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Dear Friends,

We welcome in the New Year in gratitude for all of you that continue to help VTR in so many incredible ways! 

This last Christmas for example, individuals and organizations gave from their heart to make the children, youth, and our young adults Christmas so special. Please see our acknowledgement on the back of our newsletter! 

Many of you gave your end of the year charitable contribution to VTR. Your appreciated gift provides so much in resources needed at VTR. And for those who have become our partner over the years with in-kind and charitable contributions every month, we thank you for your ongoing commitment to those we serve.
This New Year is filled with promise! The Transitional Living Home (TLH) that serves young men ages 18-24 that have aged out of the Foster Care system or who have been chronically homeless has the hope of expansion. Something that I have been working on along with the Director of the program. Please keep us in prayer for this success so we can help more young adults on the street. It has been in our heart for some time to expand this program and eventually serve young women too. 

The recent number announced last year for the unsheltered homelessness in Fresno and Madera counties is at an all-time high having grown 23%. In fact, in the nation, 40% of the homeless population are former foster children. You can see why we have made this a priority. If you would like to help in some way, please contact me. We are in need of more housing, and financial resources to provide for these young men.  
Our TLH program is superior and there is not one like it. We keep these young men for up to two years so they can really get on their feet through our mentorship program. We do not believe in Band-Aids, we believe in change through real help. Our success rate proves it. Since the inception of this program, we have helped 135 young men with self-sufficient living. In fact, many have gone on to attend college.

Thank you always for your kind consideration of support. Blessings to you for a wonderful year ahead!
Andrea Signature

Would you like to spend some free time helping with our grounds at the ranch?

The VTR sign that leads into the ranch was a casualty due to an accident. We are in need of replacing the posts to hold the VTR ranch sign at the entrance of the ranch. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

The VTR Annual Celebration committee meets once a month, and twice a month as the event draws near in September. Can you help in any way? We need collection of silent auction items, bakery items, decor, and more.
I f you can provide volunteer assistance, please contact [email protected]
VTR FFA and Adoption Agency Christmas Party
The Foster Family and Adoption Agency kicked off the holiday season with festivities, gifts and even a visit from Santa!

Just in Time for Christmas!
Congratulations to this beautiful family who finalized their adoption out of state! It was a very long journey for them and Valley Teen Ranch had the pleasure of quickly completing their home study and providing post adoption supervision.
Dorcas Guild of the Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church
for all the treats you brought for the 3 houses at the ranch.
Der Manouel Insurance Group
for the Christmas gifts for 20 boys at the Ranch. We also thank you for all your support throughout the year!
Northwest Ladies Early Bird Bible Study
for Christmas gifts for 10 boys at the Ranch.
Assistance League
for Teddy Bears for our f oster children.
Moss Adams, CPA-LLP,
St. Agnes Cardiac Rehab,
Fresno State Physical Therapy Department
And many individuals who purchased gifts
for the VTR Christmas Angel Tree that provides gifts to f oster c hildren.
Usborne Books , Sharon Funkhouser and Tabatha Miller Roach for the donation of books for our foster children.
Game Kastle
for board games for our boys at the Ranch and resource families.
Starbucks on Cedar & Herndon
for the Donation of Coffee for the FFA Christmas Party.  
New Covenant Church
for the use of their facility for the FFA Christmas Party.
The Binky Patrol, Fresno/Central Valley Chapter
For all the hats and blankets for our children and youth who experience trauma
Brian and Shaine Mears for filling 15 Christmas stockings for the boys who stay at the ranch on Christmas morning instead of going home.
Amanjyot Bains and her family for cookies at the Ranch .
Northwest Ladies Early Bird Bible Study
St. Agnes Cardiac Rehab
Dorcus Guild
Moss Adams, CPA-LLP
The Binky Patrol