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June 11, 2023

A Note from the Director

Dear Families,

Another school year has rushed to an end! We want to thank all of our students, families, and staff for the way that you dove back in to on-site programming and events throughout this school year while continuing to maintain a healthy environment for all.


It's been a moving week of recognition and celebration at Ivymount School, with multiple moving up and graduation ceremonies plus more field days. We want to salute the hard work of our 2023 graduates, some of whom have attended Ivymount since they were in elementary or middle school. We’re so very proud of all that they have accomplished and will achieve in the future.

Finally, a huge thank you to the Ivymount School PTA for your unwavering support of our staff and our Ivymount School families. We hope all families will get involved with the PTA and benefit from making connections with others.

This will be the last IvyNotes for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are not returning for the next school year, we hope you will stay in touch! Returning families - Please remember to complete your student's medical and other forms before July 5. Additional reminders will be sent in the coming weeks.


Thank you for an excellent year!


Susan Holt


Dates to Remember

June 12- July 4

Summer Break

July 5

First Day of 2023-24 School Year

August 7- August 22

Summer Break

Join the PTA Board

The PTA is always looking for parent volunteers to be part of the PTA board, be room parents, and to participate in planning and executing events. Please contact Cindy Gottfried at [email protected] if you are able to help out.

Congratulations Class of 2023

"You have so much to offer, teach others and contribute. Go out there and live your best life and don’t let anyone tell you no." That inspiring message from Susan Holt, Ivymount School Director, kicked off the commencement ceremony of the Post High School - School to Work and Endeavors School Programs on Tuesday. The event celebrated students' achievements at Ivymount and their plans for post-secondary education, work, and volunteering.

Numerous special guests delivered congratulations and words of wisdom, beginning with former student Jeremiah Bland, who graduated from Ivymount in 2021. Graduates also heard from Ivymount School Board president Dan Hall, Maryland Senator Mark Zucker and Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo, Montgomery County Council Councilmembers Andrew Friedson and Gabe Albornoz, and County Executive Marc Elrich. They each congratulated the graduates, welcomed them to participate in their communities, and encouraged all to keep advocating for their needs.

The Aspire Program held an on-site commencement ceremony on Monday, welcoming a full house of family members, guests, staff and students in the all purpose room. Five students were awarded certificates of completion and 10 students were awarded high school diplomas. Each student made remarks about their favorite part of high school, advice for other high school students, and their plans for next year. Then it was "caps off" as they celebrated their milestones with their families.

Ivymount Celebrates Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! Students in the Aspire Program discussed identity in their final Social Justice class, as well as why people celebrate Pride Month. Students then created self-portraits to describe their own identity, and what they are proud of, including literacy, kindness, and autism.

End of Year Field Day

It was field day fun across Ivymount School early last week as students of all ages took to the gym and the field out back for a range of games, sports, and even water play. Dowsing staff was a favorite for students!


Get Involved with the PTA

The old adage is that many hands make light work. That is definitely the case for the Ivymount School PTA, whether it's a family movie night, music and movement event, school dance or staff appreciation. The PTA benefits all families and relies upon the contributions of time and funds from families. There's a way for everyone to participate!

Thank you so much to the parents who have emailed about their interest to help out. We still need one more parent volunteer to fill a position. Please contact Cindy Gottfried at [email protected] if you can get involved.

Are You on the PTA Listserv?

Join the PTA listserv and stay in the know about community health and advocacy, parent education presentations, arts/athletics sessions, upcoming Ivymount School and Outreach events, and more. Listserv members include current and alumni Ivymount families. 


How to Join

Email Melissa Porter at [email protected] or [email protected].


You will receive an invite to join which you will then need to accept prior to joining. *Be sure to check your spam folder for the invite. 

Helpful Links

2022-2023 School Calendar
Join the PTA Listserv
2023-24 School Calendar
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