The month of May is the season of Easter that leads up to Pentecost, which this year is on the first Sunday of June. That will also be my final Sunday in the pulpit here at John Wesley UMC. That means that during the month of May I will be sharing my final sermon series and I’m calling it, Preparing for Pentecost. In fact, we have already begun this series because it started the Sunday after Easter.

In this series I’ll be sharing with you five attributes of an apostle and how those five attributes help us to be effective in carrying out The Great Commission. The Great Commission, to “go and make disciples of all nations,” is the mission of the church. The original disciples, who began to utilize all they’d learned, became apostles in order to be the first to fulfill the mission. They became the appointed, anointed, authorized, accountable ambassadors of Jesus Christ. They made the shift from having faith in Jesus to exercising the faith of Jesus in their ministry. Over the next few weeks we’re going to unpack what all of that means for us today because their mission is now our mission and we will need everything they had in order to be successful.

I hope that you will join us in each of these worship opportunities as we endeavor to deepen our relationship with God and allow God to prepare us to reach individuals with his Good News, to touch our community with his love, and to serve in the world as an expression of his grace.

Pastor RJ