Janurary 29 - February 4, 2025 | |
The Call of Compassion
Rev. Jen Simon
Last year, we explored love as not just a feeling, but a verb. Grammar notwithstanding, compassion is also a verb. Rev. Jen reflects on what compassion is and what it calls us to do.
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9 am Programs (end at 10:10 am)
Nursery: (ages 0-3)
PreK: Chalice Children
K-5th: Compassion in Action
4th/5th OWL: Changes of Puberty
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11 am Programs (end at 12:10 pm)
Nursery: (ages 0-3)
PreK: Chalice Children
K-2nd: Feelings
3rd-5th: Compassion in Action
6th: Neighboring Faiths - Field Trip: New Hope Baptist Church
7th OWL: Consent
8th COA: Guiding Stars, week 3
HSYG: Youth Service planning
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2024 Donation Statements Emailed
Calendar year 2024 donation statements were emailed on Wednesday, January 22. Please check your email and look for the subject line Jefferson Unitarian Church 2024 Donation Statement. Please retain the attachment for your records. If we did not have an email on record, or if it failed to deliver, a printed copy was mailed to your address. If you have any questions, please contact Carol or call 303-279-5282 x 708
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Valentine's Crafternoon
Sunday, February 9 // 12:15 - 2:30 pm // Let's get creative together! We will spend the afternoon making fun valentine crafts, enjoying snacks and drinks and making time to connect with each other across the generations. Families and elders especially encouraged to attend but ALL are welcome! Sign Up
The Church Blood Drive is Coming Soon!
Wednesday, February 19 // Give blood right at JUC! For an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and use sponsor code: JUC.
Community FUN!draising Auction - Donate now!
Our annual online silent auction raises funds while providing the opportunity for connection through JUCer hosted parties, events, and other fun social activities throughout the year. All ages are encouraged to participate. Stop by the auction table in the south commons this Sunday to ask questions and/or submit your donations. Bidding will be open March 1-8. Auction Website
JUC Winter Ball
Saturday, March 1 // 6 - 9 pm // Kick off the JUC Auction and escape to a winter wonderland and enjoy an evening of dancing and winter delights. Help make our Winter Ball a success by sharing your time and talents! We have a variety of opportunities for you to help before, during, and after the event. Sign Up
2025 Summer Camp Lottery
JUC Summer FUUN Camp! August 11 -15 // 9 am to 3 pm // for 6-12 year olds
Join other JUC kids for a week of summer fun, UU style! The cost is $200/camper for members, $250/camper for non-members. Campers will be selected by lottery (by family). The lottery will close on Friday, February 14, and families will be notified by Tuesday, February 18. Sign Up
Support The Rising's Mission Arvada Homeless Ministry
The Rising Church in Old Town Arvada provides meals and other resources to people experiencing homelessness at their Mission Arvada Day Shelter. JUC supports their efforts by preparing meals in our JUC kitchen and serving them weekly. Please consider joining a cook team or signing up to serve meals. Sign Up For further information please contact Randy Flipse.
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Thursday, January 30
Yoga As You Are: A Spiritual Practice // 2 - 3 pm // 2nd, 4th, & 5th Thursdays // chapel // This class is open to people of all abilities and levels of experience. There will be opportunities for people who aren’t able to get on and off the floor. Bring a yoga mat or a beach towel, plus any yoga props you already own. Contact: Martha Eastman
WOMBATS - Men's Group Meetup // 5:30 pm // The WOMBATS are here to create a community of people who identify as men to connect authentically. Meetings consist of time to connect socially, share a meal, and a formal program based on listening and reflection. Meet at Harmony Village Center in Golden.
Saturday, February 1
Creative Writers Circle // 10 am - 12 pm // Whether you're beginning your writing journey or have written for years, the Creative Writers Circle is for you! Everyone is welcome to join our friendly, supportive group of folks eager to learn from, and laugh with, each other in a safe, nonjudgmental space. Not quite ready to share your work? Come anyway, we can't wait to get to know you! Sign Up Contact: Sharon Groten
Sunday, February 2
Abundant Harvest Table // 10 am and 12 pm // south commons // Nourish your body after worship each Sunday with healthy, delicious food lovingly prepared by fellow JUCers. Donations collected benefit Arvada Rising's Homeless Ministry. Volunteers are always needed to prepare food and staff the table. Sign Up
New Here // 12:30 - 2:30 pm // Are you curious about Unitarian Universalism? Are you interested in becoming a member of JUC? In our New Here class, we will talk about our history, our covenants, our principles, and what it means to be a member. We will also cover what you need to know about our church programs, from worship to social justice, faith exploration, and caring for our people. In order to become a member, we ask that you attend at least one New Here class. Coffee and light finger foods will be provided, as well as childcare for your little ones. We hope to see you there! Sign Up
Nature’s Keepers // 12:30 - 2:30 pm // We're planning on a snow extravaganza! Enjoy shelter building, snow shoeing, sledding and more! Participants must be registered through our regular FE program. Sign Up
Science & Spirit // 12:30 pm // Encourage your curiosity with presentations and lively discussion on a wide variety of scientific topics. No specific scientific or technical background is required.
