October 4, 2019
We would like to ask for your continued support of the Lake of Bays Association (LOBA); or if you're not currently a member, please become one. The 2020 membership year runs from November 1, 2019 to October 31, 2020. The Association and our 100+ volunteers, work to protect Lake of Bays by:

  • Testing, analyzing and reporting on lake water quality annually - read the reports.
  • Coordinating a discount propane program exclusively for members.
  • Monitoring proposed development on the lake and taking action where appropriate. LOBA is currently seeking party-status to an appeal of the Langmaid's Island proposed development--supported by your generous donations to the LOBA Action Fund.
  • Performing public outreach about invasive species at public boat launches.
  • Keeping supporters up-to-date through our Yearbook, Current Connection newsletter and these electronic NewsFlashes.

As a non-profit organization, we work to keep costs low. Save us printing and mailing costs by clicking or calling to renew or join.

To renew or join, click HERE or call 705-767-3395
The Township of Lake of Bays is reviewing and consolidating its two existing zoning by-laws and creating a new Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) to implement the policies of the Township's Official Plan. This system will clearly identify development rules and requirements applicable throughout the entire Township.

To give the public an opportunity to review and ask questions about the proposed new CPPS, two Public Open Houses have been scheduled:

Friday October 4, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Dwight Community Centre

Saturday October 5, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Lake of Bays Community Centre (Baysville)

To give the public an opportunity to provide comments to Council about the proposed new CPPS, there will be a Public Meeting on Tuesday October 29, 10:00 a.m. in the Township of Lake of Bays Municipal Office, Council Chambers.

Read the Notice of Open Houses and Public Meeting here .

Review the proposed new Community Planning Permit System here .
Both the Baysville Dorset Winter Pantry and the Dwight Winter Pantry need your donations of unopened,
non-perishable foods.
Please no expired products.
There are numerous drop-off locations including LCBOs in
Dwight, Dorset and Baysville.

Reading, interesting links and events

Township of Lake of Bays updates

Muskoka Autumn Studio Tour, October 5 & 6, 2019

Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation Thanksgiving weekend events

The Great Muskoka Paddling Experience

Blood Donor Clinics

Cottage Life articles of interest

Parry Sound-Muskoka candidates on affordable and attainable housing

photo by Geoff Brough
The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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Lake of Bays Association

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