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Independent, Science-Based Evidence To Empower Canadians

Issue 2023 - Week 46       View this newsletter in your browser

Hello Susan,

At the Canadian Covid Care Alliance we are dedicated to sharing evidence-based information to empower Canadians to remain safe.

Robust science requires open debate, dialogue, and reassessment.

Scientists and clinicians have been left wondering why first hand clinical experience and valid scientific evidence have been dismissed concerning management of COVID-19. Considering the urgency of a declared global deadly pandemic, it was surprising that the use of inexpensive and safe repurposed medications was not adopted by health authorities for the prevention and treatment of the illness. 

The Canadian COVID Care Alliance has advocated for use of early outpatient treatment as a means to save lives and decrease the burden on the healthcare system from COVID-19. Public health authorities eventually acknowledged that outpatient management of COVID-19 is possible with the authorization of novel antivirals. Based on this, CCCA members sent a follow-up letter to Canadian medical professional reglatory colleges outlining the benefits for the use of ivermectin in comparison to the novel therapeutics for this indication. 

In this week's issue we focus on ivermectin and the strategies used to discredit the science and scientists supporting its use.

CCCA Letter to Regulatory Colleges regarding Ivermectin for Early Treatment of COVID-19

In February 2023, the CCCA sent a letter to the regulatory colleges of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists across Canada. The letter was in support of the approval of the repurposed drug ivermectin for the outpatient management of COVID-19. Currently, Paxlovid is approved for the indication. It is high risk patients that most require early treatment, but many are not candidates for Paxlovid because of its multiple potential drug interactions. In comparison to Paxlovid’s safety, effectiveness, and cost, ivermectin is a viable, if not the only, option for these patients. We believe all Canadians should have the opportunity to access safe and effective therapies.

The letter to the regulatory colleges in Alberta is provided as an example.

To date, we have not received any meaningful reply from any of the colleges.

Read CCCA Letter

What is Ivermectin? By FLCCC

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has created a short film about ivermectin. Learn about its discovery and its positive global impact for human diseases resulting it to be listed as one of the World Health Organization's Essential Medications. Subsequent laboratory and clinical research of ivermectin demonstrated positive antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects adding to its use for potential management of multiple other illnesses, including COVID-19.

Watch Film

War on Repurposed Drugs

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD and President of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), spoke at the international conference titled Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences. In his presentation, he shared the tactics to suppress the use of generic medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19. He gave an overview of the “Disinformation Playbook” used by the pharmaceutical industry, which promotes scientific disinformation to manufacture uncertainty about science. These tactics are used throughout many areas of the information network, including the high-impact journals and the media. Dr. Kory uses scientific evidence to demonstrate how ivermectin is the most proven effective drug in any disease model in history. He explains the flaws in the highly publicized studies used to discredit its use for COVID-19. He outlines the pressure placed on healthcare professionals to maintain scientific consensus rather than scientific inquiry.

Disinformation Playbook
Visit the FLCCC Website for More Information

Academic Inquiry - Missing in Action?

Dr. Kanji Nakatsu is a Professor Emeritus- Pharmacology, Queen's University, Kingston, ON. He is a member of the CCCA's Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee and co-chairs the Integrative Therapeutics For Health and Wellness Committee. Dr. Nakatsu wrote an article regarding the lack of scientific inquiry in exchange for scientific consensus regarding the public health management of COVID-19. He highlights the role of censorship in directing discourse and public policy. Ironically, though initially accepted for publication in the Queen’s Quarterly, his article regarding the impact of censorship was itself censored by being rejected for publication. Learn more:

Read Dr. Nakatsu's Substack

Charles Hooper is a former employee of Merck and NASA. He has expertise in the pharmaceutical field, research, and applications of repurposed medications, including Ivermectin. In his testimony to the National Citizens’ Inquiry he explained the role of repurposed drugs during pandemics as a public health strategy. He challenged the messaging from public health and regulatory authorities claiming that ivermectin is neither safe nor effective for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. He compared ivermectin to approved novel antivirals which do not share as robust a safety or efficacy profile. He also explained the challenges for conducting clinical trials for repurposed medications. He concludes that the benefits for using Ivermectin outweighed the risks and up to 50% of COVID-19 deaths may have been prevented had ivermectin been used for its management.

Learn More

e-Petition 4623

Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the approval of World Health Organizations Pandemic treaty are being proposed. These amendments threaten to override national governance, diminishing our health rights and personal autonomy in violation of our rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

To learn more about these concerns read a news brief from the World Council for Health (WCH) and their Policy Brief on the topic.

WCH News Release/Policy Brief

A petition has been created to present in Canadian parliament asking its Members to urgently implement Canada's expeditious withdrawal from the United Nations and all of its subsidiary organizations, including the World Health Organization.

View Petition e-4623

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is sharing this initiative created by a member of the community to raise awareness about the topic and to encourage your consideration.

Covid Collateral

Journalist Trish Wood, Citizens' Hearing moderator, has written and is directing a documentary about the damage caused by the public health measures implemented to suppress SARS-CoV-2, especially lockdowns. Covid Collateral is an investigative documentary that reveals that the severe lockdowns imposed by Western governments were not driven by scientific consensus or accurate data. The documentary will expose the orchestrated take-down of esteemed medical and scientific figures, which extended throughout social media and in legacy media. Watch the documentary trailer and learn more.

Learn More

Many Canadians use natural health products for a variety of reasons, including maintaining and replacing the nutrients that support the immune system. Recent federal legislation is placing Canadians' access to these products at risk. Visit the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) to learn more about these issues.

Learn More
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Our alliance of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, health care practitioners, and lawyers is committed to providing top-quality and balanced, evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored as quickly as possible.

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