How to Register for Online Classes
  • Our online classes will be hosted through Zoom - it's free and easy to use. Please click here to sign up online or download the app to your preferred device (e.g. computer or phone). Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the software as it will be hard for us to troubleshoot this with you from our end.
  • To attend our online classes, you will need to pre-register for the class at least 30 minutes prior to the start time. This timing is firm. Pre-register as you normally would via our website or the Mindbody app. All classes will now be listed with 'LIVE STREAM' in their title.  
  • When pre-registering, you will be able to select the amount you can pay to attend class.
  • We will send an email out to all pre-registered students 15 minutes before the start of class with an invitation to join the Zoom meeting/Live-streamed yoga class. Click on the link to join.
  • Once you have joined the Zoom meeting/class, please MUTE yourself and, if you would prefer not to be visible in the Zoom meeting, you can select 'Stop Video'.

How to Purchase Account Credit/Gift Certificate

  • To purchase account credit, select "Editable Account Payment" and you'll be directed through the steps to set the amount you'd like to place on your account and complete the purchase. 
  • When purchasing a gift certificate, you can select an amount or a service. 
  • We will add your 10% of your gift certificate to your account as credit by the date we re-open our doors.