Mission Rivers District Newsletter

December Dates to Remember

December 1

December 8

December 15

December 22

December 21

December 24

December 25

December 31

New Year's Eve

Grant Applications due back December 6th!

Mission Grant Instructions
Mission Grant Application Word
Mission Grant Application PDF
Capital Grant Instructions
Capital Grant Application Word
Capital Grant Application PDF

The third Mission Rivers District Conference will be held IN PERSON on Sunday, December 8 at 3:00pm. We will meet at a central location - Shady Grove UMC, located at 8209 Shady Grove Road, Mechanicsville, VA.

Please join us!

Voting Members

Joint Preference forms due in the office no later than January 2, 2025!

Joint Preference Form

January 25, 2025: Save the date for District Training at Williamsburg United Methodist Church, 500 Jamestown Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185.

Details to follow.

Local Churches

Administrative Assistant Needed at Mount Vernon UMC, Toano

This is an hourly position paying $18,200 annually. A VSP background check is required.

Job Description

Church Pianist Needed at Bowling Green UMC

Job Description

Volunteers from Hillcrest UMC, Fredericksburg, putting flood buckets together for UMCOR. They donated 30 buckets!

Above is Dave Hicks, the warehouse manager for Mission Central. He is standing in front of the pallets of buckets that were brought by three trucks from the Virginia Conference. Before these 1,500 buckets were delivered, the warehouse had fully depleted its stock.

(Thanks to Sherry Wornom and Rev. David Magruder, Zion UMC Seaford, for sharing.)

UM Day at the General Assembly

In the Virginia Conference we have been change makers in our great Commonwealth for over 30 years. We are excited to be back in person in Richmond for United Methodist Day at the General Assembly on January 30, 2025, after two years of meeting virtually. When we gather together will have arranged visits with our Senators to discuss issues that are relevant to our faith with direction from our friends and partners at Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP). You also have the opportunity to speak to your Delegates if you plan the visit and we can help you schedule that if needed. One of the ways we put our faith in action is by advocating for the least, the last, and the lost at the General Assembly. We hope that you will come and join us virtually in Richmond as we continue our legacy as change makers here in our Commonwealth.

Early Bird Registrations valid through December 20, 2024 – $25

Regular Registration closes on January 17, 2025 – $35

Student Registration – $10

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Heather Wray at heatherwray@vaumc.org

Registration closes on January 17, 2025

Link to register: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=815503&

Sue Haupert-Johnson

Resident Bishop


Rev. Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates

District Superintendent


Administrative Assistants:

Lisa Jones



Lynn Manley



District Director of Connectional Ministries:

Rev. Dr. Clarence R. Brown


Mission Rivers District

6515 George Washington Memorial Highway, Suite 203

Yorktown, VA 23692-2182