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  News & Events
  Klinghardt Academy

Join us in December...the most wonderful time of the year for


Applied Psycho Neurobiology

December 6-8       1 pm start

Redmond Hyatt House

with Dietrich Klinghardt MD., PhD


come early to prepare with our 1/2 day


APN Supportive Protocols Workshop

December 6:  Friday  9am - 12 noon.

with Andreanna Rainville, RN



Autonomic Response Testing Level 2

January 11-12, 2014   WEST   Kenmore WA

Space is filling, so register soon to secure your spot. 

Discounts apply for those who are attending for a 2nd time or for current students.


Jan. 18-19, 2014: EAST
Somerset Hills Hotel, Warren, NJ
with Dr. Marc Schwartz
workshop content
Fee: $650  
tudent discounts with current ID


If you are new to the work of Dr. Klinghardt...
or want to update your knowledge, 
this is the workshop to attend.

 Last months' West Coast Protocol Course was well attended and videotaped.

 Those who could not attend, 

please order your DVD from the Academy.  $400.00

  • Detox: "Safely Navigating to Wellness"  Dr. Michele Grindstaff
  • Dental: "Systemic Dentistry" Mercury Removal   Dr. Alireza Panahpour
  • Autism, "What's Really Working"  Dr. Amy Derksen
  • "What's Bugging You", Lyme and Other Infections,   Andreanna Rainville, RN
  • EMF: "Creating Safety in a Hostile Environment"  Dr. Katie Dahlgren
  • Methylation: "Individualized DNA Mapping"  Dr. Christine Schaffner
  • Lunch presentations sponsored by Alfa Thermodiagnostics
    , BioBotanical Research & Key Pharmacy.
     Thank you exhibitors: also present were
  •  Bemer Microcirculation and Biopure Healing Products 
  • & introducing


This yearly East and West Coast workshop is open to all searching for the latest tools and  practical protocols for the most complex cases of chronic illness, Lyme disease, Autism, and other inflammatory conditions. We will take you step by step through the most advanced techniques featuring:

  • Strategies for Detoxification, 
  • What treatments are really working for Autism,
  • Biological Treatment of Infections and Pathogens
  • Remediation of Electromagnetic Frequencies: cell phones, computers and smart meters
  • Live demonstrations of Autonomic Response Testing
  •  How to Activate MMS, the Klinghardt Lyme cocktail, 
  • Neural Therapy Demo
  • NEW Parasite Protocol including the "ROPE WORM" treatment
  • Tutorial on Radiation Meters for home and office


This workshop gives practical tools for immediately application. If you have not joined us previously, this is the class to attend.  There are no pre-requesites. Student  discounts apply with valid ID.  A must for all who intend to certify with us. contact info@klinghardtacademy to register 908-899-1650.


                 Level 2 Participants in Horsham, PA, Nov. 2013
Level 2:
January 11-12, 2014:   WEST  Kenmore WA

Level 3:  EAST   New York City

           March 6, 2014 Refresher Level 1 & 2 Workshop. 10-5pm

                           Holiday Inn Midtown, with Dr. Marc Schwartz

           March 7-9, 2014    Level 3

                            Sheraton Times Square, New York City, NY

                              with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt


Level 1: 
     April 5-6, 2014:          EAST Jennkintown, PA 
     April 12-13, 2014:      WEST Kenmore, WA 


To Register:  contact
Fax the registration form to 908-542-0961
Call the Klinghardt Academy  
Autonomic Response Testing:  
watch below as Dr. Klinghardt describes his journey developing Autonomic Response Testing and 
elegantly describes the difference he experiences assessing patients with this technique, versus other forms of Nutrition Kinesiology or Classic forms of Kinesiology.
Autonomic Response Testing  vs Classic Kinesiology
Autonomic Response Testing vs Classic Kinesiology

Autonomic Response Testing 
Schedule of Workshops
 This is what you've been waiting to learn!
What is Autonomic Response Testing?
 NEW Workshops in
Autonomic Response. 
Classes fill quickly.


