JWU Family e-Newsletter
December 2020

Before we bid farewell to 2020, take a minute to make sure your student understands steps they must take to start classes in January. Students received email communications with information on move-in, testing requirements, class starting dates, and more. Families were included on several messages.

Students should continue to monitor their JWU email closely. Pertinent information is also available on our Wildcat Welcome website.

If you need to contact any office directly, note that after 4:30 pm on Friday, December 18, we will be closed for the holiday break. Offices reopen on Monday, January 4 at 8:30 am. Contact info for JWU offices is available in our online directory.

Best wishes to all for safe, happy and healthy holidays!

Seven teams of students from Prof. Oscar Chilabato’s ADVC 3010 Digital Media class recently submitted work in The DMC: Digital Marketing Competition. The DMC is an international competition where students are given the opportunity to work on a case from a real client and develop personalized digital marketing solutions for them.

This year, 83 colleges from eight countries participated in the DMC. Three JWU teams placed in the top 20 and one team placed in the top 5, earning them a spot in the final round of competition where they presented to and answered questions from a panel of judges, virtually. We are thrilled and extremely proud to announce that JWU's finalists finished the competition in second place. Wildcats on this team are Shane Sukhlal, Jennifer Hunter, Kylie Vigliotti and Kimberley Wilkes all Advertising/Marketing Communications majors with specializations in digital marketing and analytics.

Congratulations to our international winners and to all students who represented JWU in the competition.

Note: Prof. Chilabato is pictured above, with students, in a 2018 photo.

The Wildcat Investment Value Fund (WIVF) experience is truly a unique opportunity for JWU students to gain real-world experience in investing, investment operations and investment management, and gain valuable hands-on experience to build their résumés for a future in the world of finance or accounting. Combining traditional academic objectives with the practical demands of hands-on investment portfolio management, participation in the WIVF this year allows students to be part of an investment management team during a unique time in our history as the COVID-19 pandemic and U.S. Presidential Election impact financial markets.  

In a recent 3rd quarter report to the JWU Board of Trustees Investment Committee, students on the WIVF management team shared the following exciting news: The investment objective of the Wildcat Investment Value Fund (WIVF) at Johnson & Wales University is to provide long-term capital appreciation with a secondary focus on income. The past Quarter-3 2020 proved to be a successful one as the WIVF boosted a 3-month return of 8.94%, outperforming its benchmark, the Russell 1000® Value Index, by 335 basis points. The performance of the Fund in Quarter-3 2020 was redeeming as the markets reversed from March and April's decline in previous Quarter-2 2020, caused by the great amount of uncertainty in the markets and economy due to The Coronavirus global pandemic.

Finance and Accounting students participate in the Wildcat Investment Value Fund through Directed Experiential Education (DEE) courses offered in the fall and spring semesters.

One priority for College of Hospitality Management faculty is giving new students the opportunity to explore the industry and begin networking with professionals. This fall semester, faculty's task was complicated by the challenges of COVID and a remote environment for many. 

Determined to connect her students with industry professionals, Prof. Leslie Kosky found a solution – with ZOOM of course! She coordinated a speaker series for her HOSP1001 Orientation to the Hospitality Industry classes and invited students from other sections to join.

The Speaker Series focused on Tourism and Hotels in September, Food & Beverage in October, and Private Clubs and Events in November. Several industry experts, including JWU alums, participated:
  • Kristin Adamo, President & CEO, GoProvidence
  • Tom Riel, VP of Sales & Service, GoProvidence
  • Walter Andrews, General Manager, Marriott Newport Hotel
  • Michael Canini ’00, Director of Hotel Operations, Marriott Newport Hotel
  • Tobey Sanborn ’97, Regional General Manager, Newport Restaurant Group (pictured above, on screen, with Professors Sabitoni & Kosky, on campus)
  • Emilie Warnet ’17, Restaurant Manager, Hemenway’s Restaurant
  • Elisha Cicerone, Asst. General Manager/Food & Beverage Director, Chevy Chase Club, Washington, DC
  • Randy Ruder, Private Club Executive General Manager, Beach Point Club, Westchester County, NY
  • Kristen LaCount ’03, General Manager/COO, The Country Club, Brookline, MA
  • Ryan Kenny ’06, Gen. Mgr & COO, Dedham Country and Polo Club, Dedham, MA
  • James Reisig ’08, General Manager, The Tokeneke Club, Darien, CT
  • Joe Krenn ’00, CEO/General Mgr, Farmington Country Club, Charlottesville, VA
  • Allison Pangakis ‘08, Freelance Event Manager

The Speaker Series was extremely beneficial for both students and our industry guests. Students gained valuable information about all segments of the industry and many utilized this networking opportunity for one-on-one interviews for class projects as well as possible summer job opportunities. The speakers shared their firsthand experience with the effects of COVID 19 and spoke about what the future holds. Despite the current challenges the industry faces, all project a steady comeback and are optimistic for the future.

