Executive Summary of the JAPC Re-Entry Plan
Approved and Adopted by Session on June 17, 2020
The church expects all people who come to church understand the public nature of church. Every person needs to assess their own risk, understanding that the sanctuary will be open to any who wish to participate in worship. The Session and staff at JAPC will continue to monitor and make changes to the ministries of the church as necessary. The church will adjust as necessary to promote the safest possible experience under the circumstances.
Expectations of Church Members, Friends, and Participants
In order to create the safest possible worship environment for people who participate in worship in the sanctuary, people must follow these guidelines/expectations:
· Please stay at home if you are sick, and self-quarantine if you think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
· Face Masks must be worn at all times in the church building. The church will provide masks if needed or if a face covering is determined to be ineffective.
· People are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes early to sign in, use hand sanitizer, and be directed to a seat.
· Every person must maintain physical distancing of 6 feet or more at all times on church grounds and inside the church building, especially when entering worship and departing.
· Please use the designated pathways and doors marked for entrance and exit.
· Pew books, etc. will be removed, however you are encouraged to bring your own Bible.
· There will be no Coffee Hour and it is expected that you leave the building directly, following worship. visiting can take place at safe distances away from walkways as you wish.
Sunday Morning Precautions for Beginning Phase of “In-Person Worship”
· Regular worship practices that are medically determined to create risk will not be practiced, including:
No passing of the peace, no congregational singing, no Lord’s Supper, limited corporate prayer, and abbreviated services.
· Entrances to the church will be from the rear parking lot door and in the case of need for accessibility, the Tower door.
· We will enter the sanctuary using the center aisle only.
· Choice of seating is limited to designated spaces to allow for distancing and if first come, first serve.
· No Sunday School classes or Child Care will be offered.
· Participants will be dismissed row by row, using the lateral outside aisles to exit: please respect the 6 ft. apart rule. Exits include the Narthex door(s), Tower doors, and stairway from sanctuary to the parking lot. Center aisle use will be privileged for any person with accessibility needs.
· The offering will be collected using a dedicated offering box found in the Narthex and in the welcome center of the lobby or online at
/ direct link:
· Bathrooms will be open but please use with social distancing upon entering, use, and exiting.
Precautions Used as Staff Resumes Work from the Building
· The church will have a “no visitor” policy with church business to be done “by appointment only.”
· Staff will have cleaning, safety, distancing, and health monitoring protocols.
· Staff will use designated spaces. Work areas must be respected by all (employees and parishioners) as these spaces will not be available for open use.