courses offering unique learning opportunities for all, delivered by highly renowned 

Moor Hall Farmhouse 
Bettws-y-crwyn,  Newcastle on Clun
Shropshire, SY7 8PH 
01547 510664

Celebrating Hand stitch
Finding just the right stitch

It was such fun having Jan here for two days and the students were so pleased to be taken right back to basics. Jan introduced students to a few stitches to begin with and then in her own inspirational way had them working just with one stitch to create  exciting surfaces from a simple visual source. The results as you can imagine were exquisite.

Here are some of the experimental stitch work first.

The students then spent some hard concentrated time working on their challenge piece of work, using just one stitch.

I so regretted not sneaking in and doing this course. It is so important to be reminded of these all important processes and when in the hands of Jan no-one can fail. Fabulous!!!!

Who has not heard of the Textile Study Group? 

It is a group of nationally and internationally known textile artists who aim to cultivate and promote textile art through  workshops, courses, exhibitions and publications. Membership to the group is limited to 25. Keeping the group small enables us all to meet twice yearly, when we book experienced tutors to deliver us challenging courses.  We hold yearly summer schools for students, delivered by three of the members. These take place up an down the country in venues that can cater for 50 of so people. Once bookings go live these book up very quickly.  A recent initiative has been the TEACHERS BURSARY AWARD. So any budding teachers out there do please check our website. The application form is simple so do give it a go.

Our winner this year was Bonnie Barton, Head of Design & Technology at Hazelgrove School, Yeovil, who success secured funding of £500 through the Textile Study Group Teachers Award. I hope to share with you in the next newsletter what she used this award for.

Meanwhile please check out our  WEBSITE for details of this award and to read about our future activities.

Our recent weekend course for members has just ended. The tutor was Matthew Harris and here is some of the work that I did.  The first exercises had us examining the hand writing of a family member, friend, a found postcard etc, as long as it was not your own handwriting. This work came from a piece of my mum's hand writing. Exercises followed which consider media, paper surface and scale.........and working from memory without looking at the paper on which we were working!!!! All good fun.

Obviously nothing is resolved as yet, but I feel I have plenty of ideas now to take forward. 
'Working with a Broken Line'
Ruth Issett and Bobby Britnell
7/8/9 October 2019


Some years ago now Ruth and I started teaching these joint courses, where students get to benefit from us both but also see us in a working situation, because as one of us teaches the other does the course alongside the students. These courses get students to think in different ways but in a non threatening creative environment.......and of course the workshops are great fun.

The 'line' is an important element of design for artists and stitchers and on this course we will be investigating the use of the 'broken line'.  This adventurous course will challenge students to explore new ways of looking at the 'broken line', through the creative use of mark-making, resists, print and stitch techniques onto both paper and fabric. Whether experienced or not this course will have opportunities for everyone.
Costs include the papers, fabrics and printing media, required for the course.

Book on line by going to  MY WEBSITE

Bye for now