Sasakawa USA Newsletter November Highlights

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November Activities

  • Japan U.S. Military Program (JUMP): West Point
  • Networking and Presentations: National War College Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)
  • Washington Kenkyu Group (WKG): Discussion with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)
  • Networking and Presentations: Quantico Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)
  • Rising Indo-Pacific Security Experts (RISE): Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)
  • Policy Briefing: Reflections on the First Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Deployment to Iraq with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)
  • US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative: Mapping the Future of Bilateral Cybersecurity Cooperation
  • Congressional Alumni Luncheon: Discussion with Minister Tomoaki Ishigaki
  • Japan Self-Defense Forces Day: Ambassador's Reception


  • Sasakawa USA Emerging Experts Delegation (SEED): 2023 SEED Delegate Publication on WPS (Ms. Herrera)

Upcoming Activities

  • US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative: C2 Modernization Project Nears Conclusion
  • U.S.-Japan Research Exchange: Mr. Brian Harding
  • Congressional Study Group on Japan (CSGJ): Congressional Member Study Trip to Japan
  • Photo Exhibit: Recapturing Happiness: The Enduring Spirit of Ishinomaki


  • LTG Koichi Isobe (JGSDF, Ret.) Named a Distinguished Senior Fellow (Non-Resident)

Featured Staff

  • Ms. Louise Colwell

November Activities

Japan U.S. Military Program (JUMP): West Point

On November 13, Sasakawa USA held a Japan U.S. Military Program (JUMP) event at the United States Military Academy at West Point in partnership with the Modern War Institute. The event featured a panel discussion on “The Importance of the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance in the Indo-Pacific” with remarks from Colonel Satoshi Masaka, military attaché at the Embassy of Japan; Major Ei Ikenouchi, foreign exchange officer at West Point; Major Peter Mitchell, instructor of international affairs at West Point; and Mr. Jim Schoff, senior director of the US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative at Sasakawa USA. The panel featured opening remarks from Colonel Patrick Sullivan PhD, director of the Modern War Institute, and was moderated by Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, chairman and president of Sasakawa USA. Ninety-three West Point cadets attended the event where they discussed U.S.-Japan relations with the panel members. JUMP West Point also included a lunch with Japan Forum cadet club members, a meeting with the Modern War Institute to learn about their work and role within West Point and the U.S. Army, and a historical tour led by Command Historian Ms. Jennifer Voigtschild that allowed participants to learn more about West Point’s important place in American military history.

Photo: JUMP participants meet with West Point cadets in the Cadet Mess Hall.

Networking and Presentations: National War College Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)

Sasakawa USA invited Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.), former commanding general of the Western Army of Japan, to Washington, DC, to speak with a variety of U.S.-Japan experts, as well as at several Sasakawa USA programs, about the significance of the Japan Self-Defense Force's deployment to Iraq nearly 20 years ago, and how it impacted the U.S.-Japan alliance.


LTG Bansho’s first engagement was on November 27, at the National War College, where he spoke to students about his experience in Iraq, as well as his thoughts on Taiwan. His presentation was followed by a Q&A session in which students were able to directly engage with the experienced lieutenant general about topics applicable to both their classes and careers.

Photo: LTG Koichiro Bansho and Maj Gen Paul Rock

Washington Kenkyu Group (WKG): Discussion with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)

On November 28, Sasakawa USA welcomed Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.), former commanding general of the Western Army of Japan, to a roundtable discussion with the Washington Kenkyu Group. LTG Bansho provided his reflections on the Japan Self-Defense Force's first non-peacekeeping deployment to Samawah, Iraq, from 2003 to 2009. An engaging Q&A discussion moderated by Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, chairman and president of Sasakawa USA, followed which touched upon issues such as increasing Japan's proactive contributions to peace and overcoming challenges to build up Japan's defense capabilities.

