A Comprehensive Guide to Rosh Hashanah 5781

Dear Friends,

This email is intended to serve as your comprehensive guide to Rosh Hashanah this year. You will find links to important documents that will be continually updated as Rosh Hashanah approaches. We’ve been working overtime to make sure that our Yamim Noraim will be as meaningful as possible, whether or not you will be with us at or near The Jewish Center. We hope we’ve gotten some things right, but I am sure there will be hiccups along the way. This will be a year like no other and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Special thanks is owed to our outstanding professionals and to the dozens of devoted Jewish Center members who have volunteered in too many ways to count. 

For those of you who will not be in shul on Rosh Hashanah, we have prepared a complete holiday calendar as well as a Machzor companion that will guide you as daven at home. To make sure that everyone has the opportunity to hear the Shofar, we have organized a Shofar map with the times and locations of over a dozen outdoor shofar blowing sites spanning the length and breadth of the Upper West Side. No registration is required. 

For those of you will be in shul on Rosh Hashanah, I encourage you to review our Covid guidelines and general security information. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy. When everyone is on the same page, it’s much easier to achieve this goal. Please remember that we are asking members to bring their own masks, machzorim, tallitot, etc. If you would like to borrow a machzor from The Jewish Center, please let us know by completing our online form. 

Our services this year will be held in multiple locations. We have done our best to accommodate everyone’s preferences. While it was not possible to do so in every case, we were able to honor the overwhelming majority of requests. Please note that we will have assigned seating for minyanim at The Jewish Center. Our outdoor minyanim will follow an open seating format. We now have a waiting list for Rosh Hashanah seats. If you have made a reservation but will not be attending, please let the office know as soon as possible. Your color-coded tickets will go out in the mail to you by Friday, September 11. So that we can start punctually and to minimize crowding at the entrance, please make every effort to arrive on time. 

While we will not have youth groups this year, this Rosh Hashanah will be an opportunity for children to daven alongside their parents. Children ages 10 and up have been seated with their parents in most of our minyanim. For those with school-aged children, we have made our gym minyan available to your family. In all cases, we kindly request that both adults and children remain in their seats throughout the service.  

In the event that rain is forecast, we will provide guidance in advance for contingency plans for those registered for services in one of our outdoor locations.  

As you know, our Tefillah this year will be abridged. We have prepared a guide to our Rosh Hashanah Services at The Jewish Center which we hope you will find helpful. 

We are pleased to share a number of additional resources which we hope will enhance your Rosh Hashanah:

Finally, allow me to conclude with a reminder about our Yom Kippur Appeal. We recognize that these are extraordinary times. Our lives have been upended. Through it all, The Jewish Center has been and remains a source of constancy and vibrancy for our community. As you can imagine, our tenants have been struggling to pay their rent; income generated by the rental of our facility is down; and members have left the city – either temporarily or permanently. Though we have slashed our expenses, our budget is still tight. So that our Center can continue to provide all that it does, please contribute generously. With your help, we will make it to the other side of this pandemic. Let’s be sure the institutions upon which rely are strong and vibrant when we get there.

With warmest regards,

Yosie Levine

Upcoming Events and Programs

Please join Rabbi Levine daily at 8:30am for five minutes of learning followed by Shofar.

Thursday, Sep 10th 8:00pm to 9:30pm 
The Jewish Center invites you to a special Rosh Hashana Virtual Wine Tasting with Carmel Winery Thursday, September 10, 2020 8:00 PM Spend a virtual evening with your Jewish Center family sampling wines from Carmel, and learn more about one of Israel's oldest and most renowned wineries from its president, Roni Jesselson.
Please join us for Selichot at The Jewish Center, September 12th at 11:00pm. Please note that registration and approval are required. For those unable to be at The Jewish Center for Selichot, please join us on Zoom.
Sunday, Sep 13th 1:00p to 2:30pm

Sunday, Sep 13th 7:00p to 8:00pm
The Jewish Center Sisterhood Invites You to Join Rachel Ringler As She Discusses the Power of a Family Cookbook
Tuesday, Sep 15th 8:00pm to 9:00pm 

Wednesday, Sep 16th 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Join Rabbi Elie Buechler and Chazzan Jonathan Green on Zoom as they illuminate the texts and tunes of our Rosh Hashanah liturgy. 

Forget About It? How We Can Move Past a Year Gone Wrong
Rosh Hashana Reflections with Rabbi Yosie Levine
Thursday, Sep 17th at 8:00pm 
In lieu of a formal sermon on Rosh Hashanah, please join Rabbi Levine to reflect on the year that has passed and the year ahead. 
Join our new JC WhatsApp group:
Here we will share reminders about upcoming programming and events. https://chat.whatsapp.com/LHRdougPFwxC6JDOH9MiOd 

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