A recent KIDS COUNT report shows there has been a 25.5% increase in children exhibiting mental health issues (anxiety and depression), with an "alarmingly high" number of attempted suicides among high school students. This paints a grim picture, but it also frames our work. With a combination of compassionate professionals, innovative techniques, and professional training, we are doing everything we can to raise awareness and offer treatment for children who are struggling to adapt to our ever-changing world. In addition to working within our office, we have taken our work out into the community, where an opportunity exists to bolster social-emotional development and problem-solving skills, the building blocks of mental wellness.
Take our recent foray into the Bergen County school system. Our very own Catherine Estes (LSW, Psychotherapist - pictured above), has been working very closely with 3rd-5th graders on a variety of topics and skills: developing healthy friendships, becoming great listeners, and collaboration. By all accounts, the children have received this program with eagerness and enthusiasm - this group has had problems in the past with fighting, and it is clear that they themselves are willing to do what it takes to create a more peaceful environment.
Just a few weeks ago a teacher told us what she observed during recess: "The students were playing and there was a dispute among them on whose turn it was to use the colored pencils. I was amazed, stunned, and overjoyed all at the same time to hear one of the students repeat almost word for word what Catherine had taught them about conflict resolution. A few weeks ago, a disagreement like this would have started a fight - I have no doubt. But the students were able to resolve the issue on their own using the skills they learned from their JFCS counselor."

We're overjoyed as well! But reversing the daunting KIDS COUNT findings is not an overnight process. We need to ensure our youth are headed down the proper path early on. That is why, now more than ever, we are advocating for mental health interventions for our young school aged children. As the teacher above will attest, the students want it and it works!
Dear Friends,

Welcome to the JFCS SPOTLIGHT, our new monthly newsletter, highlighting one of our four pillars of service in each issue! This month, we are leading with Mental Health services for children, which is on everybody’s radar these days. At JFCS, we are so proud of our team of expert clinicians who work with children and adolescents both individually in psychotherapy and in groups to develop social skills and/or to cope with the stress and anxiety that many young people are experiencing today. We also have on our team a seasoned Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to enhance our work with the ability to prescribe and manage medication when needed.

As we begin the new year at JFCS, we are extremely energized and very hopeful about our strength and ability to meet the social service and mental health needs of our community. It is humbling to hear the distress and pain experienced by some individuals and families among us. This winter we heard from seniors who are living “on the edge” and need our help. We regularly hear from young families in chaos because of financial problems or sudden illness or marital discord. In December alone we received 368 calls requesting services.

With your support, the entire JFCS team is poised and prepared to provide the safety net that our Northern New Jersey community deserves!!!

Wishing you and yours a HEALTHY and HAPPY 2023!