Photo: LTG Koichiro Bansho

Networking and Presentations: Quantico Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)

On November 29, Sasakawa USA brought Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.), former commanding general of the Western Army of Japan, to the United States Marine Corps University (MCU) in Quantico, Virginia. While there, LTG Bansho had several engagements which included a meeting with Brigadier General Maura Hennigan (USMC), president of the Marine Corps University, in which he spoke about collaboration between the Marine Corps and Japan Self-Defense Forces. In addition, LTG Bansho spoke with students about his experience leading Japan's first overseas deployment to Iraq and leading Japan's Western Army, offering insights on strategy, leadership, and the U.S.-Japan alliance.

Photo: Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho and Brigadier General Maura Hennigan with students and leaders from the Marine Corps War College

Rising Indo-Pacific Security Experts (RISE): Event with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)

On November 29, Sasakawa USA’s Rising Indo-Pacific Security Experts (RISE) participated in the RISE event, "Reflections on the First JSDF Deployment to Iraq," with Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.), former commanding general of the Western Army of Japan, and commander of the Japan Self-Defense Force's first non-peacekeeping deployment overseas to Samawah, Iraq in 2004. The event was moderated by Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, chairman and president of Sasakawa USA.


This iteration of RISE also welcomed three military attachés from the Defense Section of the Embassy of Japan. Sasakawa USA’s Rising Indo-Pacific Security Experts (RISE) group is a network of young and emerging Indo-Pacific security experts, whose research and professional development Sasakawa USA strives to support through networking and dialogue in the DC area. 

Photo (front row, left to right): LtCol Takahiro Ota, Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, LTG Koichiro Bansho, RADM Takaaki Hayamizu, and Col Satoshi Masaka with RISE members

Policy Briefing: Reflections on the First JSDF Deployment to Iraq with LTG Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.)

On November 30, Sasakawa USA hosted the in-person policy briefing, “Reflections on the First JSDF Deployment to Iraq,” featuring remarks by Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho (JGSDF, Ret.), former commanding general of the Western Army of Japan. LTG Bansho reflected on the Japan Self-Defense Force's first non-peacekeeping deployment to Samawah, Iraq. His reflections as the commanding officer of the JSDF 1st Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group was followed by a dynamic Q&A discussion, moderated by Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, chairman and president of Sasakawa USA. A recap of this event will be available on Sasakawa USA's website.

Photo: LTG Koichiro Bansho

US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative: Mapping the Future of Bilateral Cybersecurity Cooperation

On November 3, the US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative convened a hybrid bilateral dialogue on enhancing Japan-U.S. cyber threat hunting collaboration. It also examined strategies for Japan’s expanded use of Active Cyber Defense (ACD). Senior Director Mr. Jim Schoff welcomed a dozen American and Japanese specialists to the event from government, think tanks, and the private sector. Ms. Mihoko Matsubara, chief cybersecurity strategist at NTT, and Mr. Taro Hashimoto, visiting fellow from NTT at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, gave presentations that touched on positive threat-hunting lessons from Ukraine’s experience, as well as opportunities to develop closer ACD cooperation between government and Internet service providers. The group then discussed a range of related topics including cross-sector and multilateral cybersecurity cooperation, enhancing information-sharing infrastructure, and streamlining public-private and interagency relationships to build shared knowledge more quickly about potential cyber threats. This was the fourth cybersecurity cooperation dialogue hosted by the NEXT Alliance Initiative. A not-for-attribution summary of the event can be found here.

Photo (front row, left to right): Ms. Mihoko Matsubara, Mr. Jim Schoff, and Mr. Taro Hashimoto

Congressional Alumni Luncheon: Discussion with Minister Tomoaki Ishigaki

On November 2, Sasakawa USA hosted its first Congressional Alumni Luncheon in DC featuring Minister Tomoaki Ishigaki, minister of congressional affairs at the Embassy of Japan. The event was moderated by Dr. Satohiro Akimoto, president and chairman of Sasakawa USA.

Minister Ishigaki discussed the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance and updated congressional staffers on today’s pressing issues in the Indo-Pacific region that affect the alliance. This luncheon also provided staffers from various Sasakawa USA congressional programs the opportunity to re-connect and network, in order to foster stronger bi-partisan cooperation on bi-lateral policy.


