Rev. Jen Simon, Assistant Minister
In this month of justice and equity, how will we as a community live into James Baldwin's idea of love as "quest and daring and growth?"
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9 am Programs (end at 10:10 am)
Nursery (ages 0-3): R1/2
PreK Chalice Children: R3/4
K-5th grades: R6/7, The Blessing of Imperfection
4th/5th grade OWL: M1/2, Workshop 6: Feelings and Attraction
11 am Programs (end at 12:10 pm)
Nursery (ages 0-3): R1/2
PreK Chalice Children: R3/4
K-2nd grades: R8, Feelings Lesson
3rd-5th grades: R6/7, The Blessing of Imperfection
6th grade Neighboring Faiths: chapel, Buddhism
7th grade OWL: M1/2, Lovemaking
8th grade COA: Mitchell rm, Exploring the God Question
High School Youth Group: M3/4, Worship Planning and exploring Theme
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It takes a whole team of JUCers to make our Sunday Worship work. All members are encouraged to volunteer throughout the church year and it is a very fun and rewarding way to give back to the community we all love.
JUC needs YOU!
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Annual Community FUN!draising Auction
Our annual online silent auction raises funds while providing the opportunity for connection through JUCer hosted parties, events, and other fun social activities throughout the year.
This year, bidding will be open Saturday, March 2 through Saturday, March 9. All JUCers are encouraged to participate as donors, bidders, or both! Donations will be accepted through Sunday, February 25.
Learn more about the auction and get donation inspiration on our auction webpage. Ready to donate? Click the button below to access our online donation form or visit the auction table Sunday to speak with a donations specialist.
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Social Justice Challenge Kickoff: Italian Feast Fellowship Dinner
Our Justice Council has planned six weeks of opportunities for all-ages for us to Serve Respectfully together, beginning this Sunday. Kick off this exciting time this Saturday, February 17 at 5:30 pm, with a gourmet home cooked pasta fellowship dinner. There will be trivia and prizes, all ages welcome! Sign Up Link
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Thursday, February 15
Family Ministry Team Meeting // 6:30 - 8 pm // All are welcome to attend! We will debrief the mini-retreat, start planning the Dads retreat, Self Care Saturday for moms, and more!
Affinity Group: Drumming Circle // 6:30 pm // 3rd Thursdays // south commons // Join fellow JUCers for an evening of ecstatic drumming, and possibly dancing. No drumming experience required, no age or physical limits, beyond the ability to stay up til 8 pm. Bring a hand drum if you have one, but we also have extra drums and other instruments to share. Dancers are always welcome! Contact: Bill Barr
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Sunday, February 18
Abundant Harvest Table // 10 am and 12 pm // south commons // Nourish your body after worship each Sunday with healthy, delicious food lovingly prepared by fellow JUCers. Donations collected benefit Arvada Rising's Homeless Ministry. Volunteers are always needed to prepare food and staff the table. Sign Up Link
Mindfulness Meditation Spiritual Practice Group // 5 - 6:15 pm // Online // The Mindfulness Meditation group is meeting every Sunday to meditate together and discuss a mindfulness-related theme. Meeting Link Contact: Tina Voelker
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Tuesday, February 20
Green Task Force: Green Gardening in Dry Colorado // 7 pm // sanctuary // Simple gardening strategies lead to impactful, environmental solutions for your home and landscape. Learn about many options for creative green gardening from Mike Moore, the owner of a local landscaping design company. This is a Social Justice Challenge event.
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Dads Retreat Lottery Now Open
JUC Dads will gather for a weekend to connect, rest, grow and learn together at YMCA of the Rockies, Snow Mountain Ranch May 3-5, 2024 ($100/person, scholarships available). Space is limited. Lottery registration is open February 7 - February 28. Attendees will be notified Friday, March 1. Registration Link
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Wednesday, February 21
By Your Side Singers // 6:30 - 7:15 pm // 3rd Wednesdays // Music is healing. Sing songs of comfort and hope in a small group setting. This group is an extension of our Caring ministry and often performs for JUCers in need of healing through music.
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Sunday, February 25
JUC CAN: Speak Up - Your Voice Matters // 12:30 - 2 pm // Learn how to be a better advocate. We'll provide details about housing and the unhoused in Jefferson County, along with ideas on how to communicate your thoughts. We'll provide the paper, envelope, stamps and addresses for city and county officials and help you craft a letter that we will mail. It can be a concern or a thank you for something that is working. Make your voice and your values heard. This is a Social Justice Challenge event. Sign Up Link
JUC CAN/Jefferson Humanists: Homelessness in Jefferson County and Metro Denver // 4 pm // chapel // Join the Jefferson Humanists for a presentation from Cassie Ratliff, Chief Impact Officer for The Family Tree, as she talks about the State of Homelessness in Jeffco, problems that the unhoused face, available services and what you can do. This is a Social Justice Challenge event. Sign Up Link
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Monday, February 26
Moms Group // 6:30 - 8:30 pm // 4th Mondays // R6/7 // The Moms Group is for people who identify as moms to share time and space. There will be a mix of faith-exploration activities and socialization time. To be added to the Moms Group email list, please email Laura Lizut. Contact: Heather Kubert Sign Up Link
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Tuesday, February 27
Theme Thing: Community Organizing Speed Dating // 6:30 - 8 pm // Have you ever wondered how to organize around the needs of your community? During this month of justice and equity, we'll gather to learn principles of community organizing with Rev. Ruth Rinehart and Rev. Jen, and then we'll practice what we learn with a few rounds of speed "dating," with questions ranging from the silly to the sacred. Sign Up Link
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Monday, March 4
Love at the Center // 6:30 pm // Additional dates: Mondays, March 18, April 1 and 15 // As Unitarian Universalism wrestles with placing our values at the center of our faith, rather than our principles and sources, it is incumbent on all of us to consider the proposals. In four sessions, we will look at what it might mean to put love at the center, growing into a shared covenant, and immersing ourselves in the values of Interdependence, Justice, Equity, Generosity, Pluralism, and Transformation. Sign Up Link
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Saturday, March 9
Under the Stars: First Annual JUC Prom // 6:30 pm // This all-ages evening of dancing and delights promises to be THE social event of the year!
We're doing prom JUC style which means come as you feel best! Looking for an excuse to get gussied up, or do you feel more comfortable in casual wear? Want to hire a babysitter or have a family dance party? Have a date in mind or prefer to fly solo? We're here for all of it! Ticket Link
Help make our first annual prom a success by sharing your time and talents! We have a variety of opportunities for you to help before, during, and after the event. Sign Up Link
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