Friends and Supporters,

As 2022 comes to a close, we’d like to take a moment to thank you for your support this year. With your help, PSG was able to continue fighting for a future where the Richmond region grows and develops sustainably and ensure that the community gets to have a say. In 2023 we will continue tracking important land use, transportation, and housing issues throughout the region.

In 2022 we weighed in on a multitude of issues, including tracking the Hanover and Henrico comprehensive planning updates (in progress), commenting on the Diamond District and City Center proposals, and advocating against highway expansion in Henrico. We also led two informative walking tours – of Manchester and Jackson Ward, addressing urban design, street design, cultural history, revitalization, and housing issues. 

You can see more of what we did in 2022 in our Annual Report.

None of this is possible without your support, so thank you for being an important part of the PSG team. We appreciate your support to help advocate for a more sustainable Richmond region, and wish you all the best in the coming New Year!

Make a Donation

Make sure you are subscribed to PSG’s email list for updates on opportunities to participate in shaping your community’s future, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more live updates as they happen! 


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