March 27 - April 2, 2024


Sunday, March 31


Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

Easter is rooted in a story about resurrection, an unfamiliar word that like transformation points to change. At its core, change is both about letting go and holding on. How are we transformed by both?

Watch Live


9 am Programs (end at 10:10 am)

Nursery (ages 0-3): R1/2

PreK Chalice Children: R3/4

K-5th grades: chapel, Ostara service

6th-12th grades: patio, Hiding Easter eggs!

11 am Programs (end at 12:10 pm)

Nursery (ages 0-3): R1/2

PreK Chalice Children: R3/4

K-5th grades: chapel, Ostara service

6th grade Neighboring Faiths: M1/2, Islam field trip prep

7th-12th grades: patio, Hiding Easter eggs!


It takes a whole team of JUCers to make our Sunday Worship work. All members are encouraged to volunteer throughout the church year and it is a very fun and rewarding way to give back to the community we all love.

JUC needs YOU!

Volunteer Today!


Easter at JUC

Our K-5th graders will mark Easter this year through participation in the Pagan Ostara ritual, led by Piper Perry with an Easter Egg Hunt on the patio following both services. Teen and Youth volunteers will be greatly appreciated to hide Easter Eggs. Contact Laura Lizut if you would like to volunteer.

Social Justice Challenge

It's our last week of the Social Justice Challenge! Help us reach our goal of over 1,000 hours of action by logging your hours on the Social Justice Challenge webpage!

Social Justice Challenge Webpage


Thursday, March 28

  • Family Ministry Team Meeting // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // online // All are welcome to attend! We will look at the data from the FMT retreat and use it to begin to plan for summer and beyond. We will also work on the Dad’s retreat, summer camping trips and Self-Care Saturday for Moms. Meeting Link

  • Green Task Force: Monthly Speaker Series - Community Solar and Tribal Energy Sovereignty // 7 - 9 pm // How can we learn from the history of energy development and commit to community oriented energy development? Tribal nations deserve an equitable transition to renewable energy, and they can even lead the way. Salina Derichsweiler left the oil and gas industry and now works with Pueblos and Navajo Nation to develop community solar gardens in New Mexico.

Saturday, March 30

  • Memorial Service: Melissa and Riordan Powell // 2 pm // Celebrate Melissa's and Riordan's life with family and friends. Watch Link

  • Affinity Group: Union of Unitarian Universalist Gamers // 5 - 9 pm // Saturdays, bi-weekly // This group uses the medium of tabletop roleplaying games (Dungeons and Dragons) to foster a space where people can build community, exercise creativity, and celebrate their unique voice. No prior roleplaying game experience is necessary and feel free to drop in and out as you see fit. Contact: Zack Schreiner

Sunday, March 31

  • Abundant Harvest Table // 10 am and 12 pm // south commons // Nourish your body after worship each Sunday with healthy, delicious food lovingly prepared by fellow JUCers. Donations collected benefit Arvada Rising's Homeless Ministry. Volunteers are always needed to prepare food and staff the table. Sign Up Link

  • Mindfulness Meditation Spiritual Practice Group // 5 - 6:15 pm // Online // The Mindfulness Meditation group is meeting every Sunday to meditate together and discuss a mindfulness-related theme. Meeting Link Contact: Tina Voelker

Monday, April 1

  • 8th Principle Teach-In // 6:30 - 8 pm // online // Join JUC's racial justice team in a discussion of the 8th principle: What is it? Why has our board urged us to adopt it? What does it mean for the future of JUC and of our Unitarian Universalist faith? Sign Up Link Meeting Link

Tuesday, April 2

  • UU Liberal Christians: Ideas in Process // 1st Tuesdays // 7 pm // M1/2 // Join us for a discussion of the presentation “Ideas in Process” which will introduce a field of study developed from A.N. Whitehead’s process philosophy. Please watch the “Ideas in Process” video (starting at the 39:50 mark) prior to class. UU Liberal Christians discover progressive Christianity through discussion, book study, presentations and occasional worship. Contact: Karen Custer


Friday, April 5

  • First Friday Open Mic // 6 pm dinner, 7pm show (performers arrive by 6:50 pm) // sanctuary // First Friday Open Mic is the perfect way for both veteran AND budding performers of all ages to get in front of an audience. Singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comics, poets, and storytellers of all skill levels are welcome. Kid performances are encouraged. Whether you want to take the stage – or just be a happy audience member – we need you! Please sign up to attend the community pizza dinner ($5/person; $20/family suggested donation) so we know how much food to provide. During the show, wine, beer and soda are available for a modest donation, and there’s always chocolate! Sign Up Link Contact: Sarah Billerbeck

Saturday, April 6

  • Green Task Force: Chicken, Bees & Soil - Gardening In An Urban Lot // 11:30 am - 1 pm // chapel // JUC’s Peggy Gates decided early on to build up a healthy soil ecosystem in her urban lot. She shares why she started having chickens and then bees, and the many patient steps she took to attract pollinators. She also used permaculture concepts like raised beds, drip systems and how to save water, and has many ‘lessons learned’ and tips for fellow gardeners.

