- On Thursday, the co-chair of the state's budget-writing Joint Finance Committee, State Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) issued the following statement after the Wall Street Journal uncovered an attempt to rig a court ruling by the supposed non-partisan Government Accountability Board (GAB).
"The people of Wisconsin deserve fair and honest election watchdogs, which will never happen if Kevin Kennedy is in charge.
Thursday's Wall Street Journal exposed yet another attempt by Kennedy's rogue employees to rig the system to continue their witch hunt. It's clear from a recent audit and today's revelation, that the GAB was too busy chasing conspiracy theories to do their primary function of ensuring fair and open elections.
Today's revelation is just the latest exposing Kennedy's mismanagement and hyper-partisanship. In July, the Wall Street Journal exposed a coordinated effort by the GAB's Kevin Kennedy and the disgraced IRS head, Lois Lerner. It is clear that the harassment of conservative groups by Lerner at the federal level directly coincided with the harassment of conservative groups right here in our state.
The first step in reforming this broken and permanently tarnished agency is for the head of it to leave."