Mindfulness Meditation // 5 - 6:15 pm // online // The Mindfulness Meditation group is meeting every Sunday to meditate together and discuss a mindfulness-related theme. Meeting Link Contact: Tina Voelker
Monday, February 3
Women's Group // 6 - 7:30 pm // Be a part of the Women's Group at JUC, where people of all ages who identify as women can come together to foster community, support one another, and embrace the values of Unitarian Universalism. This inclusive space welcomes individuals to socialize, share experiences, and pursue personal growth while celebrating our diverse identities and perspectives. Bring a snack to share as we nourish both our bodies and our spirits. We look forward to connecting with you! Sign Up
Tuesday, February 4
UUA Common Read: Authentic Selves - Parent/Caregiver special class // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // Parents and caregivers are invited to participate in this discussion of the book Authentic Selves. If you have not read the book but are a parent or caregiver of a trans or non-binary youth please feel free to attend! Sign Up
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Thursday, February 6
Muffins with the Ministry Team // 10 am // Our JUC members 70 or better are invited to gather for an informal time to connect with each other and members of our ministry team. Over coffee and muffins we will spend time together in fellowship and conversation. Sign Up
Friday, February 7
Poetry Group // first and third Fridays // 1 - 2:30 pm // We gather to share a poem we have written on a chosen topic, and give gentle feedback to each other. Contact: Linda Ropes
First Friday Open Mic // 6 - 9 pm // Share your talent! Kid performances welcome! Please sign up to attend the community pizza dinner ($5/person; $20/family suggested donation) so we know how much food to provide. During the show, wine, beer and soda are available for a modest donation, and there’s always chocolate! Sign Up
Sunday, February 9
Mindfulness Meditation // 5 - 6:15 pm // online // The Mindfulness Meditation group is meeting every Sunday to meditate together and discuss a mindfulness-related theme. Meeting Link Contact: Tina Voelker
Monday, February 10
Tai Chi Contemplatives // 5:30 - 6:45 pm // Come join us for an hour of relaxing Tai chi, beginners always welcome. Tai chi is an excellent form of exercise that enhances Core strength, concentration, balance, coordination and mindfulness. Tai chi is an internal form of martial art, beautiful and accessible. Contact: Jan Jahner
Mom's Group // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // R6/7 //Join other JUC moms for an opportunity to deepen and connect. There will be a mix of faith-exploration activities and socialization time. To be added to the Moms Group email list, please email Heather. Questions? Contact: Heather DeCaluwe
Queer Connections // 7 - 8:30 pm // Queer Connections is a compassionate safe space dedicated to adults of the LGBTQIA+ community. We welcome all ages 18+. It's a time to socialize, give input on future events, share stories, support each other's voices, approach spirituality from a queer lens, discuss current social and political issues affecting our community, and collaborate on ways to lift up queer folks young and elderly in and outside our congregation. Snacks are always welcome as well as optional.
Great Books Discussion // 7:30 - 9 pm // Great Books is based on the idea that by reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with other people – sharing your insights and questions you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. This week: Selections from Dubliners by James Joyce, “Eveline” page 2, “A Painful Case” page 88. Contact: Carol and Clint Flynn
Thursday, February 13
Yoga As You Are: A Spiritual Practice // 2 - 3 pm // 2nd, 4th, & 5th Thursdays // chapel // This class is open to people of all abilities and levels of experience. There will be opportunities for people who aren’t able to get on and off the floor. Bring a yoga mat or a beach towel, plus any yoga props you already own. Contact: Martha Eastman
Sunday, February 16
Green Task Force education event - Climate Fresk Workshop // 12:30 -3:30 pm // Climate Fresk is a scientific, collaborative and empowering workshop that helps people understand climate change, using a 42-card game based on the latest IPCC report. In just 3 hours, it will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change and empower you to take action. Questions? Natalia Ekberg. Sign Up by February 12.
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The First Amendment and Religious Nationalism
Tuesday, February 4 // 6 pm at JUC // The current challenges to The First Amendment by religious nationalism are serious. Meet with the Jeffco League of Women Voters to discuss religious nationalism to better understand questions including: 1) What is religious nationalism? 2) How does it affect our society? 3) What is its impact on religious freedom? 4) What is its impact on law and governance? The ultimate goal of this discussion is to determine the need for a position statement by the League of Women Voters Colorado. Watch Link
Climate advocacy training for Jeffco high school students
Wednesday, February 5 // 6 - 8 pm // Arvada Community Room // 7601 Grandview Ave, Arvada // Nathan Havey is a director of the Beyond Zero documentary and a globally recognized trainer who has partnered with organizations worldwide to accelerate their sustainability efforts. In this engaging session, students, teachers and parents will learn practical strategies for leading the charge on sustainability in their schools./ Please register by February 2 (scholarships are available for students) - Help Lead the Effort to Net Zero at Jeffco Public Schools!
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