A Prayer Minister will be available at the back corner of Dunlap Hall, for at least 15 minutes after the benediction. Masks will be worn when requested.
Prayer Minister for this Sunday - Pim Kremer
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“No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8 (NLT)
“We’re not even going there,” she said. “You know what to do!” I had been dreading my check-up appointment with the doctor, because I knew that she would be disappointed with my most recent lab results. Years ago she had told me, “You can’t fool me, I’m diabetic too!”
Oh, I’d been fooling myself for a few months. I thought I could cheat on my diet just a little bit. After all, what could a few French fries, or a small dish of ice cream hurt on occasion? Couple that with too much fast food since returning to work, and the results were not favorable. She was right, I know what to do, and I also know what not to do. Karen, Barb, Muriel, and all the other nurses in my family and social circles are smiling now because they know there some things we just can’t get away with.
The doctor’s words reminded me of this Scripture from the prophet Micah. As followers of Christ, we do know what to do! But sometimes we act as if we don’t know what to do. Sometimes we wander around in a daze, wondering what God wants us to do. We say, “we don’t know”, which can become an excuse to sit idly by, doing nothing.
God has told us what to do through the Holy Spirit, and through his written word. I like to think of the Bible as God’s instruction manual for humans. Found within its pages, is all the information we need to walk this journey we call life. But too often we treat it like the owner’s manuals that come with our cars; they stay in the glovebox until a dashboard warning light comes on.
Our world today is so full of selfishness, divisiveness, and self-centeredness. We no longer respect one another, or regard the value of others’ lives. That is nowhere more evident than at traffic signals where some individuals endanger their lives, and the lives of others by driving through red lights.
In his book, Three Simple Rules, Bishop Rueben P. Job, demonstrates how we can change our world by living these 3 simple rules that line up with this Scripture from the Prophet Micah: “Do no harm; Do good; Stay in Love with God.”
Like the doctor told me, you too know what to do. Remember, we can’t fool God because he knows us, and he created us in his image. He created us to be humble, to do good and to show mercy. I encourage you this week to ask the Lord to give you the strength and courage to do what he wants all of us to do.
Have a blessed week,
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The glass altar totally lit up at night with candle flame is something you don’t forget. Pentecost is coming, when living fire inspired the hearts and minds of frightened and disheartened disciples. This Pentecost is a good time for us to revive our hearts and find faith, inspiration and God-given visions of outreach in the community. We have made a good start. Now is a good time to undergird our efforts in prayer. John Wesley has had a long history of prayer vigils, and for many, it has been a transformative process. It’s really important to do it here, precisely because it does take effort to come, especially at 2:00 a.m. Some people think they cannot sit still for an hour (or more) and are quite surprised. Historically, we have provided hosts for each 4-hour period. We provide reading or prayer materials for participants and make arrangements for security for hosts and those who pray during the dark hours. Those willing to give four hours as a host welcome participants, and quietly replenish the candles on the altar. If someone forgets, they step in and pray, so the chain will not be broken. We have even provided a private room for prayer and, weather permitting, the prayer garden. Others help with set up and tear down or bringing snacks and water or coffee for those who wish to fill out a comment sheet after their prayer time. Some people come in by ones or twos, sometimes members of a class. There’s no set format except for time to meet with God, seek His guidance and pray for one another.
One final thought, if there are any prayers that have special meaning for you, that have impacted your life, why not share it with us, and let it be one of the prayer sheets. Send it to Nikkigriffin.ng@gmail.com, before Thursday, May 25.
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Trustee Report
Your church Trustees are tasked with preserving and improving church property, and the eight of us have been hard at work! Active/planned projects include sump/drain work and screen door repair at the parsonage, floor leveling in the Narthex, and Wesley Hall kitchen cleaning. But we need your help!
1. We are planning a total renovation of the parsonage master bathroom. It hasn't been renovated in 55 years, and is so poorly designed our pastor's family cannot use it. Tim Ruberg will be managing the renovation, but the Trustee budget is short about $4000 of the $16000 cost. If you can help, please make a donation to the church and mark it "Parsonage Bathroom".
2. We are currently cleaning the Wesley Hall kitchen of excess supplies and utensils. If you have something in the kitchen that you want, please ensure it is labeled with your name and/or remove it from the kitchen.
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Youth Basket Auction
If you have a basket for the auction, you can drop it off in the church office or in Jennifer’s office. We need some adult volunteers to help with our auction so if you are able, please sign up in Dunlap Hall.
Set-up for the basket Auction will be at 11 am on Saturday June 3rd in Wesley Hall.
Youth Parents: drop your kid off for Saturday Gym time on June 3rd at 9am where Jennifer will be the adult supervisor for the YOUTH ONLY and pick them up at noon after set-up.
All baskets are due by Friday June 2nd. There will not be a silent auction this year so baskets must be in beforehand.
Tickets go on sale this Sunday May 21st. $5 for adults, $3 for children 2-12 years old, and 2 and under free. Tickets will go up in price on June 4th. $8 for adults, $5 for children 2-12 years old, and 2 and under free.