Photo: Minister Tomoaki Ishigaki

Japan Self-Defense Forces Day: Ambassador's Reception

On November 1, Sasakawa USA attended a reception to mark the 69th anniversary of the Japan Self-Defense Forces at the Ambassador of Japan's residence in Washington, DC. At this special event, Sasakawa USA showcased the Japan U.S. Military Program (JUMP) to the 500 guests, which included American servicemembers, members of the Japan Self-Defense Force, and counterparts from other embassies in Washington, DC. The reception featured remarks from Ambassador Koji Tomita and Rear Admiral Takaaki Hayamizu, defense and naval attaché. During the reception, Sasakawa USA connected with many American servicemembers and veterans who have served in Japan.

Photo (front row, center right): Ambassador Koji Tomita and Rear Admiral Takaaki Hayamizu


Sasakawa USA Emerging Experts Delegation (SEED): SEED Delegate Publication on WPS (Ms. Herrera)

As part of her participation in the 2023 Sasakawa USA Emerging Experts Delegation on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), Ms. Monica Herrera, WPS curriculum developer at the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Office on Women, Peace & Security, published an article with Sasakawa USA summarizing her findings from the one-week research trip to Tokyo earlier this summer. In her publication, "The Power of Connection: Building Networks to Advance U.S.-Japan Cooperation on Women, Peace & Security," Ms. Herrera reflects on the progress the U.S. and Japan have made in implementing WPS since her time as a Mansfield Fellow in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gender Mainstreaming Division from 2015-2016, where she worked to support English translations of Japan’s first National Action Plan on WPS. She also identifies shared challenges and opportunities for U.S. and Japan collaboration to enable lasting progress on advancing the WPS agenda in Japan and the wider region. Additional SEED publications will be posted on our website over the coming weeks.  

Photo: Ms. Monica Herrera

Upcoming Activities

US-Japan NEXT Alliance Initiative: C2 Modernization Project Nears Conclusion

Sasakawa USA’s NEXT Alliance Initiative will begin the final stage of its “U.S.-Japan Task Force on Command Relationships for New Challenges” in December with a bilateral virtual meeting of past project participants to review its policy recommendations. Building upon group discussions at the NEXT Alliance Conferences (NAC) held in March in Tokyo and October in Annapolis, Sasakawa USA is preparing a set of observations and policy recommendations for U.S.-Japan command and control (C2) modernization that it will publish in early 2024. The December roundtable will test the tentative recommendations and help refine them before publication. 

U.S.-Japan Research Exchange: Mr. Brian Harding

On December 4, Mr. Brian Harding, a senior expert at the U.S. Institute of Peace embarked on a one-week U.S.-Japan Research Exchange trip. Mr. Harding’s research will focus on trilateral security cooperation among the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines. During the trip, Mr. Harding will meet with Japanese government officials, civil society, media reporters, and academic researchers, who are experts on Japan-Philippines relations related to politics, economics, and security. These research opportunities will enable Mr. Harding to define and institutionalize an agenda for trilateral cooperation that aims to cover both international security and domestic challenges in the Philippines. In early 2024, Mr. Harding will present his findings at a Sasakawa USA Policy Briefing event, as well as publish a research paper, which will be available on our website. 

Photo: Mr. Brian Harding

Congressional Study Group on Japan (CSGJ): Congressional Member Study Trip to Japan

From January 20 to 27, 2024, Congressional Study Group on Japan Co-Chairs Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Larry Bucshon (R-IN) will lead a delegation of fellow U.S. House Members to Tokyo and Okinawa. The Congressional Study Group on Japan (CSGJ) is a program of the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC), which is supported by Sasakawa USA. Committees represented within the delegation include Appropriations; Armed Services; Energy and Commerce; Administration; Science, Space, and Technology; Budget; Financial Services; Natural Resources; Veteran’s Affairs; China Select; and Agriculture. Members of the delegation will meet with various Japanese government leaders to discuss geopolitical issues of mutual interest between the U.S. and Japan. The members, some of whom will be visiting Japan for the first time, will also have opportunities to deepen their political, economic, historical, and cultural knowledge of Japan through meetings with Diet members, government officials, professors, business leaders, journalists, students, and cultural experts in Tokyo and Okinawa.

