Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island
Upcoming Schedule of Events

Renee picture


Dear Parents and Friends,


Our Head of School, Renee Rudnick, sends her sincere thanks to all for your expressions of sympathy on the recent passing of her father-in-law.  Renee has asked me to relay the following message to all:


Mazal tov to all for what she has heard to be a 

phenomenal Zimriyah (though she is not surprised--wonderful kids, fantastic faculty and staff!)  Kol Hakavod to everyone involved.


Renee also hopes everyone will return to school on Monday, February 25th, Shushan Purim, refreshed and ready to begin the next four weeks before Pesach.  And when the students enter the doors of JCDSRI on that Monday, they should be in costume and ready for Purim activities (see Purim block below)!


                                                                                          --Eileen Ellis


Shabbat Shalom,



Renee Rudnick

Head of School

Jewish Community Day School of RI

(401) 751-2470






          For Your Calendar:               

18-22  February Vacation--NO CLASSES
              click on DEM's website to learn of
              free programs for your children  
   24    Purim 
   24    Purim Carnival at Temple Emanu-El
   24    Purim Parade beginning at Jewish
               Alliance                                10:30 a.m.
   25    School Resumes--Kids in costumes!!
   25    Hebrew Play Group                      10:30 a.m.
   25    Grades 1, 4 to Miriam Hosp.        12:45 p.m.
   25    Magician performs for students     2:15 p.m.
            (and you, too!!)
   26    5th Grade Field Trip--Boston      8:00-3:00
   27    4th Grade Bowling Pin Biographies      2:30
   28   Thursdays Together-Preschool Story Time
                                                            10:00 a.m.
calendarOther Important Dates for your Calendar:

March 11, 14    Parent-Teacher Conf.
                               12:30-5:30 p.m.
March 22      Early Dismissal for Pesach
                                                 11:30 a.m.      
March 25-April 3     Pesach Break
April 28-May 1    AISNE Team Evaluates
 May           10      Special Visitors Day
                    15, 16   Shavuot--NO SCHOOL
                     27    Memorial Day--
                                  NO SCHOOL
June             12      Student Art Show and
                                   Beatle Torah!!
                      14      Graduation and
                                    Last Day of School
purim crown 
You and your family are invited to participate in the annual Providence Purim Parade which begins at Sessions St and Elmgrove Ave on Sunday, February 24th at 10:30 a.m.
Also on the 24th, Temple Emanu-El invites you to their Purim Carnival in the Temple building.  Beginning at 10:15 a.m., there will be a special session for PreK and K families until 11 a.m.  From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the carnival is open to all.
When we return to school on Monday, February 25th, it will be Shushan Purim.  Our children are invited to come to school in costume.  The day will be filled with Purim activities, including the megillah reading, songs, story-telling, graggers, hamentashen and a magician's performance at 2:15 p.m. in the Goldberg.  Parents and siblings are also invited to the magic show.


So if Purim is approaching,

can Pesach be far behind?

Does Pesach seem overwhelming to you as a member of an interfaith family? 

On Sunday, March 10th,  

Temple Sinai in Cranston, RI, and the Mothers' Circle of the Jewish Alliance, invites you to participate in a
educational workshop
helping you to celebrate Passover in an enjoyable, meaningful way.
No prior experience necessary!!




Mondays, February 25th - March 18th


4 sessions remaining 10:30 - 11:15 AM

Join an exciting and interactive program for parents and children that exposes families to the joys of learning and speaking Hebrew as well as to Israeli culture. Each week focuses on a new theme through lively music, books, and activities. All are welcome to come build a community and play, immersed in the Hebrew language.  For ages 0-3

After School Clubs/Classes

NEW!! For PreK and K!!

kids dancing  

Creative Dance Class

Thursdays, 3:15-4pm

Starts: March 7th

For Girls and Boys

Dance Club Registration Form




For students in Grades 3-5

Jewelry-Making Club Registration Form


Hebrew After School Program

Grades 2-5 

2nd Monday of the month:

February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13

JCDS Logo 
Don't forget to 
Spill the Beans 
about JCDSRI!! 
jelly beans


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School Website

Win a
Only 300 total tickets will be sold on
Fridays at pick-up .
             1 ticket = $10
3 tickets = $25
10 tickets = $75
Thank you to the following donors who have already contributed to the
2013 Annual Campaign!!
(A special note of thanks, also, to Sharon Sock for her beautiful design-work and stationary purchases.)

