development, and ask questions of experts in the field of psychology. Click on the graphics above and below to check these FREE, open access websites out!

Site Coordinator Appreciation

September 15-21st is the Coalition for Community Schools Coordinator Appreciate Week for those doing Full-Service Community Schools work nationwide. North Dakota Full-Service Community Schools can join B-HERO in thanking their Site Coordinators this week by visiting CCS's website here.

NDFSCS Site Coordinators Statewide -- YOU ROCK! #Coordinatorsrock

To learn more about Full-Service Community Schools work in ND, visit https://ndfscs.org/.

Want to see the work of NDFSCS Site Coordinators in action? Watch the video below and/or read through B-HERO's profile on the role.

Does this message find you in a

new building this year?

Let us know through this link so we can ensure the right Behavioral Health Resource Coordinator is listed for your current and previous buildings.

As always-- find more Resources & Upcoming Event information at b-hero.org!


To engage K-12 Behavioral Health Resource Coordinators in training, technical assistance, and opportunities to facilitate connections.  


All school personnel will develop the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of every student and family. 

Central Regional Education Association