Welcome to The C.G. Jung Association of Central Ohio!
Exploring the mystery within while living deeper in the world
Girl Without Hands 1
Friday, May 29 at 7:30 PM

We invite you to a Jungian panel discussion of the remarkable Sébastien Laudenbach movie titled “The Girl Without Hands”. The panel will be moderated by Kathy Cleveland Bull and led by Donice Wooster and Dr. Richard Sweeney.

Please email  [email protected]  by May 22   if you would like to join us, for on the basis of your email we will send you a Zoom invitation. When you get the invitation, it will include a link that you click on to enter the session. If you’ve not zoomed before, you’ll be prompted to download the app (just click on the prompt) and it will follow immediately, quickly and easily.
Girl Without Hands 2
How to watch the movie before the panel discussion: 1) kanopy, a public library app. If you have not used it before, go to kanopy.com and sign in using your library card number and pin, then sign in with your gmail address and password. Search for the movie and you’re ready to go. The movie runs about 1 hour and 15 minutes. 2) Rent it for about $3 or $4 via Amazon Prime or You Tube.

An absolutely luminous movie,  The Girl Without Hands”  is an animated adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Animation does not really capture the glorious texture of the watercolor figures and landscape. Outlines are suggestive and flow to life as though they are being poured out from an artist’s pots of color. Because there is no strong definition of form, the eye and imagination are richly engaged. It is exquisite and stunning. The fairy tale itself is compelling, powerful and spellbinding. 
Fairy Tale book cover
Fairy tales are the purest and simplest expression of collective unconscious psychic processes. Therefore their value for the scientific investigation of the unconscious exceeds that of all other material. They represent the archetypes in their simplest, barest, and most concise form. In myths or legends, or any other more elaborate mythological material, we get at the basic patterns of the human psyche through an overlay of cultural material. But in fairy tales there is much less specific conscious material, and therefore they mirror the basic patterns of the psyche more clearly.  – 
The Interpretation of Fairy Tales 
by  Marie-Louise von Franz ,  1996, p. 1


From The Healing Space of Cincinnati is a moving description of soul collage: 

SoulCollage  is a contemplative, creative, spiritual practice that uses images to listen to the language of the soul. 

Making  SoulCollage cards is a practice in mindfulness as well as beautiful tool for welcoming home and giving voice to the many parts of ourselves…both the beautiful and the broken
Reading and Praying  with our SoulCollage cards allows the deep wisdom within each of us guide us in seasons of transition or moments of anxiety.

Journaling  with our SoulCollage cards reveals places we are stuck, what part of us resists change or growth, and what part of us can support our work to grow and heal.”
Soul Collage
JACO has offered experiential workshops on soul collage, in which participants cut pictures from print sources, pictures that call to them, and array them in a composition that is guided by their spirit energy. One of our members, M.J. Abell, has special training to lead such workshops. A member of our Board, Kathy Cleveland Bull, often gathers friends together for informal soul collage sessions.
Here is an example of a soul collage that hopefully piques your interest. The reason for presenting it to you is to give you an idea of what one looks like, to suggest a medium for giving expression to your feelings in this difficult time and to invite you to comment on this particular image. What meaning do you make of it that has particular relevance to the moment? In our next newsletter we will share some of the responses. Email  [email protected]  by May 13. We really look forward to hearing from you.

For the health and safety of all, JungHaus will continue to be closed throughout the month of May. We will provide you with updates as things change. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions at   [email protected]

 JACO Membership

We are deeply grateful for our members who help support the mission of JACO and our many programs and events we offer throughout the year. Members receive discounts on programs, CEUs, books and CD purchases, library privileges, and special member events.

Last but not...

"The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our our ego-consciousness extends."
C.G. Jung
Jung Association of Central Ohio
59 W. 3rd Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43201

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