The Place To Learn

SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center

4735 Bee Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34233   941.350.1653  


     SchiavettaGolf Academy Newsletter
                                                        JAN 2020

Happy New Year!

A new year, and new you in golf! What are your golf resoutions for 2020? Well, I have a  New Year resolution idea for you....I want you to make a list of the top 3 things you want to work on in your golf game. Then email, text, or call me and let's get going on it! My new year's resolutions? ... keeping a dedicated fitness schedule and trying to get out on the course to play a little more golf (though I must admit it is tough this time of year with my busy teaching schedule).
Everyone should have a goal. Let's get together and make a practice plan for you for 2020!

Remember to go online and check out our monthly online calendar where you can find private lesson, golf school and clinic info.
What Makes Me A PGA Professional

What does it take to become a PGA Professional? Occasionally I will get a question on why I became a PGA Professional, and why SchiavettaGolf Academy staffs only Certified Class A PGA Professionals.  

    SCHIAVETTAGOLF News 'On the Range'
We want to welcome back John Boniface, PGA . He is back for the winter and will be teaching both private lessons and weekly clinics here at SchiavettaGolf Academy. John teaches on Cape Cod in the summer and fall --  and is so happy to be here in warmer weather! 
Welcome back, John-
Our staff for 2020:
Mary Schiavetta, PGA
Bret Bonzheim, PGA
John Boniface, PGA

We have over 80 years of PGA teaching experience. Contact us and let us improve your game for 2020!
PLEASE - book your lessons early as the lesson slots get filled up fast!
Visit Our Website to find  info on private golf l essons, weekly clinics and golf schools.

Callaway Club Fitting Done H ERE: A reminder that the SchiavettaGolf Academy staff are official Callaway Master Fitters. If you are considering new clubs - contact us and let us help you find your best fitting clubs for you.

Received a very exciting product the other day.  Can't show you a picture until January 10th.
One word ....AMAZING

to SchiavettaGolf Academy 

              "INTRO TO GOLF" CLINIC  
                  LEARN ABOUT GOLF 
If you are interested in learning about golf and want to try it - then by all means sign up for our Intro to Golf Clinic. We will review the basic fundamentals of grip and alignment, how to swing the club, and any questions you may have when you are first starting out in golf. 

Saturday January 18
10:30 - 12:00 pm. 
$50 pp

         Short Game School January 19
The fastest way to lower your score is through the short game. Improve your scoring from 70 yards and in. School focuses exclusively on putting, chipping, pitching and greenside bunker play. Space is limited and fills up fast! Reserve your spot today!

Sunday, January 19
10:00 - 12:00 pm. 
$60 pp

           Learn & Play Golf School 
          Starts Friday, January 24th
 1:00 - 2:30 pm/5 sessions
For those new to golf or for those getting back into the game or want to lower their handicaps, this school covers it all! From using the putter to hitting your driver, we cover basic fundamentals of the golf swing, including rules and etiquette. 4 sessions @ SchiavettaGolf Academy, the 5th session is golf course play.
$225 pp

Rooney Update
Happy 4th Birthday!!

Rooney enjoyed her 4th birthday at the end of December. She hopes to see you at SchiavettaGolf Academy in the near future! She is 'maturing',  but I think she enjoys being a 'puppy' for a few more years. 

SchiavettaGolf Academy

     See you at SchiavettaGolf Academy!

Mary Schiavetta, PGA
Academy Director
SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center
2019  GRAA U.S. Top 50 Stand Alone Range
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Color PGA logo
Mary Schiavetta,PGA


 Click HERE for private lesson info



 Click HERE for weekly clinic schedule

Our Sponsors

Jill Friedman, PA
Sarasota, FL

Our Sponsors
 Sassy Hair



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