Residential Life thanks our resident students and their families for a great fall semester. As we all know, details of campus operations are impacted by Rhode Island COVID regulations. An important email regarding move-in will be sent to all residents over the coming days (please encourage your student to keep and eye out for it and read it as soon as possible).

Here is some general information that is helpful to families as you prepare to bring your student back to campus:
  • Students may have up to two guests (18 years of age or older) assisting them with move-in, which must be completed within one hour. Guests must leave the halls after that time, and all must wear masks/face coverings while outside of students' private rooms. Students will enter quarantine immediately upon completion of their move-in.

  • All students and their guests must have a negative point of origin test result taken within 72 hours of arriving to campus. If a test result is not back yet, the student/guest must show proof of taking a test within the specified time period.

  • Quarantine means the entire campus is being treated as a pod. Students can go outside and move freely about the campus, though they cannot enter any academic or administrative buildings. They are welcome to go to the dining hall and grab their meals, however they cannot leave campus for the duration of the quarantine. We recommend students in apartment-style housing come prepared with groceries and utilize grocery delivery services if needed during quarantine.

Thank you as always for your understanding, cooperation and support. We wish you all a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.

Has your student registered for the spring semester? Registration is currently underway and students should register as soon as possible to avoid classes they want filling up.

Students are able to make an appointment with their academic counselor on their Success Network via uSucceed. Academic counselors are also available for drop-in advising, which students can sign up for via uSucceed or online.

Several tutorial videos are also available on our website to walk students through the registration process:


As students and families are aware, on-campus residents will return to campus in January at various times depending on their academic schedule (lab students arrive soonest). They are also required to complete a quarantine period.

Campus Dining will be operational during this time. We will have one dining hall open on each campus. Although dining rooms will be closed, ready-to-eat grab and go entrees will be available, as well as a daily hot entrée option. Students are encouraged to take multiple meals back to their rooms. Meal plan, flex dollars, cash or credit are always accepted at any dining location; our vending machines also accept flex dollars.

During quarantine, students may use outside meal delivery options such as Grub Hub, Door Dash or Instacart. Clock Tower Market and Liberty Market will each be open for limited hours during the quarantine period. Normal spring hours for all dining locations resume on Sunday, January 24.

Any questions can be directed to Campus Dining by email (note, our office will be closed Dec. 19 - Jan. 3). We recommend following our social media as any updates/ announcements are shared there: Facebook - jwu providence campus dining; Instagram - jwupvdcampusdining.

When everything in the world changed last March, JWU's Student Engagement team faced the task of providing students with an opportunity to connect with their peers, develop leadership potential, explore clubs and organizations, and more in a new virtual world. Fast forward to today and we are impressed with how much students have adjusted to campus life during COVID. Participation in virtual activities has grown exponentially. Conversation in activities like the Advancing in Leadership Retreat and Diversity & Dialogue Series is robust. More than 400 club and org meetings and activities happened this fall. And that's just a sample.

We're taking a short break over the holidays and we look forward to kicking off our activities calendar in the week of January 4. We'll keep a close eye on state mandates regarding gatherings and plan virtual and in-person activities accordingly. As always, the best way for students to keep up with all things Student Engagement is on the Involvement Network and by following us @JWUPVDInvolved.
Senior Portraits at Home
Graphic Design majors and student employees in the Student Engagement office designed a great guide to assist soon-to-be graduates with capturing quality at-home senior portraits. Check it out here and share with your Wildcat.
Congratulating Our Award Recipients
The Student Engagement team has two recent award recipients. Ian Martin, associate director of student engagement, was recognized by NACA – the leading professional organization for higher ed student activities professionals – with its Region 1 "Everyday Hero Award." Students know Ian well from his involvement in major events including Weeks of Welcome and Wildcat Wahoo. He advises the Student Government Association and works closely with the University Involvement Board.

Our Parent & Family Relations office, part of Student Engagement, received the AHEPPP: Family Engagement in Higher Education national "Powerful Partnership Award." It was awarded in recognition of the Wildcat Family Support Series and the collaborative effort required at JWU to provide this valuable service to families.

Is your student graduating in the spring? Are they anxious about their job search? Have them contact Experiential Education & Career Services for a virtual advising session. We are available for mock interviews including preparing students for video interviews, resume and cover letter review, and personal statement critique for graduate school admission.
Students can call 401-598-1070 or follow the QR Code above to schedule a time that works for them. We are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

Off-Campus Student Services shares a couple of announcements from the City of Providence that may be of particular interest to families of off-campus and commuter students.

Passport Parking App
We encourage city residents currently using credit cards for parking meters to download the Passport parking application as parking meters will lose capacity to support on-sight credit card transactions at the end of 2020. The Passport Parking App allows you to conveniently pay for parking from anywhere, with your mobile device.