Monday, April 8

  • CUUPS: Earth Honoring Traditions 101 // 6 - 7:30 pm // Join us as we reflect on the Earth Honoring Traditions around the world. We will be learning about different traditions from Kemetism to Wiccan and more! Every meeting will be different and learning about our siblings in paganism. Bring a snack to share if you would like and an open mind. Sign Up Link

Tuesday, April 9

  • We Are Parents (+kids!): Going Deeper with Rev. Wendy // 5:30 - 7:30 pm // 2nd Tuesdays // We will share a meal together, then the kids will go to childcare. Rev. Wendy will lead our group as we dive into how we parents make meaning in a complex world. This is a fantastic opportunity to share time with our senior minister in a small group setting! Sign Up Link

Tuesday, April 16

  • Sacred Earth // Tuesdays through May 21 // 6:30 pm // online // Combining the wisdom of indigenous understandings of reciprocity with the sacred earth, and with spiritual practices that connect our spirit to nature. The experiences, reflections and discussions strive to engage participants deeply in the web of life and our Unitarian Universalist faith. The work will be personal. As you and participants move through the reflections and practices, you may all find spiritual healing by creating a more intimate relationship with the natural world. We will rely on two books: Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (please purchase or borrow prior to the first class) and The Sustainable Soul: Reflections and Practices by Rebecca James Hecking. (Note that excerpts for this book are provided and you do not need to purchase the book.) Sign Up Link Meeting Link

  • Spiritual Practice Series: Movement // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // chapel // Our spiritual practice series provides an opportunity for JUCers to explore a spiritual practice that might be new to them or to which they want to commit at a deeper level. April’s class will focus on various forms of movement including Yoga, led by Martha Eastman, Qi Gong, led by Paige LeBlanc and Dance, led by Valerie Langston Brettillo. Sign Up Link

Friday, April 19

  • Community Concert with Francisco Ruiz // 7 pm // sanctuary // Experience an unforgettable evening of uplifting music and community connection with our guest artist Francisco Ruiz, featuring Circle Singing. Join Francisco and the JUC choir as we weave together harmonies and melodies that inspire and uplift. Be part of the magic as our vocalist guides audience participation, creating a truly immersive and empowering experience.

Saturday, April 27

  • Memorial Service: Steve Sargent // 11 am // Celebrate Steve’s life with family and friends. Watch Link


Endowment and Memorial Gift Trust (EMGT) Call for Grant Applications

Every year the EMGT Directors approve selected grant requests from congregants and staff that support JUC’s mission statement and goals. All applications must be submitted with the support of a JUC standing committee and must be received by Monday, April 15.

Funding for EMGT projects was originated with donations from JUC members. Annually the EMGT Directors establish available dollar amounts for funding based on the interest earned on the principal of the fund. To learn more, read the EMGT Special Project Guidelines. For questions, email our EMGT Directors, Sherry Agard, Kathy Bassett, Lynn Gedvilas, Katie Wheeler, and Allison Windes.

Application for Project Funding

General Assembly Delegates Needed

JUC is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and eligible to assign up to 14 delegates to the annual General AssemblyThursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024. This year's assembly is virtual. Delegates will have a choice of attending in person or to serve remotely. Any JUC member in good standing is eligible to serve as a delegate. Nomination Form Link

2024 Pacific Northwest Region Assembly

Connect with other UUs in the Pacific Western Region. Our 4th Regional Assembly will be held in Denver on April 19 and 20, at First Universalist Church of Denver. You can attend either in person or online. The keynote address will feature a conversation between our UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt and the new President of the United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson. Information and Registration Link

The planning committee is looking for volunteers from all area congregations. If you are interested, contact Toni Nading (303-918-4865).



Wednesday, April 3

  • Mental Health 101 - Understanding Mental Health: Signs, Symptoms and Tools // 6:00 – 7:45 pm // Golden Community Center (1470 10th Street)  // During this hour-long presentation led by the Jefferson Center, you will learn the basics of mental health, the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, and how to practice good mental health and connect to care. The presentation will be followed by a conversation providing available resources and listening to community needs to help plan future mental health activities. Join our discussion and be part of the launch of events to address mental health topics in our community! Sandwiches and chips will be provided. Sign Up Link