Jones Ave Family, praise the Lord; God is good! Today, we have much to praise the Lord for! It has been a very busy and short summer. We have been blessed to minister to kids through VBS and we praise the Lord for this great opportunity. We are currently ministering to kids through our summer ministry TAG! We have been blessed to baptize 2 young people so far this summer (a college student and an elementary student). Some of our GA girls went to Camp La Vida and had a great week. Our RA boys and leaders are looking forward to Camp McCall in a few weeks.
We have seen God do some amazing things in our Youth Ministry this summer and they are looking forward to a great summer retreat in a few weeks. We will have one of our very own youth preaching his 1st sermon on Wednesday, July 6th @ the 10:30am service. Please be in prayer for him and for Austin as he continues to disciple him for God's glory!
Praise the Lord! We have also seen the RTD finished and the FLC debt paid in full! We praise the Lord for this great accomplishment. Thank you to each person who gave, and we are so thankful for the Lord's provision!
Our Mission Team will leave on Thursday, July 21st to go to Alaska and work at Camp Challenge! This is a big trip, big project, and it will be a big effort on the part of the Jones Ave Family! Thank you for your support and prayers as we go.
Pastor Shaw