RIPTA Downtown Transit Connector (DTC) Video
Want to learn more about RIPTA’s (Rhode Island Public Transit Authority) new high frequency bus corridor in the heart of downtown Providence? RIPTA and the City of Providence have put together a quick video to share highlights. View the DTC video here.

Johnson & Wales offers students and families access to financial literacy programs and resources through a partnership with iGrad. Students are encouraged to access the site throughout their enrollment and can do so through jwuLink.

This month, we're spotlighting iGrad's "Coronavirus and Your Financial Health" guide. It helps readers understand how to handle student loans and expenses during the pandemic, among other things. Any questions about iGrad can be directed to Kathi Tavares from Student Financial Services by email or phone (401-598-1728).

Accessibility Services some of the staff pictured here pre-COVID wishes all students well with finishing the fall semester. We also remind all students currently working with our department to schedule their spring semester accessibility advisor meetings. Accommodation plans provided through Accessibility Services must be renewed each semester and meeting with an advisor is a great way to start the new year. Students can reach their advisors directly, or contact our office by email.

We look forward to welcoming back many familiar faces in January. Safe and happy holidays to all!
Mark Your Calendars

Student Engagement is pleased to offer virtual activities for families in the new year. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with other JWU families and have fun with your student at some of them. Click on available links to register. We'll provide additional links in future newsletters. Note that prizes for applicable events (team trivia and bingo) are awarded to JWU students only.

PFAB Chats (families only)
Saturday, January 9 @ 10 am recommended for families of on-campus students
Wednesday, January 13 @ 7 pm recommended for families of remote learners

Team Trivia (families & students)
Note: Please make sure each team member registers individually!

Paint Night (families & students)
Saturday, February 13 @ 7 pm

Bingo (families & students)
Saturday, March 27 @ 8 pm
Team Trivia (families & students)
Sunday, April 18 @ 7 pm

Stay tuned for information on additional events, including Wildcat Family Support Series webinars. If you have any questions, contact Parent & Family Relations by email or at 401-598-2895.

Dec. 14-17 – Final exams
Dec. 18 Holiday break begins @ 4:30 pm (offices closed)
Jan. 4 Offices open @ 8:30 am
Jan. 19 All classes begin (labs in person & academics remote)
Jan. 25 In-person academic classes start

Visit the official University calendar for more important dates. Students should also pay attention to class-specific announcements shared by their faculty.
JWU Parent & Family Community
Each month, a member of our Parent & Family Advisory Board (PFAB) reflects on a relevant topic for most college families. This month's piece includes wise words from a member's Wildcat.
Thoughts on "letting go"

My daughter, Jada, is a junior in JWU's Hospitality program. I can’t believe we are almost at the end of this leg of her educational journey. Now, I know, I know . . . she's 20 years old and I raised her well, so stop worrying, right? But I still do! Is she ready? Am I ready? In the the spirit of letting go, I asked Jada how she advocates for herself and this is what she said:

“The key steps to being a self-advocate are being present, believing in yourself, and expressing yourself clearly. As an active member of organizations such as the JWU National Society of Minorities in Hospitality and the Hospitality Leadership Association, I mastered the art of self-expression. The concept of believing in yourself may seem ordinary or sometimes simple; however, it is a common principle for me as a college student. It stems from an internal understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and, most importantly, my willingness to conquer those weaknesses. As a first- or second-year college student, we may feel that we need to silence our creativity and ideas to blend in but, in my experience, saying what is on your mind is the key to being an advocate for yourself.” 

My advice to Wildcat parents and families is to let go when you're ready and in a way that works for you and your student. They’ve got this!

- PFAB member Janice Bruce is from Brooklyn, NY. She and Jada are pictured above.

We're asking one question in this month's survey: what do you think your student is most looking forward to over holiday break? Take a few seconds to weigh in.
Last month, we asked two questions related to communication with your student. Results are below.
Most respondents who answered with "other" for question 2 indicated they have no difficulty discussing any topic with their student.
Families Supporting Wildcats

We have exciting news as we close out 2020! JWU parents David A. Wilson, Ph.D., ’99 Hon.; P’98 and Jane Wilson P’98 are doubling down on their matching challenge announced last month. We’ve surpassed our first goal of $50k and David & Jane are increasing their match up to $100,000—but only until the end of the year!

Your gift, of any amount, directly supports students as they embark on a new semester and a new year. Give before Dec. 31 and your support will be doubled! The clock is ticking—don’t miss your chance to make twice the impact on our Wildcats.
We Want To Hear From You!
JWU Parent & Family Relations serves as a liaison to parents and family members of incoming and current students through communication and programs. This monthly e-Newsletter helps you stay connected to your student as you journey with them through their JWU experience.