Stress. We live it, we suffer through it, we struggle to overcome it, and it still seems to pile up. A new hybrid work world, a rocky stock market, an ever-changing can make anyone anxious.


The American Psychological Association recently studied stress in the US and discovered that 83% of respondents identified "money" as a key source of stress. Financial security affects so many aspects of our life, it is no wonder it causes so much stress. For many of our clients the answer is a new or better job, however, the path forward is never simple. We live in a digital age where everything happens online, including looking and applying for a job. This can be intimidating for those without keen technical skills.


Here at JFCS we provide essential support (e.g. food pantry and emergency financial assistance) to those in need. But our #1 goal is to help our clients help themselves. We provide them with the ability to improve their skills and the tools that are necessary to apply for a job in our digital world. It's all about making them more comfortable with the process.


Demystifying the necessary path to get a new/better job is the key to helping people feel less overwhelmed. Every Re-Launch client is helped through each step in the job search process: career/job choice, resume, cover letter, networking, interviewing skills, and more. We also assist our clients in finding online courses (many of which are free), that help augment and update their skills and increase marketability. Put all of this together, and each person who walks through our Re-Launch doors leaves more confident and less intimidated than they were before.


The Re-Launch team works directly with every single client to provide a full suite of career-related services. This does not go unnoticed, as many of our clients have shared what a positive experience they've had. One of them enthusiastically stated: "I am so grateful to Sandra. She is brilliant and compassionate. She helped me identify strengths, write a cogent and compelling resume (after not having one for years!) and continues to guide me in finding jobs in the digital age."

Dear JFCS family,

With Pesach comfortably behind us and, sadly, commemorating Yom Hashoah this week, I hope that this Spotlight finds you well.

As I ponder the dramatic person-by-person impact that we see among our Re-Launch clients, as described above, it occurs to me that empowerment and self-sustainability are values that are fundamental goals of any employment search or change. Interestingly, these are also fundamental goals for all of the individuals and families who we serve in every department and service area of JFCS.  

Clearly, the pathway for an adult or child being treated with psychotherapy for anxiety or depression is completely different from a family that is reliant on our Corner Market for the basic need of food. The process for an older adult in our community who is struggling to remain in their own home requires a JFCS team member and approach that is, yet again, totally different.

Our hope and plan, though, for all who we serve at JFCS is to help them raise themselves to a better place, an improved quality of life, a brighter and more peaceful future imbued with independence, self-confidence and self-respect. These are the common denominators of what we strive for in our work. Together with our clients and patients, we gratefully celebrate the attainment of these lofty goals every day.

As always, my thanks to the entire JFCS staff team for their exemplary work.

Wishing you all a beautiful springtime,
