Hi Laurel,

Today I have important news to share with you regarding our strategy moving forward in the fight to Speak Up for LIFE.

After careful consideration and intensive deliberation, we've reached a decision. Speak Up for LIFE will NOT pursue a People’s Veto of LD 1619. Over the last six months, our collective energy has been directed toward actions that would yield the most profound impact in the battle against late-term abortion in Maine. Together we took our stand side-by-side, contributing to an unprecedented historical moment at the public hearing, where HUNDREDS rallied to voice their opposition to LD 1619. Our sustained efforts were nothing short of extraordinary, as THOUSANDS of Mainers, many new to political engagement, united to implore our legislators to stand against this EXTREME bill.

It's clear, beyond any doubt, that our actions were EFFECTIVE. LD 1619, once expected to breeze through, was met with procedural manipulation, misleading maneuvers by the Attorney General, and outright lies from Governor Mills, Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat majority. Their desperation highlighted the potency of our efforts and demonstrated what a group of committed citizens could accomplish!

As we move forward, our foremost priority remains unwavering: the pursuit of effective, lasting change that upholds the sanctity of life. Our vision extends beyond opposing individual legislation; we aim for sustained societal transformation. Where Maine once again values all LIFE!

The course that holds the greatest promise for the future of LIFE in Maine is clear - electing principled legislators in the 2024 election and subsequent races.

We must continue to build on our efforts over the last six months and mobilize our Speak Up for LIFE community as we transition from the legislative battle to campaigns and candidate support. TOGETHER, we will begin to reclaim our state, one House district at a time.

To succeed in our mission I’m counting on every single person in our Speak Up community to do their part!

First of all . . . in order to elect pro-life candidates, we need to RECRUIT pro-life candidates! Are you, or someone you know, inclined to take the reins as a State Representative? Have you wondered what it would take to be a candidate? Trust me, no one is born knowing everything about how to get elected, but there are plenty of upcoming training opportunities where you can learn how to run a successful campaign! Please REPLY today to let me know you are interested, and let’s start the conversation!

Secondly . . . candidates need HELP, and there are plenty of ways you can contribute to candidates efforts, both from the comfort of your home or directly on the campaign trail. Stay tuned for training opportunities coming up this fall to learn how to better support candidates.

Thirdly . . . it’s a fact, campaigns demand resources, including financial backing. It’s essential to acknowledge that supporting robust pro-life candidates is a more cost-effective approach than launching a People’s Veto campaign. A total of $200K would provide significant backing to TEN pro-life candidates, compared to needing a minimum of $3 million dollars for a Veto attempt that would only have potential to stop just ONE bad law.

Currently, our immediate objective is to raise $20,000 to bolster ONE pro-life candidate next year. If you haven’t yet had the chance, consider the value you place on changing the balance of power in the legislature, and act accordingly. Your contribution today will help transform the landscape of pro-abortion representation into one that champions LIFE.

Help us raise at least $3,610 TODAY with a contribution of ANY amount.

If you are unable to donate today, then I ask you to reach out to your friends and ask them to help towards today’s goal!


Laurel, your dedication over this legislative session has not gone unnoticed. We’ve heard your words of gratitude and support, and for that, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your faith in me and my leadership team has been a tremendous encouragement through the campaign against LD 1619. Rest assured, we remain steadfast in our commitment to empowering YOU toward further impactful action for LIFE!

With a well-defined plan, we face a future filled with promise for our state. Will you continue to stand alongside us as we move forward, this time to reclaim our state for LIFE?


Rep. Laurel Libby

P.S. Laurel, your support matters now more than ever. Click here to help us raise $3,610 TODAY. Who do you know that values LIFE and wants to see a future where Maine upholds the sanctity of LIFE - Ask them to chip in TODAY!

Stay tuned for our revamped website, www.SpeakUpForLife.com, aligned with our renewed mission, with more trainings and activities as we begin to support pro-life candidates.

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