Dina and Sol Adelsky

Hepzibah and Dani Alon

Melvin and Patty Alperin


Phyllis Arakie

The Aronson Foundation

Joel and Mozelle Berkowitz

Guy Bermel and Sara Frankel Bermel

Andrew and Beverly Blazar

Sharon Bonn

Allan Brenman

Mark Brody and Samantha Morse

Bromberg-Rosenstein Family

Rafael Castillo and Anna Kuperman

George and Brenda Clayson

Tom Doyle and Amy Goldberg

Francois and Rachael Elmaleh

Martin and Gloria Feibish

Diane Frankel
Maria and Gary Frankel

Stephen and Celia Gamm

Naama Gidron

Ethne Girard

Maurice and Yetta Glicksman
Arthur Goldberg

Shirley Aronson Goldberg Foundation

Howard and Gilda Greenberg

Leslie and Janet Gutterman

Ronni and William Guttin

Rabbi Ami and Lori Hersh

Hope and David Hirsch

Jeremy and Amanda Isenberg

Jordana and Dan Jaffee

Cindy Benson and Raphael Kanter

Steven Jacobson and Andrea Katzman

Alex and Lisa Kaufman

Joanna and Rebecca Kislak Brown

Stan and Emily Kotler

Elaine Kroll

Seth Kurn and Barbara Harris

Leslie and Robert Landau

Rochelle Rosen and John Landry

Naveh and Sarah Levy

Ellie and David Lewis

Elana Litmanovich and

     Maxim Bashkirov

Debbie Mann and Josh Jacobs

Sarah Mack and Jeff Isaacs 

Shlomo Marcovich

Debra and Jack Nassau

Martin and Dianne Newman

Janet Ostro

Mara Ostro

Rebekah Page

Libby and Steven Peiser

Gabriella Rothman and Andrew Pessin

Joan Ress Reeves

Marcia Riesman

Hershey and Myrna Rosen

Judy and Jay Rosenstein

David and Kristin Rosler

Harold and Irene Rudnick

Ronald Salavon

Mathew and Deborah Shuster

Ira and Cathy Singer

Garrett and Sharon Sock

Judith and Edward Spindell

Shoshana Landow and Ethan Stein

Herb Stern

Josef and Natalia Sternberg

Joseph Subotnik

Rose and Daniel Subotnik

Myra Tattenbaum

Brian Tesar and Lisa Greenberg

Cheryl Teverow and Jim Krupanski 

Michael and Jill Thaler 

Alfred and Rachel Venditto

Bradley and Alison Walter

Rachel Friedberg and David Weil

Michele Mericle and Richard Wiebe

Craig Woda and Rachel Mersky Woda

Bruce and Marlene Wolpert

Cynthia and Henry Zanger

Deborah Zuckerman

Melvin and Janet Zurier

parent child 

2012-2013 Annual

Parent Campaign has begun!  Please expect a phone call from a fellow parent in the next few weeks! To make your donation online, please go to  

A huge thank you to those parents who have already made their gift (see below)!
Contact Information
Eileen Ellis
Executive Assistant 
Jewish Community Day School of Rhode Island

Bring In: East Side Market Receipts  


and Box Tops for Education

Our school benefits from your consideration of JCDSRI when saving your receipts and boxtops.  Drop them off at the lobby desk. 

Thank you