In the State Assembly, Democrats garnered a super-majority by defeating two, potentially three, incumbent Republican Legislators (one race has yet to be called). In the Senate, Republicans mounted unsuccessful challenges in two Democratic districts, and Democrats mounted unsuccessful challenges in two Republican districts, though one of the two races has yet to be officially called. There were also several inter-party battles which predominantly favored the more moderate of the two candidates. So the Democrats look like a super majority in the Assembly but may wind up one short in State Senate.
U.S. Senate
Kamala Harris defeated Loretta Sanchez - Governor Brown must now appoint a successor who will serve the remaining two years of Harris' term. Will Brown appoint a placeholder? Or, will he appoint someone who intends to run for reelection in two years, thereby giving them a leg up on any challenger? We will find out soon.
U.S. Congress
Former Assembly Member Isadore Hall (D) lost to local City Councilmember Nanette Barragan in what had historically been a safe African American seat, CD 44. This race is unique in that it represents a significant demographic shift.
State Senate - Contested Races
Former Assembly Member Anthony Portantino (D) defeated Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich (R) in SD 25, despite Antonovich's strong name identification. This remains a Democratic seat.
Former Capitol Staffer Henry Stern (D) defeated Steve Fazio (R) in SD 27. This remains a Democratic seat.
Assembly Member Scott Wilk (R) defeated Johnathon Ervin (D) in SD 21. This remains a Republican seat.
Assembly Member Ling Ling Chang (R) is ahead against Candidate Josh Newman (D) in SD 29. Though the race has not been called, Chang will likely prevail to keep this a Republican seat.
Senator Richard Roth (D) defeated Candidate Richard Reed (R) in SD 31. Historically this was a Republican seat; however, registration has changed dramatically, making it a relatively safe Democratic seat.
State Senate - Challenges
Assembly Member Bill Dodd (D) defeated Former Assembly Member Mariko Yamada in SD 3. Dodd is a moderate, whereas Yamada is a liberal.
Senator Jim Beall (D) defeated Assembly Member Nora Campos (D) in SD 15. Campos was funded primarily by the oil industry in protest to Beall's support of environmentalist legislation.
Former Assembly Member Steve Bradford (D) defeated former Assembly Member Warren Furitani (D) in SD 35. This has historically been a safe African American seat, though the demographics are changing.
Scott Weiner defeated Jane Kim for Mark Leno's seat in San Francisco.
State Assembly - Contested Races
Assembly Member Marc Steinorth (R) defeated well financed candidate Abigail Medina (D) in AD 40, which was one of the Democrats top targets. This remains a Republican seat.
Assembly Member David Hadley (R) lost to former Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi (D) in AD 66, returning this seat to Democrats. This is one of two wins necessary for Democrats to garner a super-majority.
Assembly Member Catherine Baker (R) defeated Candidate Cheryl Cook-Kallio (D) in AD 16 to keep this a Republican seat; the only Republican seat in the Bay Area.
Assembly Member Tom Lackey (R) defeated Former Assembly Member Steve Fox (D) in SD 36 to keep this a Republican seat.
Assembly Member Eric Linder (R) lost his reelection bid to Candidate Sabrina Cervantes (D) in AD 60, moving this seat from Republican to Democratic control. This victory gives Democrats a super-majority.
Assembly Member Young Kim (R) is losing to former Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva (D) in AD 65. Though the race has not been called, it's unlikely that Kim will be able to make up sufficient ground to retain the seat. This seat moves from Republican to Democratic control.
State Assembly - Challenges
Assembly Member Cheryl Brown (D) lost in her reelected bid against Candidate Eloise Reyes (D). Brown was a moderate who campaign was largely funded by business, whereas Reyes is a liberal whose campaign was largely funded by environmentalists.
Former Assembly Member Raul Bocanegra (D) beat incumbent Assembly Member Patty Lopez (D) to return to the Assembly. Bocanegra is a moderate, whereas Lopez is a liberal.
Candidate Tim Grayson (D) easily defeated Candidate Mae Torlakson (D) in AD 14. Grayson is the more moderate of the two.
Candidate Jordan Cunningham (R ) defeated Candidate Dawn Ortiz-Legg (D) in AD 35, previously Assemblymember Katcho Achadjian's seat.
Candidate Madison Nguyen (D) defeated Candidate Ash Kalra (D) in AD 27, previously Assemblymember Nora Campos' seat.
Candidate Laura Friedman (D) defeated Candidate Ardy Kassakhian (D) in AD 43, previously Assemblymember Mike Gatto's seat.