The Poison Post ®
September 2021 Edition
Ivermectin has been safely used to treat parasites (such as heart and intestinal worms) in animals and is approved for use in humans for parasite infections, head lice, and rosacea. It has not been shown to be effective for preventing or treating COVID-19 infection and taking products not intended for human use may lead to serious adverse effects. Read More
Skunks spray to repel potential predators with a foul-smelling, oily secretion stored in their perianal glands. For humans, it usually does not result in much more than short-term irritation. In dogs, in addition to irritation it can rarely cause a more serious condition in which the red blood cells are destroyed. Leaving skunks (as well as all wildlife) alone and making your home less attractive and inaccessible to them are the keys to prevention. Read More
The Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is a wildflower that blooms from June to October. They have bright yellow, daisy-like petals. Although the black-eyed Susan has not been known to poison humans, it should not be eaten. It can cause allergic skin reactions and asthma attacks in people sensitive to the plant. Read More
Carbamide peroxide is most commonly used as an ear wax removal agent, oral rinse, and in home teeth-whitening products. High concentrations of carbamide peroxide can cause serious burns. Rarely, life-threatening toxicity can occur when carbamide peroxide is swallowed and oxygen bubbles form in the body and block blood flow to tissues.
Laundry fragrance boosters are scented, dissolvable beads intended to extend the smell of fresh laundry for weeks beyond the wash date. Currently available products are relatively safe even when swallowed by children. Read More
Boxwood plants and hedges are common and generally present low toxicity for humans. However, when eaten they can be toxic for animals including dogs, cats, and horses. Read More