January 18-19, 2014
Somerset Hills Hotel
Warren, NJ  07059


This workshop is open to all who desire to learn and quickly incorporate practical protocols for the most complex cases of chronic illness, Lyme disease, Autism, and other inflammatory conditions. We will take you step by step through the most advanced techniques with strategies for Detoxification and Remediation of Electromagnetic Frequencies used by Dr. Klinghardt and team, with live demonstrations of Autonomic Response Testing, How to make the Lyme cocktail; How to Activate MMS; Neural Therapy Demo; the NEW Parasite Protocol; Cancer Supportive strategies, Individual Nutritional Tips guidance, Tutorial on Radiation Meters and use in your home and office, with practical applications for immediate use with your patients. If you have not joined us previously, this is the class to attend.  See details below. A must for certified practitioner.


No pre-requesite required and Can be taken between any level of Autonomic Response.

registration form         



 Klinghardt Academy Products

Dr. Marc Schwartz
asst. Lisa Thomassen

New Klinghardt Protocols: EAST
January 18-19, 2014
Warren, NJ


Level 1: EAST
April 5-6, 2014
Jenkintown, PA
Dr. Marc Schwartz

Level 2: EAST
May 30 - June 1, 2014
Horsham, PA
Dr. Marc Schwartz

Level 1: WEST 

April 12-13, 2014

Kenmore, WA

Dr. Amy Derksen &

 Andreanna Rainville, RN

Amy Derksen ND & Andreanna Rainville RN
Level 2: WEST
 August 23-24, 2014
Kenmore, WA
Amy Derksen, ND
Andreanna Rainville, RN, LMP

or contact Debbie Floyd
for future workshop info.

Comments from Recent Attendees:


Informative, very objective information, presented in a systematic way, with basics to build knowledge and understanding, A "think tank "atmosphere, instructor was excellent, knowledgeable, patient, thorough and a good teacher, well organizedafter preparing with the DVD the seminar helps cement the info., I leave owning it and confident I can use what I have learned. 


Contact the Academy to register or visit
for details! 

We welcome those wanting to know more about Autonomic Response Testing to order the Fundamental Teaching of Dietrich Klinghardt DVD, and call the academy to register for the next workshops! 

We hope to see you at one of our exciting events

Thank You Friends
EVENTS with Dr. Klinghardt
 Save the dates for
 Dr. Klinghardts' next seminars.
The website will have updated details as we get closer to each event.

Applied Psycho Neurobiology 2013

December 2013.

Hyatt Regency Bellevue,

 Bellevue, WA 98004

registration form


Autonomic Response Testing Level 3

March 7-9, 2014   Level 3

Sheraton Times Square, NY, NY


March 6, 2014  Refresher Level 1 & 2

Holiday Inn Midtown

New York City, NY  10036

registration form


Looking Beyond Lyme: Biomedicine 2014

May 2-4, 2014   Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, WA

registration form


Registration by fax or phone only.

908-899-1650 ph      fax 908-542-0961


The Klinghardt Academy is pleased to congratulate our 
Certified Practitioners who have passed our basic written and practical exam for Autonomic Response Testing over the past two years. In 2014 we will offer advanced certification for those proficient in the Protocols and Remedies associated with Dr. Klinghardt's work.  Required would be attendance at one of our Protocol Workshops, Injection and/or Biological Medicine workshops prior to applying for the test, along with yearly attendance to keep up with the latest clinical finding and protocols.  Please contact the Academy office for more information on certification. We are very honored that many have come to learn with us, and wish you continued success in your practice.
Dr. Klinghardt and Academy Team
September Practitioner Retreat
was amazing...
25 practitioners from as far as the USSR, Australia, the UK, NYC, NC, GA, Canada, NJ, CA, OR, NV, NM, WA and Team Klinghardt spent 6 days  together learning, relaxing, giving & receiving treatments. Join us next year, September 22-27 on Whidbey Island, WA.
Lady Alderbrook
Cruise on the Lady Alderbrook


Daily Walks
Lisa Thomassen and Dr. Arrondo
Lisa Thomassen &
 Dr. Arrondo
Lecture time

Denise Hetrick
View from Harmony Hills


Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Gisler
Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Marc Schwartz &
 Dr. Melanie Gisler
Dr. Fogel & Lisa Baas, LAc
Dr. Sylvia Fogel &
Lisa Baas L.Ac
Dr. Belesheva & Dr. Demchenko
Dr. Belesheva &
 Dr. Demchenko

Treatment Time

Dr. Hirt
Michael Hirt, MD
Team Sophia
Dr. Schaffner and new Sophia Practitioners

Finding hidden root causes to illness.
Dr. Schwartz & Dr. Ou
 Captain Roger & Debbie
Capt. Roger and Debbie

