This week: This Sunday....The Yale Spizzwinks Concert Sunday & Townhall Meeting

Ministry Moment

“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise” - Martin Luther

This Sunday will be filled with music as we gather for worship and hear the choir sing, as we join our voices in singing the hymns as a congregation and hear piano and organ music.  

click here to read more....

Townhall Meeting May 14, 10:30am

Review the Ministry Site Profile as a congregation.

Deacon Krista Lind, St. Paul Area Synod


Upcoming Events
Weekly Faith Formation for All Ages

Sunday School

We reviewed the story of Paul today, including how he once was a bully named Saul. After he changed his ways (and his name!) he didn’t let anyone get in the way of telling people about Jesus, even when he was in danger...

click here to read more


Wednesday at 6:00pm

8th Graders only

click here for more information

Confirmation Sunday

May 21, 9:30am

Adult Bible Study

Thursdays (regular schedule)

  • Arise Coffee Shop 7:30am
  • Augustana Regents 9:15am
  • Savage Senior Living 1:00pm

Click here for more information

Before you go....

Upcoming Worship Schedule

Sunday: 8:00am & 9:30am

Be sure to keep this email to reference weekly worship opportunities and remember to visit for up to date events.

Last Week's Worship

Sunday, May 7

St. James continues to offer worship services online. Anytime, Anywhere
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St. James Lutheran Burnsville is an ELCA church whose vision is to put people before programs, commitments before consumption, and love into action in tangible ways that benefit our neighbors. We welcome people of all sexual orientations, genders, gender identities, races, ages, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, languages, religious backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses. Our Unity is in Christ.
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See you again soon!