Hi Supporter. With National Volunteer Week quickly approaching, we want to give a shout out to all our fantastic volunteers who help us bring financial literacy, work-readiness and entrepreneurship programs into classrooms all across BC. We couldn't achieve all we do without you!
Alumna Gives Back to JA
A JA program impacted Christina Dhesi so much as a child that she held on to her completion certificate for over 20 years! Now an Executive Director for the Appraisal Institute of Canada and JA volunteer, this alumna encourages students to volunteer their time with organizations like JABC to build their skills.

JABC TechWorks is
"I was blown away...it was a great event and there was something for every student to get excited and motivated by!" -Colleen M. (Teacher)

JABC TechWorks, an exciting full day program for BC youth to learn about tech-related career options, was held for 750 students in Vancouver and Victoria this winter. Next stop: Kelowna!

Our New Five-Year Road Map is Ready for Sharing
Students need skills that will prepare them for the future, technology is playing an increasingly important role in the economy, and Indigenous youth is the fastest growing youth population in BC.

These are just a few of the many reasons why JABC has embarked on a new plan: Bright Futures for all B.C.'s Youth. Take a look!

Blog Post: Why I Love
Working in Tech
Opportunities for youth to build tech-related careers continues to grow in BC.
Learn why local leader and member of the JABC Board of Directors, Janet Wood has loved working in tech.

Kamloops JA Students Represented Canada in Peru
This past November, Rohkeya, Alia,Tasia and Sara had the honour of representing Canada at the JA Americas Company of the Year competition in Peru. What a journey for these four 16 year olds!

National Volunteer Week
April 7-13, 2019
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is a time we celebrate and thank JABC's 800+ volunteers across the province. You're helping inspire, prepare and empower BC youth for success! 

We'll be profiling many of our volunteers on jabc.ca and through our social media channels this month. Stay tuned!

Also, please invite your friends, colleagues and family members to volunteer in a JABC classroom. Chances are good that if you enjoy volunteering, your circle of friends and family will too. #JABCvolunteersRock
EFS@TRU: Another Successful Delivery
850+ Grade 10 students attended the Feb.16th Economics for Success program delivery at Thompson Rivers University. Huge thanks to the 50 Kamloops business community volunteers!
Business Laureates of BC Hall of Fame Gala
On May 14th, these inspiring individuals will be inducted into the BLBC Hall of Fame: Samuel Belzberg, J. Haig deB. Farris, David R. Podmore and Chip Wilson. Congratulations!
We're Hiring!
JABC is hiring a  Manager, Indigenous Programs to increase the delivery of programs in Indigenous communities. Deadline to apply is April 15th, 2019 .

President & CEO's Update
Volunteers truly are the heart of JABC and I want to take this opportunity to say thank-you. Without your expertise, we could not influence the lives of so many youth across B.C.

I had the opportunity of volunteering this past month at Magee Secondary in Vancouver. I facilitated the Economics for Success program and had the most amazing time connecting with Grade 10 students. We worked on goal pyramids, career clusters and interview skills. I walked away totally energized and ready for my first meeting of the day!

As we embark on Bright Futures for all B.C.'s Youth, we will need more volunteers to meet our goals and help prepare youth for the future. So, if you aren't currently a volunteer, please reach out to us. (I believe that you, too, will feel energized.)
We are always looking to improve the information we share with you. Please provide any feedback to [email protected] .
A hearty thank you from the JABC team.
Learn more at jabc.ca