The following resources are available for students who intend to take the JSAT Level 8 High School Exam:
All resources can be accessed by visiting:

JSAT Level 8 List of Standards
We encourage students to read the list of standards covered in the exam. This includes a list of Chumash skills standards, Chumash Vocabulary words and their translation, a list of topics covered in the Chumash Knowledge, and more.

JSAT Level 8 Sample Test
This is a copy of our first JSAT Exam which was administered in November of 2019 with an answer key.

Hebrew Language Practice Units
This practice guide contains eight sample Hebrew Language passages with questions. These questions reflect the latest updated standards of the Hebrew Language portion of the exam.

Chumash Decoding Skills Guide
We have added a brand-new guide for the Chumash Decoding Skills portion of the exam. This guide clarifies for students what they need to know for each skill and the patterns to look for – all on one page per skill.

JSAT Level 8 Online Skills Review Courses - Paid Product
This brand-new interactive platform provides students with hundreds of questions targeted to the Chumash Vocabulary and Chumash Decoding skills portion of the exam. A sample can be viewed for free prior to purchase. The cost of this product is $15 per student.