Join us at a retreat ..they are all amazing.
Small group teachings & Personal treatments.
 Relaxation, Breathing exercises, Yoga,          Time to refresh in the majestic
Reserve your spot for next year.
September 22-27, 2014

Watch Dr. Klinghardt's new interview

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Smart Meters & EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Smart Meters & EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time
Dr. Klinghardts' Recipe for EMR
 Self Help Tools
Supportive protocols and products used by
Dr. Klinghardt  at his clinic and featured at our upcoming events.
Introducing our New Test Kits
see product catalog for pricing
Klinghardt Protocol Kit for Autonomic Response
over 100 vials with all the basic products used by our certified practitioners for assessments and individualized protocol design. Available by special order or at our Protocol Workshops.
practical assessment tool for practitioners
contains the toxins, metals and clearing remedies for use with the LED photon pulser.  Instructional DVD, manual, signal enhancers and LED set.  Accompanies our Energetic Detox Workshop, schedule coming soon.
Recommended by Dr. Klinghardt
 to patients for oral care
Products for EMR  sensitivity
featuring the newly developed
Computer Harmonizer
k.Dwell Stick  
Cell Phone Harmonizer
K.Dwell Chip  
Available Exclusively
 for Klinghardt Academy
must call or fax for ordering

Austin Air Purifier
Providing pure air and a clean environment for clinic and home.  
For allergies, asthma, chemical and mold sensitivities. 
We love the quality and ease of use. The Filter lasts for 5 years
Clean Air  
$649.00  free shipping

$539.00  free shipping
Basic model for chemicals and allergens

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field devices
are important self help tools for our patients.
Dr. Klinghardt has evaluated the BEMER and IMRS, proving faster recovery and healing for patients with improved treatment outcomes. Of great value for  clinical treatments and for home use.  Each has unique features to warrent a special place in our clinic and spa. Many patients are  experiencing improvements with lowering inflamation and protocol uptake with more rapid recovery when they also use a PEMF system at home.   We will show these at our upcoming seminars. Check out the features below.

Good for those with severe chronic lyme conditions that need a mild and easy detox. 
Light and Sound therapy accompany the circulation  benefits.
Excellent for Children and for those with severe lyme sensitivities and sleep problems.
A gentle System

 Great for detox use after the Sunlighten Sauna
 and ion cleasnse foot bath.


Microcirculation Pad
The professional model for the busy clinic with multiple attachments for dual usage. Can move a patient along rapidly and at home the the basic model benefits for circulation, detox, mental concentration, and recovery with imporved energy throught the day.  A stronger system.
Used in Dr. Klinghardt's clinic for improving blood flow,  pain reduction,  wound healing and recovery for Athletes.
 Ion Foot Bath
Detoxification System 
IonCleanse?? Promotional Video
 Far Infrared Sauna 
  Sunlighten Sauna
With clinically-backed infrared heaters,
aid in detoxification, blood pressure reduction, weight loss, pain relief and skin purification. 


Nano VI by Eng3 
Counteracting Oxidative Stress 
  NanoVi eng3
Bio-Identical Signaling technology
 FDA Registered for
Klinghardt Discounts available
use code: DK1204 to receive discounts 
NanoVI  Reg. Price $4,900  our price: $4,6950
VanoVi PRO Reg. Price $ 7885.00 our price: $7885.00 

Tesla Lights

Tesla DemoChakra Balancing
 polarity light system.
 Plasma for Higher Frequencies 
Yin & Yang.
                           TESLA Energy Lights
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt reports Tesla Energy Lights observations
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt reports Tesla Energy Lights observations


comes with
DVD by Dr. Klinghardt
"Health Risks with Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields"
Universal earthing Mat
Outlet checker
Continuity Tester
Ground Rod
40 Ft. cord
Earthing Book 
event price $199.00
reg.  $349.00 
save $150.00
call or fax in order please 
Contact information:  Product orders/Event Registration 
Debbie Floyd, Director
Klinghardt Academy  
2 Orchard Way, Warren, NJ  07059
908-899-1650  phone          908-542-0961  fax

For appointments with Dr.Klinghardts' Medical Clinic 
Sophia Health Institute, Woodinville, WA 
Be well~