Photo: Congressional Study Group on Japan delegation with Japanese lawmakers on a previous Member Trip to Japan in 2022

Photo Exhibit: Recapturing Happiness: The Enduring Spirit of Ishinomaki

From January 31 to March 13, 2024, Sasakawa USA and the Japan Information & Culture Center (JICC) of the Embassy of Japan will hold the photo exhibition, Recapturing Happiness: The Enduring Spirit of Ishinomaki, featuring photographs by Mr. Keisuke Hirai. Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture was one of the main cities that was severely hit and devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. Following the earthquake and tsunami, Mr. Hirai travelled to Ishinomaki and began documenting the disaster-struck area. What began as a trip to capture recovery efforts taking place in Ishinomaki turned into a photo project capturing moments of joy within the city’s community despite the incomprehensible adversities that confronted them. This photo exhibition at the JICC tells the personal stories of the residents of Ishinomaki in the years after 3.11, capturing the resilience of the human spirit, the joy of community, and the moments of happiness that persisted even in times of darkness.

What also emerged following the disaster is a strengthening of the U.S.-Japan alliance by initiatives such as Operation TOMODACHI, a joint humanitarian assistance effort by Japan and the U.S. to respond to the catastrophic effects of the earthquake, tsunami, and resulting nuclear accident. Not only are bilateral relations with respect to defense, trade, and diplomacy closer than ever before, but the countless personal relationships formed between the two countries also demonstrate the tightly intertwined nature of the relationship. This exhibition reminds us of the value of community and the happiness that shines through even in dark times when we come together, be it as family, neighbors, or allies.

Photo: One of Mr. Keisuke Hirai's photos featured in the Recapturing Happiness: The Enduring Spirit of Ishinomaki photo exhibition.


LTG Koichi Isobe Named a Distinguished Senior Fellow (Non-Resident)

Sasakawa USA has named Lieutenant General Koichi Isobe (JGSDF, Ret.) a distinguished senior fellow (non-resident). LTG Isobe served for 35 years in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and was vital to U.S.-Japan military coordination via Operation TOMODACHI in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. With his expertise and experience, Sasakawa USA will continue to play a small but critical role in strengthening the U.S.-Japan diplomatic and security alliance.

Photo: LTG Koichi Isobe

Featured Staff

Ms. Louise Colwell

Hajimemashite. My name is Louise Colwell, administrative assistant at Sasakawa USA. I joined the Sasakawa USA team in October 2023 and am excited to contribute to the strengthening of U.S.-Japan relations.

My interest in Japanese culture began with Japanese food, particularly tekka maki (tuna sushi roll) and miso soup. At my insistence, my parents would put miso soup in my lunch thermos almost every day in elementary school. Later on, in 2022, I earned my bachelor’s degree at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN, as a double major of Japanese and international studies. Soon after graduation, I moved to a rural community in Mie prefecture where I taught English at two elementary schools while on the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program.

Living and working in the Japanese countryside strengthened my desire to work in U.S.- Japan relations and showed me firsthand the value of grassroots level diplomacy. My time in Japan was filled with once in a lifetime experiences, such as joining the local kendo team and learning how to ferment kome miso (rice miso) paste. I am forever grateful to the community members of Taiki-cho for their friendship and enthusiasm for teaching me about Japanese culture. Upon returning to the United States this past August, I am excited to support Sasakawa USA's mission and work at strengthening the bond between the United States and Japan. I am so fortunate to collaborate with the amazing people here at Sasakawa USA, and am particularly thrilled to continue to practice my Japanese language skills at the office. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Photo: Ms. Louise Colwell

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street, NW

Suite 300

Washington, DC 20036


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