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Friday Night Youth Group
Our last Friday Night Youth Group will be
May 26th. Friday Night Youth Group will be taking a short break for the month of June since we will be busy with the Youth Basket Auction, VBS, and camp. We will resume back July 7th with a kickoff party to summer. Plan to get messy and/or wet! Bring a towel and an extra change of clothes is advised.
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Free Summer Fun! ~ Registration Deadline: June 11
June 12-16 ~ 9:30-12:30 p.m.
Join us for a week discovering how all Heroes can follow the examples set by the Bible and learn how to work together to bring peace, build each other up, and share the great story of God’s love for us!
(Note: Preschoolers must be potty trained.)
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UMCOR is asking that donations of laundry detergent and shampoo be brought to Annual Conference this year. Numerous tornadoes have added to the needs for recovery help. If you can help, please bring one of the following to put in the laundry basket in Dunlap Hall:
12-19 ounce bottles of shampoo
100-150 ounce bottles of laundry detergent
After losing so much, feeling clean can be a small step toward normalcy. Serving one another is serving God.
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We Are Looking For Mow-Ti-Vated Volunteers! | |
We need volunteers to keep the grass mowed during the spring, summer and fall. Andy Shreve and Dave Medkeff are the CMO'S(Chief Mowing Officers) and would appreciate your assistance. Dave and Andy can teach you how to operate the equipment and maybe promote you a CHO (Chief Helping Officer). A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in Dunlap Hall.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance,
Ron Gossard
Trustee Member
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Honoring Our Graduates
If you know someone receiving a diploma or higher learning degree, please send the name, institution and degree earned to Lynn Dixon at lynndixon814@gmail.com.
In the near future, we will honor our graduates during a Sunday service.
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The SGT is for members of the Pleasant Run Farms Civic Association
and the congregation of John Wesley Church.
Every Saturday - 9am - 11am
All ages (students in K-12 must be accompanied by an adult)
Location: John Wesley Church - 1927 West Kemper Road,
Wesley Hall Gymnasium. Enter at side door by Dutchess Lane.
Basketballs, Wall Pickle Ball, Fowling (bowling w/ football),
Air Hockey, Corn Hole are provided.
Supervision provided. Volunteers will have background checks.
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Tri-County SOUL Ministries continues to receive support through this program at the Meijer’s on Gilmore Road through Saturday, July 1. Shoppers simply ask the cashier to add $10 (or any multiple of 10) to their shopping total and it will be credited to the S.O.U.L. account. Your receipt will be proof of the donation. Gift cards are then given to S.O.U.L. at the end of the period which can be used to purchase groceries, diapers or wipes at Meijer.
Saturday, June 17 is Double Day. On that day, Meijer will match every donation to make your gift “double.”
There are two ways to support this program:
- If you shop at Meijer, tell the cashier to add $10 (or more - in increments of $10) to your bill.
- Send a check to JWUMC with SOUL/Simply Give in the memo line. Those donations will be sent to S.O.U.L. and a volunteer will take it to S.O.U.L. on Double Day. If you do that, do it early enough so Marilyn can get a check to S.O.U.L. before June 17.
Any questions, contact Cheryl at sharper44@fuse.net or 829-0936.
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Sharing Our Blessings in June
S.O.U.L Pantry
S.O.U.L. serves our neighbors year-round but summer brings increased needs for some families. Many of the children get free breakfasts and lunches at school. Obviously, the cost for the parents goes up when school is not in session. The pantry makes extra food available to meet this need. Your support literally does “feed my lambs.”
- On Communion Sunday (first Sunday of the month), put your offering in one of the baskets on the front pews when you go up to receive communion..
- Any time during June, bring or send a check with Sharing/SOUL on the memo line or cash in an envelope marked the same way and put it in the offering plate.
Thank you for your generous support for so many years!!
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PRF Pool Fundraising Goal Is Achieved!!
JWUMC committed to “Touch the Community” by offering our assistance at the PRF Pool. It was announced last Sunday that, in just three weeks, the goal of raising $5,000 was achieved!!
The PRF Swim Club is over 50 years old. Before JWUMC’s involvement, the pool had been on a restoration journey. Over the past five or six years, the pool has invested $70,000 in upgrades. It has new pumps, motors, filters and a computerized chlorine addition system that delivers ideal water for swimming. They also have replaced fencing for safety, security and cosmetic reasons.
Crumbling concrete was an issue where they needed help. John Wesley volunteers stepped up and invested over 100 efforts hours removing concrete. Then, God stepped in and made it His plan. Through the generous donation of a Christian business owner, his company will now remove far more concrete than we could have ever imagined and pour the new concrete. The challenge is to quickly raise the funds required to pay for the new concrete and other repair materials. Our $5,000 contribution will play a significant role in offsetting the total costs that are expected to be $15,000 to $20,000 for 2023.
Thank you John Wesley UMC congregation for your overwhelming support!
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Give by texting "JWUMCdonate" to 73256 or click the button below:
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