Encounter Through Listening
By Bob Reiser, SJ from Jesuit Schools Network
As a member of the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE), I had the privilege this past summer in Yogyakarta of drafting the JESEDU-Jogja2024 Vision Statement on which we as a Network are now reflecting in these pages. A big part of the drafting process was listening to the Holy Spirit as it moved among and within the group. As the days progressed, we in ICAJE were amazed at how common terms or phrases slowly but consistently emerged from within the group – through spiritual conversation, large group discussions, and informal conversations. As the common graces emerged, we simply “harvested” them and then formed them into a Vision Statement, a statement of common graces that emerged from the group.
When I was a young high school president, a more seasoned veteran once told me that the best way to engage the many constituents I would encounter was to ask them about themselves – their lives, families, jobs, and interests. Listening to the stories of students, faculty members, parents, alums, donors, and friends slowly but surely became less of a “tactic” for me, and more of an experience of personal “formation,” especially as disparate groups touched on common themes, common graces. I guess one could say, they formed a “vision” in me that emerged from the working of the Holy Spirit within and among the community.
Encountering others and listening to them has been a blessing in my life, and I hope by extension a blessing for those I’ve served. As Pope Francis reminds us in Fratelli Tutti, “To speak of a ‘culture of encounter’ means that we, as a people, should be passionate about meeting others, seeking points of contact, building bridges, planning a project that includes everyone. This becomes an aspiration and a style of life.” (216)