Ivette’s Story
Ivette is a single mom of two children. Although she is working, she does not make enough to cover all of her expenses. Sadly, this is a common problem in Central FL today with 83.1% of Seminole County residents making under 30% of the Area's Median Income. Ivette is facing homelessness if anything throws her off the unstable financial cliff she is living on. But there is hope for Ivette and a way forward.
Ivette is part of the grocery service program at Christian HELP where she receives 50 lbs. or more of food each visit. This food keeps Ivette and her children from ever being hungry, but it also keeps Ivette housed.
With the hundreds of dollars worth of groceries that Ivette is now saving from not having to go to the grocery store, she is paying all her bills! She has even started taking ESL classes to improve her English, as well as her employment opportunities.
Let's not just be aware of Hunger & Homelessness,
let's truly prevent it!